Better for gaming?


Nov 14, 2005
What do you think is better, the q's or the e's ? I mean, I really want a q6600 or one of the newer when released 45. I've been a little lacking on the hardware focus recently. So what are your thoughts. I know that has a good cpu chart, and shows the Q6600 as domination all over the e6600, but what do you all think. This is just a general enlightenment of information. When I upgrade the C2Q's are 99.9% the choice because I also do lots of multitasking.

But for this thread, just for pure gaming. I mean is quad even worth it yet for gaming? I mean I know I have had lots of problems with my x2 and it seems they're finally cleaning up.
Quads get more worth it for gaming as time goes on and more developers multithread their engines. By late next year, I'd expect most newer games to utilize it. Plus, Intel Quad's prices are so close to Duo's, you might as well.
Yeah, I agree, I am getting a quad, like I said, this is just for education purposes. I mean I can easily look at benchmarks and see the difference as far as multitasking goes, but the main thing is, is it really beneficial for gaming. I agree with you that as time passes it will be utilized to it's fullest in every aspect.

There was no real reason for this post, just insight.
where are you? in AUS the q6600 is the same price as the e6850, so for me it is a choice, but i think i will just wait untill the 45nm quads come out. i normally just play CS 1.6 or HL 1.6 over the net with itunes open, but with a quad system you would probably be able to folding@home or some other background task while you play and listen to music as well.
Oh yeah, I agree with you completely. I have a amd x2 to do random stuff with, but no matter, I will always have programs running in the background. Examples, fraps, Firefox, if I play an RPG/MMO I will always listen to music via Foobar, or have hardware sensor programs or such like everest in the background for information when I'm done playing to see how things go.

I'm a multi-task'ee at heart, even though I don't mean to I always end up doing many different things at the same time. It would be stupid to not go with a Quad because like you said the prices are dead even. Cept here I believe the e6600 and the Q6600 are the same price. (US). No matter I am gonna wait for the release of the 45's before I even think about purchasing a processor, the only problem with that is, I kinda wanna buy some of the parts right now because of all the sells going on, but am afraid that if I buy something like my RAM now, and they have to release some newer boards for the 45's would I be safe :D.

Wonder this kind of stuff cause newegg has some good sales going on right now, real good sales. If I can save money here and there I can turn around within the next few months after building the new pc and throwing in some Water Cooling if I feel the need :D.

I guess one of the main reason I ask this question is because of the different clock speeds on the e's and q's. I know almost everyone on these forums have amazing OC results on both the e's and the q's but I'm really inexperienced with OC'ing. I will learn some day but right now it's the norms that will pull me in, not the potential to OC. Although I should really really learn! lol :D
what corsair ram do you have at the mo? as long as its ddr2 you could probably just use that in your new system, unless you're still going to use your old system or sell it...

parts wise, you should be fine, especially if you're going for a P35 board, but if you're not then wait...
Oh yeah, I agree with you completely. I have a amd x2 to do random stuff with, but no matter, I will always have programs running in the background. Examples, fraps, Firefox, if I play an RPG/MMO I will always listen to music via Foobar, or have hardware sensor programs or such like everest in the background for information when I'm done playing to see how things go.

I'm a multi-task'ee at heart, even though I don't mean to I always end up doing many different things at the same time. It would be stupid to not go with a Quad because like you said the prices are dead even. Cept here I believe the e6600 and the Q6600 are the same price. (US). No matter I am gonna wait for the release of the 45's before I even think about purchasing a processor, the only problem with that is, I kinda wanna buy some of the parts right now because of all the sells going on, but am afraid that if I buy something like my RAM now, and they have to release some newer boards for the 45's would I be safe :D.

Wonder this kind of stuff cause newegg has some good sales going on right now, real good sales. If I can save money here and there I can turn around within the next few months after building the new pc and throwing in some Water Cooling if I feel the need :D.

