Beware the iSpud Conmen

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How mad would you be if you thought you were buying a bag of iPods and ended up with a sack of potatoes instead? That’s what happened to these guys. I don’t want to laugh…but, you know, it is pretty funny.
wow, thats a pretty good con...the victims must have been drunk to not even check the bag on the spot...
I know when I want to buy electronics, I buy them in a sac from some random dude.
In before "i would rather have the spuds" comment(s). :p
I know when I want to buy electronics, I buy them in a sac from some random dude.

Yeah, I mean, who buys a bag of ipods? This is not a device that typically comes in bulk unwrapped in a bag.
I know when I want to buy electronics, I buy them in a sac from some random dude.

You do if you're buying what you believe to be a bag of stolen electronics... I just find it funny that the people trying to buy stolen goods now have the police helping them.
Once the conmen had the cash, they 'peeled' out of there in a hurry. :p
That is too damn funny. This reminds me of the guys driving around in white vans selling "high end" speakers that they say they recieved too many of and have to sell em quick.
lol sucks to be them but I bet they learned a valuable lesson

Scam artists used to do this with VCR's way back when. They'd throw a brick in a VCR box, tape it up and sell it to some sucker on the street for pennies on the dollar.
Once the conmen had the cash, they 'peeled' out of there in a hurry. :p
Well played good sir.

You do if you're buying what you believe to be a bag of stolen electronics... I just find it funny that the people trying to buy stolen goods now have the police helping them.
Well they are still victims and most likely are not and will not be the only ones. The police has got to nip this one in the "spud". :D :eek: ;)
There's an old German saying that goes: "If the deal is too good to be true, it's probably potatoes."

Some people never learn.
Meanwhile, on a criminal hangout forum somewhere over the pond, the most epic scam bragging thread ever is being posted...
That is too damn funny. This reminds me of the guys driving around in white vans selling "high end" speakers that they say they recieved too many of and have to sell em quick.

Some guy in a parking lot tried this on me once.
Hmm, maybe the conmen video 'd it and have uploaded it to Youtube. Then we can all watch, and the police will find them. How much is 600 of that currency in US dollars?
That is too damn funny. This reminds me of the guys driving around in white vans selling "high end" speakers that they say they recieved too many of and have to sell em quick.

I actually watched my brother in law buy a set, I kept quiet to see what would happen. They actually haven't broken yet.
I actually watched my brother in law buy a set, I kept quiet to see what would happen. They actually haven't broken yet.

Speakers aren't really something that just break too often. Cheap speakers just sound like crap.
I actually watched my brother in law buy a set, I kept quiet to see what would happen. They actually haven't broken yet.

Most likely they came out of someone's car the weekend/ day before.

Anytime I have bought a system piece by piece and had it installed it gets stolen soon there after. I even had it bolted down. But particle board is not strong enough for a crow bar, even when bolted down.

Lloyds of London special insurance ftw!
I actually watched my brother in law buy a set, I kept quiet to see what would happen. They actually haven't broken yet.
My brother in law called me to ask me about some white van speakers. It took about 10 minutes to convince him that it was a scam for cheap/worthless speakers.
those guys used to drive all over houston doing that crap. they asked me at least twice and saw them driving on the freeway more then once.
I had a guy stop me in a Staples parking lot. I was already in my car, he pulled his white van in front of me, blocking me. I rolled down my window and he went on to tell me he worked for a local electronics store and they had some great deals and I should see what he has for sale in the back of his van. Yeah. I told him I wasn't interested in hot electronics and he started yelling at me, and told me to get out of my car so w could fight. I said sure, and he parked his van, and I drove off.

I would like to think though that there is a local electronics store in my area that sends its employees out in unmarked vans, blocking people in parking spaces, and challenging them to fights. :p
I had a guy stop me in a Staples parking lot. I was already in my car, he pulled his white van in front of me, blocking me. I rolled down my window and he went on to tell me he worked for a local electronics store and they had some great deals and I should see what he has for sale in the back of his van. Yeah. I told him I wasn't interested in hot electronics and he started yelling at me, and told me to get out of my car so w could fight. I said sure, and he parked his van, and I drove off.

I would like to think though that there is a local electronics store in my area that sends its employees out in unmarked vans, blocking people in parking spaces, and challenging them to fights. :p

was it the BestBuy LP (Loss Prevention) guy? you know they are kind of hostile

OHHH the irony!

Who in their right mind buys a bunch of presumably stolen electronics for super cheap, doesn't even visually verify the items, pays cash, and then calls the cops when they got swindled?

Talk about STUPID.
Who in their right mind buys a bunch of presumably stolen electronics for super cheap, doesn't even visually verify the items, pays cash, and then calls the cops when they got swindled?

Talk about STUPID.
That why the crooks continue to make money. Most would not call the cops and admit they just tried to buy stolen goods,
Who in their right mind buys a bunch of presumably stolen electronics for super cheap, doesn't even visually verify the items, pays cash, and then calls the cops when they got swindled?

Talk about STUPID.

They do visually verify the items, the bag gets switched before it's handed over. I remember this scam used to be quite common, with laptops especially.