BF2 1.3 "patching failed"


Apr 5, 2005
Anyone else get this with 1.3 incremental patch? No explanation, just "patching failed".

Gonna download the full patch now. WHY CAN'T THEY GET IT RIGHT? GAHHH!
Patched with incremental ok.

Although I have the same bugs everyone else is complaining about.
oh my ... really?

im starting to think DICE is also a part of the problem
full patch worked. I probably would have uninstalled the game if it didn't.

Now it's just exited to desktop, and I'm considering uninstalling again. :p
meatfestival said:
full patch worked. I probably would have uninstalled the game if it didn't.

Now it's just exited to desktop, and I'm considering uninstalling again. :p
Did you empty the cache after patching the game? Clearing it usually fixes the problem.
Try installing in safe mode... this is the only way any of the patches work. When 1.3 is done DLing I will install in safe mode.