Beware: Buying While Retarded

Marcdaddy said:
Ya Circuit city has NO tech departmant and my friend bought a 6800GT card from them and put his Older Nvidia 4600 card in the box and returned it to a 17 year old girl at the returns departmant, now if a store has someone in the return department thats more concerned with her lip gloss then what a customer actually brings intop a store it serves the store right for getting screwed in my eyes. You get what you pay for and the average consumer will do research on what they plan on purchasing.

It doesn't matter if the girl at circuit city is clueless. Your friend is a straight up fucking scumbag. AKA thief. How old is your friend?? 14 years old??

You can thank your scumbag friend for keeping prices so high. :rolleyes:
When I first got into computer gaming. I asked some moron at compusa about the difference between the 9200 and the 9800 and all he said was that the difference was the price and that he owned a 9200 and it games played quite good...So with a happy face I went for teh 9200 and used my money to buy games. Ehh I was quite pissed when I got home since well it sucked bad. Live and learn.
swy81 said:
It doesn't matter if the girl at circuit city is clueless. Your friend is a straight up fucking scumbag. AKA thief. How old is your friend?? 14 years old??

You can thank your scumbag friend for keeping prices so high. :rolleyes:
QFT. F'ing thieves. :mad:
Marcdaddy said:
Ya Circuit city has NO tech departmant and my friend bought a 6800GT card from them and put his Older Nvidia 4600 card in the box and returned it to a 17 year old girl at the returns departmant, now if a store has someone in the return department thats more concerned with her lip gloss then what a customer actually brings intop a store it serves the store right for getting screwed in my eyes. You get what you pay for and the average consumer will do research on what they plan on purchasing.
Wow. What a cheap fuck. His parents probably paid for the card in the first place, too. :rolleyes:
I have to agree here. Don't lump all sales people into a stereo typical package.You are more than likely dealing with somenone who simply has no knowledge.

I do feels sorry for some of these sales people - perhaps that day they were covering for the regular person, perhaps some dont know anything or are learning. I have seen this,. i have done the "save a custiomer" as in tell a customer what they need, or have gone to get something and explained to the sales person what they might be wrong on, and try to correct them best as i can - alot of them will listen.

i think the sales people being referd to here is the ones who "think and act" like they know it all - these are the people who shold be taught on what little they actually know.
I remeber when I was told a dell2400 could run games well. Fucking lagged in diablo2, how sad is that.
Diablo II lagged on my p4 2.4 @ 3.3 / 1g ram and a 9700PRO - just bad coding - but this was only on multiplayer games / single player with the screen FILLED with characters.
robberbaron said:
At Best Buy, they make so much money on the side that they can afford to do thing half-assed on the computer side of things (and they do, for sure.)

hehe i worked for BB once, and you're right. their sales people are less concerned with a proper match (although they know better) than driving a sale. if they can get someone out the door with an *in-house financed* crap-machine instead of explaining to them that the box they actually need is out of their price range, they will.
back on topic: I usually try to do my product research before buying anything nowadays. It used to be that one could go to a place -uaully small- and expect to get decent recommendations, since most of the time people sold things because they liked them.

While I am not trying to say that everything used to be better, salespeople in large stores are often not really interested in what they sell, they just have a job. While this is true for small places too, often times I would expect small computer stores to be run by people who actually know their stuff.

The bottom line is that I don't buy anything anymore without doing my 'homework' first. I spent almost a good week on choosing my new summer car tires alone, and the same is true for any non-commodity (food etc.) good.

While there surely are good salespeople out there, as evidenced by some posts in this thread, they are most likely in the minorty and anyone that goes out and expects great advice from a salesperson cannot complain if they do not get it.
Let's not forget how (in 2000) every new game is going to be coming on DVD within the year. So it would be a good idea to buy this crappy compaq system that comes with a 4x DVD drive.

After convincing him storebought computers were shit, my idiot father thought it was a good idea to buy a computer from the VideoComputerStore.

You know, the company that screwed tons of people out of $2000 or more by never shipping their computers.

