BF:V or SW:Battlefront


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2001
Simple question, which do you think is more fun, Battlefield Vietnam or Star Wars: Battlefront? Making my holiday list, tight budget as I've made major upgrades recently... Good thing KOTOR2 and BiA were delayed or I wouldn't be able to afford all the fun games I wanna play during my vacation. :p

Anyway, BF:V or SW:B? I'm ashamed to admit I don't own BF:1942... I've played it ocasionally at a bud's house or a LAN and whatnot. The rest of my list so far: HL2 (already Steam'd), Rome:TW, Warhammer 40k: DoW (or LotR: Battle for Middle-earth, no reveiws on it yet).
Impulse said:
Simple question, which do you think is more fun, Battlefield Vietnam or Star Wars: Battlefront? Making my holiday list, tight budget as I've made major upgrades recently... Good thing KOTOR2 and BiA were delayed or I wouldn't be able to afford all the fun games I wanna play during my vacation. :p

Anyway, BF:V or SW:B? I'm ashamed to admit I don't own BF:1942... I've played it ocasionally at a bud's house or a LAN and whatnot. The rest of my list so far: HL2 (already Steam'd), Rome:TW, Warhammer 40k: DoW (or LotR: Battle for Middle-earth, no reveiws on it yet).

Got them both here, but I'd pick BF:V out of the two if I just had to have one.

4-1 so far... Reviews make it sound like SW:B's replayability isn't as good as BF:V's for some reason too (map size, variety, etc.). Looks like BF:V so far.
We play more BF:V at our LANs... why? More maps (and we make our own too), mods such as PoE add to it, plus you can get rid of the bots.. yay! Well, unless you get enought people in there.

SW:BF is fun in and of itself and runs on damn near anything which is a huge plus - runs fine a 1GHz Duron with a GF2pro up through a 3.0 GHz P4 with an x800., but BF:V really is better overall even if it does need more harware behind it.

Star Wars Battlefront.

I have fun with it and I've beaten it several times already but just can't stop playing.
i have bf1942 here and it's great so i assume bfv is better so battlefieldnam.. and i played swbf before.. and i hated the way the guns shoots.. so starwars like hahah..

mods for it; Point of existance mod, and the civial war one :D
and it just owns starwars battlefront
Yeah, I was just eyeing an interesting WW2 mod (kinda funny they made a WW2 mod for BF:V when there's BF:1942 but it looks pretty sweet graphics-wise)... It'll be nice to tide me over 'till BF2. The fact that BF2 is coming out soon is why I'm simply not finding a bargain bin BF1942 copy and DL'ing Desert Combat.
Impulse said:
The fact that BF2 is coming out soon is why I'm simply not finding a bargain bin BF1942 copy and DL'ing Desert Combat.

Yeah, I can't wait for BF2 to arrive! Looks awesome,and I just hope the gameplay is better than anything else we've seen so far. One things for sure, we're gonna have to get some DSL out here in the woods soon, or my multiplayer habits are gonna suffer bigtime! :eek:

Personally, I prefer how the vehicles work in BF:42 (Desert Combat)...I hated BF:V for how the helicopters handled, and I'm still not used to the controls in SW:B, but the fact you can't roll pises me off.
WickedAngel said:
Neither; Battlefield 1942 and Desert Combat.

Since DC is "done" - you should give PoE (Point of Existence) for BF:V a try, it's very well done just as fast paced / deadly as DC. No, it's not the exact same, there are differences in the game engine itself that prevent that. It looks better too.. :) Not everyone likes it, but it's worth a try.

Than again, once BF2 hit the shelves, all of this will be a moot point. Well, if you believe what EA is tellng / showing everyone.

Info tidbit. Battlefront uses the Vietnam 3D engine, so don't think Battlefront being newer makes it necessarily look better. I haven't played Battlefront, but there's something to be said about being able to play mods. Like getting three games for the price of one. Just based upon the mod ability I'd do Vietnam.
Speaking of mods, when are they going to do a Deathstar mod for SW:BF? That would be awesome.