BF BC2 review?


Limp Gawd
Apr 6, 2006
Why has there not been a [H] review on the game Battlefield bad company 2? We should know what GPU works best and how cpu limited it is and how many cores the game can use. There have been reviews of other games such as metro 2033 But its the battlefield series that us gamers love. I would like to ask HARDOCP to please to an individual review on BF BC2.:D
I also understand you guys are awfully busy and you have done reviews with eyefinity. I wish there were single monitors with that aspect ratio and resolution. The CRVD display sis too expensive and ahs a relatively low resolution. Still it would be nice to have super wide aspect ratio monitors at affordable prices in the $1500-$2000 range.
From what I have seen on YouTube and from 2 of my friends that own the game it is bad ass
I'm gonna buy it for sure on pc. I just gotta find out who has the lowest price on it lol...
Yea, I'd love to see [H] review the game.

The results are simple: ATi kicks NVIDIA butt in this game. It's not night and day, but I don't believe NVIDIA takes the throne at a single price point in BFBC2, at any resolution.

Now, updated NVIDIA drivers are helping a lot. [H] should wait until the next official NVIDIA driver release to review BFBC2.

I loved BFBC2. I had my own server for two months, but I started playing WoW... and... yeah, WoW happened.
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I'm gonna buy it for sure on pc. I just gotta find out who has the lowest price on it lol...
ea store had it for 20 bucks one week. I played the single player and then sold the key to someone else since it was never used. ;)
Played since beta and havent played another game since.Bought an XFX 5870 because of the game(upgraded from and sli'd 9800 GTX)
To be honest this game would require more than a simple GPU review and a more in depth review between processors, dual and quad. A review of this game would not be complete without it.
To be honest this game would require more than a simple GPU review and a more in depth review between processors, dual and quad. A review of this game would not be complete without it.,1.html

the game played just fine at 1920x1080 on highest settings with 2x AA and HBAO off on my E8500 at 3.6 and overclocked gtx260. with HBAO on it wasnt bad either but I certainly dropped to low 30s at times. without looking at FRAPS though I would have never known.