Fortunately, I was one of the lucky folks who actually got a computer. It wasn't the best computer on the market back then, but it was decent. And came with an assload of useless software and cheap periferals. I think the best thing that came out of it was the AOC 17" monitor. It's still in use and still works like the day it was built.
yea, for me, i usually do all my homework first... consult forum members... ask questions.... the only thing that i might get from a local CompUSA is maybe a replacement video card in-case of emergencies... or probably a new HS/F... they have those nice zalman's with the 92mm blue LED fans on them there... but no 7700's :( i want one bad for my uber powercolor x800xl...

i was also in best buy today.... i had atleast 2 of those guys ask me how i was doing and if they could help me... i was like "nope... i'm fine....." but yea... usually they'll persist in helping me because i am only 15..... some people are just so stupid it just amazes me...
From my experience working in a computer store, I guarantee for every bad buying experience you've had, sales people have had ten times as many bad selling experiences.

Like the people who come in, ask questions for an hour, then say, 'I can get this $2,000 computer $50 cheaper online, bye.' - Thanks, you just cost ME money by sitting there talking to me.

Or the people who come in and try to test you. Really, some people are blatantly rude about it. Even worse, a lot of these people are misinformed. So, they're trying to prove you wrong and won't accept anything other than you admitting they're right.

Keep in mind, sales people deal with an insane amount of customers per day, it's not feasible to explain the differences between each product to a customer, and most customer don't care about the technical details. To be honest, I usually reccommend low. Most customers come in saying they want high end gaming, I show them the current top of the line, and they say they were thinking more in the $100 price range. After this happens a million times, you start to head straight to the $100 cards.

I'm not saying every sales person is knowledgeable. That is certainly not true. But why would you go into a store to test a sales person? Why would you go into a store, ask a million questions, then leave to buy it online.

A lot of sales people can be ignorant idiots, but a lot of customers can be incosiderate pr*cks. It all depends on your point of view.

I thought this thread was about buying computer parts while under the influence of alcohol.

i do that allot, and it hurts mah wallet. :D
i keep reading these stories from the sales people trying to defend the job they do and i'm starting to see a pattern. if you look at the complaints in this thread they are mostly from places like bestbuy and circuit city. these places do not deal only in computers and the fact the staff is not as computer savvy as most of the forumers here is not that surprising. the people defending their jobs tend to be people who work in smaller places that deal with computers exclusively or at least thats a large portion of the equipment they sell. you have to try and sift through the post and try and read the outlines. i'm sure there are a lot of great sales reps that know what they are talking about and always do right by their customers. the problem comes when you get a large chain store that rewards their employees based on their performance or ability in selling rather than their knowledge of the product.

i actually like to go to stores like bestbuy and talk with the people in the computer area. see what they think and then if they seemed to be misinformed or entirely wrong, correct them without being a jerk. you will likely get them upset but i'm sure the information you give them will be put to good use. doing things like this is not done so i can help the sales guy, its so i can help the people who come in looking for sound advice. the more you can educate the sales rep, the less of a chance there is of your father, mother, aunt, uncle, friend, or anyone else you may or may not know getting ripped off because they were sold a machine that the sales guy thought was perfect for them.
Actually I've made decent money fixing Geek Squad fuck ups

Gotta love A+ certified dumbshits :)
I am bored in the weekends, maybe I can get a job at Best Buy or COMPUSSR and actually fix people's computers? How much do they pay repair monkey in the back?
jacuzz1 said:
Somoe one else's stupidity is no justification for theft. Your friend is a thief. You cannot rationalize it. Its that kind of thing that keeps prices up and wages low.

And i guess its not because people like Intel, Amd, Nvida, ATi know people like you, and most of the hundreds of thousands of people who want bleeding edge technogly, have a lot of money to give for those parts?

its not cause joe smoe rips off some best buy for 200 bucks, and really, if that happened, shame on both people, 1) his friend is a douche 2) the girl at the counter is a douche for not checking to make sure that right product is in box

I was at Ccity the other day and they moved there pc repair place to the center of the store were you can watch them repair computers. So i walk over and i says to the guy working there on a dell replacing the PSU with a 480 antec "you know your going to kill the computer and its prolly going to smoke" he says (in front of the customers gettting the pc fixed) "please your only what 16 dont tell me how to do my job". I said "OK" so i stand there and watch he hooks everything up ect. plugs in the wall and hit the power switch on the computer. Nothing happens. I said "you need to switch the psu to 'on' " in a smartass tone. So he does and hit the power button and eletrical zapping sound and then silence and the blue smoke leakes from the PSU and the computer is now deamed dead. The customers look at me as if to say "WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!".
Well, it's hard for the girl to know WTF a graphics card is.

