Better overclocker, E2200 or E4500?


Sep 27, 2003
So the E2200 just came out. I was previously just going to go with the E4500 but this cpu plus a nice cooler might be a better buy. How well have the 2XXX series cpus been overlocking compared to the 4XXX?
sig below...

That's without any effort at all (pretty much set it and forget it) - first ever Intel build. I was in too much of a hurry to try my first ever build for 'blue'. Nor have I gotten around to trying for more (been busy/out of town alot too). Don't know if I ever will either (going quad in the new year) ;) - my ~3.0 'cripple' rips my old Opteron 165 (@ 2.6 mind you) setup away. Not sure what it would do on air (stock), went straight to water. I'd have to say my o/c is the LOW end. I've seen many w/ my particular CPU/board combo get 3.2+, and since yours is binned higher, I'd venture to say you're all but assured for well into the 3.0+ range without issue, perhaps even stock volts. Anything more is just gravy as they say.

As to whether it would be a better buy (an E2XXX + cooler) vs the E4XXX, I don't know. The E2XXXs are simply crippled (L2 cache) E4XXXs (unless something's changed in the last ~2 months), but you probably wouldn't notice unless running an L2 friendly program/game. Either way both are still a nice deal vs. 6 series.

+1 for $30+ (not considering aftermarket cooling) advantage the E2200 has, you can put that towards a better Penryn/Yorkfield chip once they hit w/ more reasonable pricing. On that note, if you're planning on going that route (much like I am), you get get an 2140 @ Ewiz - $59 OEM /$64.50 Retail.