BF2 Account Problem


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2004
For some odd reason, it takes me forever (like 1 to 2 minutes) to log into my BF2 account. One of my friends who has the same ISP as me does not have this problem and said it only takes a couple of seconds. Help ME!

PS i have no router
Do you press the Play BF2 Online Now! icon or the Play Battlefield 2 Icon? If you're pressing the Play BF2 Online Now! icon, don't. When you click it, the game goes and looks for servers for you to play on while connecting to the account server thus making it take forever. Personally I think the icon is stupid and should never have been implemented into BF2. Use the Play Battlefield 2 icon and all should be well.
Hrmmm, i fixed it. Created a new account. Quite odd but it works now. Thanx anyways.
If you create a new account, you lose yoru stats; if you play for stats that is.

This problem is usually a result of your Favorites list being packed with saved servers. Anytime you enter a server, it automatically is added to yoru favorites list. Clean up the list in your first acount, and your problem should be fixed, whilst keeping your stats.
Here's the best way to clean that server history...

Find the general.con file in your My Docs\BF2\profile\0001 folder. (the profile you use most) Delete all the lines that have "add server favorite" or something like that... It's about half-way down the file.