Think about it guys, you work in the return department for a cosmetics store. How the f*ck yo gonna know the difference between foundation and emulsion powder? See my point? Even if she checked to see if the serials and stuff matched, his "friend" could just take off the stickers from the 6800GT and replace them with the ones in the Ti4600... I know it doesn't excuse the beheavior, but just trying to show that something that is second nature to people that are into computer hardware may not be the same for someone who is not. ;)
Ultra Wide said:
Well, it's hard for the girl to know WTF a graphics card is.

Think about it guys, you work in the return department for a cosmetics store. How the f*ck yo gonna know the difference between foundation and emulsion powder? See my point? Even if she checked to see if the serials and stuff matched, his "friend" could just take off the stickers from the 6800GT and replace them with the ones in the Ti4600... I know it doesn't excuse the beheavior, but just trying to show that something that is second nature to people that are into computer hardware may not be the same for someone who is not. ;)

The person shouldn't pretend to know what they're talking about when they're selling such expensive technology. Since I know nothing about Aeronautics, I'm not going to try getting a job at NASA. Same idea needs to apply here.
sparky1_2007 said:
yea, for me, i usually do all my homework first... consult forum members... ask questions.... the only thing that i might get from a local CompUSA is maybe a replacement video card in-case of emergencies... or probably a new HS/F... they have those nice zalman's with the 92mm blue LED fans on them there... but no 7700's :( i want one bad for my uber powercolor x800xl...

i was also in best buy today.... i had atleast 2 of those guys ask me how i was doing and if they could help me... i was like "nope... i'm fine....." but yea... usually they'll persist in helping me because i am only 15..... some people are just so stupid it just amazes me...

Sorry, but this has to be said. You're 15 and you have a fucking FX 55?!?!
robberbaron said:
The person shouldn't pretend to know what they're talking about when they're selling such expensive technology. Since I know nothing about Aeronautics, I'm not going to try getting a job at NASA. Same idea needs to apply here.

but if you know youll make 2-6 dollars more an hour than plain jane who makes min wage as a cashier at the best buy your filling out an app to.......yeah youll fake it as best you can

incomudro said:
I was at Ccity the other day and they moved there pc repair place to the center of the store were you can watch them repair computers. So i walk over and i says to the guy working there on a dell replacing the PSU with a 480 antec "you know your going to kill the computer and its prolly going to smoke" he says (in front of the customers gettting the pc fixed) "please your only what 16 dont tell me how to do my job". I said "OK" so i stand there and watch he hooks everything up ect. plugs in the wall and hit the power switch on the computer. Nothing happens. I said "you need to switch the psu to 'on' " in a smartass tone. So he does and hit the power button and eletrical zapping sound and then silence and the blue smoke leakes from the PSU and the computer is now deamed dead. The customers look at me as if to say "WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!".

you should've said to him after that happened (even if it isn't true) "Oh, and I'm only 14 -mocking smile-"

And what was he doing wrong with the replacement, might I ask?
Nuzzles said:
you should've said to him after that happened (even if it isn't true) "Oh, and I'm only 14 -mocking smile-"

And what was he doing wrong with the replacement, might I ask?
Yea what was he doing wrong with it, setting it to 220volts, or what, because the amount of power (watts) on a psu means nothing, I could put a 590000303203 watt psu in my computer today but as long as everything has good volt rail lines and etc the only thing I'm gonna blow are the fuses for my house, not the computer.

