Beware of Viewsonic: A Tale of RMA Hell.


Nov 13, 2004
I have posted this in a few forums, so I apologize if some of you have read it already:

Dear everyone,

I am posting this because I have seen a number of people looking into Viewsonic 's products lately. This is merely an experience I want to share with everyone before you all spend your hard-earned cash.

I bought my VP171B in June of 2003 for a little over $500. I have always been extremely pleased with the monitor in every context. About four months ago, I noticed that the backlight was starting to fail. Screens that were supposed to appear black were appearing green. Later, I noticed that there was also a screen-door effect that started to appear when the monitor was first turned on. This had not been there before either.

In any case, I figured with the three-week holiday approaching I could RMA my monitor in that amount of time. The RMA was easy to setup with a Viewsonic rep. They received the monitor on December 22. I received no notification of this. About two weeks later, I call and am told that they received it and it was sent for "repair" and processing time is about three weeks, and I should expect to receive it the week of January 17th. I figure that's fine since it is what I budgeted the time for anyway.

It arrived back to me on January 14. I picked it up today, the 17th, and took it home. I opened it, somewhat expecting it to be a new monitor since all of my RMA experiences in the past have resulted in new products. In any case, it's the same monitor I sent, same serial no. and all. I sort of inspect it and notice that the ENTIRE back panel of the monitor is completely off. This is unacceptable! "I'll deal with that later," I say, dreading plugging it in.


I plug in the DVI, fire up the system: "No signal found." "Okay," I say, switching video modes: Analog 1 "No signal." Analog 2 "No signal." Crap. I check connections, go get one of my DVI-VGA adapters and plug it in to my 6800 Ultra. I finally get the Analog signal to show up. But the color is horrendous-- so bright I can't even see. I have to turn the brightness/gamma almost all of the way down and contrast up. I also notice a very high pitch beeping coming from the monitor, something that wasn't there before I sent it away.

To make a long story short, Viewsonic destroyed my monitor! DVI won't work at all now and the Analog connection looks like utter crap! There is absolutely no evidence that they did anything to the monitor whatsoever, except for what doesn't work. I'm very upset about this; the returns were not worth the hassle and their warranty support obviously sucks! Wouldn't they have tested it before they sent it back? I'm almost positive it didn't get damaged in shipping because they packed it very well.

I will draw my conclusions on Viewsonic based on how they handle this situation. They are closed today for the MLK holiday, but what should I say when I call them tomorrow?


Odie :)
I had to RMA my Viewsonic VA520 a while back. The backlight died on me and I had to send it back. Needless to say, they just sent my broken monitor back to me with the backlight still broken. I was straight-up pissed. I called Viewsonic to have them send me a replacement, which they did.

I would just call them and have them send you a shipping label so you don't have to pay for shipping again. I would politely explain to them what happened and specifically ask for a replacement.

Good luck tomorrow and keep us updated.
MYST1K said:
I had to RMA my Viewsonic VA520 a while back. The backlight died on me and I had to send it back. Needless to say, they just sent my broken monitor back to me with the backlight still broken. I was straight-up pissed. I called Viewsonic to have them send me a replacement, which they did.

I would just call them and have them send you a shipping label so you don't have to pay for shipping again. I would politely explain to them what happened and specifically ask for a replacement.

Good luck tomorrow and keep us updated.

Thanks for the note. It is slightly reassuring to me that I'm not the only one this has happened to, and that you ended up with a good product in the end.
This sounds really bad, considering I am about to buy a vp201.

My current monitor is a hitachi, which died within warranty and I had to go through the rma process THREE times before I demanded a new monitor get pulled from the shelf and tested by a manager before it's sent to me. Same thing you are saying... it was just doa. Who packs up and ships a dead monitor to a customer? Needless to say... hitachi is now out of the consumer PC display industry. Viewsonic headed the same direction? :mad:
I'll certainly post back with the results of this, don't worry. Thus far I've posted on here, OCforums, and Amdmb forums. Pending their action on this, my words will go further.

Thanks for the help folks.

Odie :)
Just my opinion but I think you posted a bit early in the process. Obviously you are upset and I understand that. But 99% chance it works out like this: you call them and tell them your monitor is now screwed up. They send you a different one. Problem dealth with.
agentzero9 said:
Just my opinion but I think you posted a bit early in the process. Obviously you are upset and I understand that. But 99% chance it works out like this: you call them and tell them your monitor is now screwed up. They send you a different one. Problem dealth with.

Perhaps, but at this point they've already dropped the ball in a serious way. Isn't that alone worth telling about? Secondly, I've read posts from at least 5 other users across three forums who have had similar, drawn-out experiences like this with Viewsonic.

I hope you're absolutely right; I will be MUCH happier to report a positive end to this situation than not.

We'll see.

Odie :)
I've had great experiences with Viewsonic here in Sweden.

My first VP201b had color problems when I unpacked it, so they DOA'd it and sent me a new screen which arrived 3 days after the RMA. The new screen had some backlight issues, so we agreed that I would return the first screen and use the replacement screen while my original monitor was being repaired.. I'm getting my repaired, now-flawless (hopefully) monitor on Thursday, at which point I'll return the replacement monitor.

I have to add that I didn't deal with VIewsonic themselves, but an authorized repair center that handles all their services here in Sweden.

Just my comments :)
Well, I made the call not too long ago and was redirected a few times. Finally I got a CSR who "could help me." In any case, I explained it all as coherently as possible, and Viewsonic is picking up my monitor tomorrow via Fedex, and 2nd-daying me a refurb replacement as soon as it is received. So far so good, at least I don't have to deal with this monitor anymore.

So I'm hopeful that it turns out well. I should see a new unit hopefully by the end of next week. In the meantime I guess I'll build my watercooling setup :)

I'll let you know when I get 'er back.

Odie :)
Give me a break.

I RMA'd a 19' CRT to them, they sent me the top of the line 19 to replace my entry level 19.

I spoke to them several times during the ordeal, which was SUPER smooth, and the only PITA was packing the monitor up and shipping it to them.

They even offered to ship me the new monitor first, so I could put the old one back in the box and send it back, which I did, I just had to give my cc as a deposit. No problem whatsoever.