I guess one of the main reason I ask this question is because of the different clock speeds on the e's and q's. I know almost everyone on these forums have amazing OC results on both the e's and the q's but I'm really inexperienced with OC'ing. I will learn some day but right now it's the norms that will pull me in, not the potential to OC. Although I should really really learn! lol :D

its so ridiculously easy to overclock a Core2 its not even funny. If you have the savvy to assemble it, you should be able to get a mediocre OC. Its more about getting the right parts than anything else.
Don't expect a nice overclock on the stock heatsink, but if you get one of the higher end coolers, 3Ghz should be like breathing. All you have to likely do for that on a quad is boost the front side bus to 1333 from 1066. You likely wouldnt even have to touch the voltages. As long as you have a good board and decent ram and a good cooler. Oh and a good power supply is also important.

In either case, a stock q6600 will more than hold its own in games. it might not be as fast as an e6850 but not slow, thats for sure.

I think people need to realise that even at 2.4Ghz. A Q6600 is still amoung the fastest CPUs available. Even while using one or 2 cores.
what corsair ram do you have at the mo? as long as its ddr2 you could probably just use that in your new system, unless you're still going to use your old system or sell it...

parts wise, you should be fine, especially if you're going for a P35 board, but if you're not then wait...

This is DDR, can't use it. I was going to keep it as a server, maybe set it up as a HTPC, but more than likely I'll set it up as a server and just setup a smaller HTPC. It all depends on if I move in the next couple months or not. If I stay where I am, I use another server and have well over 5 terabytes of storage. (it's not mine obviously but have access to it) if I move, I'm going to setup a server and start building back up to the storage space and hopefully just put all my movies and stuff on the server and then setup an htpc.!

its so ridiculously easy to overclock a Core2 its not even funny. If you have the savvy to assemble it, you should be able to get a mediocre OC. Its more about getting the right parts than anything else.


I think people need to realise that even at 2.4Ghz. A Q6600 is still amoung the fastest CPUs available. Even while using one or 2 cores.

Oh I agree with you, reading on it seems like the OC's just keep getting higher and higher, which is cool. I'm waiting to see how the 45's do (should be exciting!). I know that 2.4 is still great for gaming, just wanting that great balance. I have the 8800gtx, gonna have 4gig of ram (maybe 8 for a giggle factor and backup or save for another build), and want a damn good processor. I know the q6600 is amazing! I just can't wait to sit and read all about the 45's :D, cause thats where my main breaking point will be for my decision!

A few months after I build I'll end up getting some cool WC, and some neat little goofy neon lights for more of a cool factor... I just love the way WC looks with some neons on the inside. I'll have a 750w PSU so I should be safe. I would go with higher for a future safe on sli, but it doesn't matter. From what I understand most games today don't even support dual cards. Least very few do.
what case are you gonna use for the WC? are you gonna actually use neons or ccfl's?
I doubt I'll go watercooling any time soon, don't know enough about it and I don't OC enough to get hardcore into it. From what I understand the 45's OC extremely well when just purchasing a really good heatsink.

I'm gonna get the thermaltake Armor. It's massive, has lots of room for WC if I should go, and if I do get neons (which I might, and do some neat graphics on my fans) then yes I'll set up with neons, or CCFL's. Just depends if I can find some that will go well with the actual setup itself. Maybe get some of that paint and like I said tidy up on the fans a little bit and hope I don't cause an imbalance :p LOL
the main thing with overclocking is finding the right combination of processor/memory/motherboard and cooling options.
A few months after I build I'll end up getting some cool WC, and some neat little goofy neon lights for more of a cool factor... I just love the way WC looks with some neons on the inside. I'll have a 750w PSU so I should be safe. I would go with higher for a future safe on sli, but it doesn't matter. From what I understand most games today don't even support dual cards. Least very few do.

you don't need more than a 750 if you get a good brand. Go with a PC Power& Cooling and you'll be good. I have a fan controller that reads my wattage. I am running a very overclocked q6600, 4x1GB ddr2, 4 sata hard drive, 2 ata100 burners, 8800gts, sb xfi, 2 fan controllers, 6 120mm fans and 4 80mm fans. I have NEVER seen it spike past 325watts. All these incredible power supplies that are out are completely unecessary. 750w is much more than you need. even for an SLI setup. Hell this PSU is rated for quad sli.