Cos dell mobos are propitary and they use diff pin configuarations and usually dont like psu over 300 some watts on this particualr model.
robberbaron said:
The person shouldn't pretend to know what they're talking about when they're selling such expensive technology. Since I know nothing about Aeronautics, I'm not going to try getting a job at NASA. Same idea needs to apply here.
No, I'm pretty sure the reason you're not going to try to get a job at NASA is because you have neither the education nor the qualification to even think that they would possibly hire you. Last I checked, retail didn't require any special education. That was the most ridiculous comparison I've ever heard.
For your information I haven't sold one gaming machine at best buy with those crappy integrated graphics. When people come in to my store for a gaming machine and I tell them they need a nicer video that costs over 200 dollars...they almost always poop their pants. Over 90% of our customers at best buy are not into computers for gaming machines. Needless to say, for those that truly are into gaming, I will have you know that I always get them a sony, HP, or emachine with an athlon 64 processor ro a pentium 4 or pentium D and a much nicer video cards...besides we make much more money on video card + installation than we do on the desktops =)
my grandma dropped 3 gs on a dell with only a 19" LCD and she was told the fx 5200 was
"top of the line"...she def got ripped
incomudro said:
I was at Ccity the other day and they moved there pc repair place to the center of the store were you can watch them repair computers. So i walk over and i says to the guy working there on a dell replacing the PSU with a 480 antec "you know your going to kill the computer and its prolly going to smoke" he says (in front of the customers gettting the pc fixed) "please your only what 16 dont tell me how to do my job". I said "OK" so i stand there and watch he hooks everything up ect. plugs in the wall and hit the power switch on the computer. Nothing happens. I said "you need to switch the psu to 'on' " in a smartass tone. So he does and hit the power button and eletrical zapping sound and then silence and the blue smoke leakes from the PSU and the computer is now deamed dead. The customers look at me as if to say "WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!".

ahahah best one yet

i haven't any experience of things like most of you, because there are no compusa's, bestbuys or circuitcity's here, but i went to office max and asked if they had any routers to hook mutliple computers up to the internet and the guy brings me to a different isle and hands me a cable modem...
Marcdaddy said:
Ya Circuit city has NO tech department and my friend bought a 6800GT card from them and put his Older nVidia 4600 card in the box and returned it...
Damn, why didn’t I ever think of doing that! :eek: (Just kidding :p )

Seriously though, if I ever tried to do that my conscience would be kicking my ass all the way home.
tylerhskate said:
my grandma dropped 3 gs on a dell with only a 19" LCD and she was told the fx 5200 was
"top of the line"...she def got ripped

Grandma'... Do I even need to say it... My grandmother
tylerhskate said:
my grandma dropped 3 gs on a dell with only a 19" LCD and she was told the fx 5200 was
"top of the line"...she def got ripped

Grandma'... Do I even need to say it... My grandmother has a 5-6 year old $350.00 PC with a Celeron... but all she dose is check her E-Mail form friends/family like 3 times a month...
Unknown-One said:
Damn, why didn’t I ever think of doing that! :eek: (Just kidding :p )

Seriously though, if I ever tried to do that my conscience would be kicking my ass all the way home.

Conscience is a pain in the ass -twitch-
Great thread....I seriously hate it when older adults think that kids are absent minded and don't know much. Shows how much they know... :rolleyes:
Computer stop is pretty good. I bought my first gaming computer there and I told them to give me whatever 700$ could get me at top notch as possible. They did a pretty dam good job and my dad uses them to buy his computers. I usaly recommand a person to find someone who can build computers(like me) and if they dont want/know anyone who can build a computer I recommand them to computer stop. I talked to the techs at computer stop all the time and they know what there talking about. Since than i have build 3 computers. Its fun and cheap :D

Dell, Gateway, and Alienware are the biggest rip offs ever.
My step dad bought a 2 grand computer and right after he did I spend 1 grand and built a computer that was cheaper and beter. Dell and Gateway use OEM parts also witch I find a big no no since they are usaly downgraded and run like shit or break after a short time.
personally i think these guys get what they deserve when they don't get educated about what they're going to buy before they buy it (DURRRRR................Internet)
Ultra Wide said:
Well, it's hard for the girl to know WTF a graphics card is.

Think about it guys, you work in the return department for a cosmetics store. How the f*ck yo gonna know the difference between foundation and emulsion powder? See my point? Even if she checked to see if the serials and stuff matched, his "friend" could just take off the stickers from the 6800GT and replace them with the ones in the Ti4600... I know it doesn't excuse the beheavior, but just trying to show that something that is second nature to people that are into computer hardware may not be the same for someone who is not. ;)

In reply to that question, you are gay or in theater or both?
spaceman said:
8 bucks an hr if ur lucky. which is why most good techs get real jobs.

oh and an example of a gullible sucker who needs to kick his "friend" in the teeth,
i was offered 9.50 as a starting wage at best buy, for the geek squad, with no prior experience or any certs.

i was; however, the ONLY person they had EVER interviewed that knew you could put 4 devices on 2 IDE channels

i didnt take it. why? they told me what the job description was.