BF2 Changes?


Jan 19, 2005
I am going to start playing again, and I was wonder what has changed since June of '06?
Any new Maps/Vehicles/Weapon's? Also, I get kicked from every server, "Inadequete O/S Priveliges."
Yes, there is the new highway tampa map.

If you are running vista make sure u run bf2 with admin privilages also make sure to go onto punkbuster and update since the one on bf2 cd/dvd is old and does not play well with bf2/vista combo.
like snakeeyes187 said. update your PunkBuster from the website...

As far as anything "new" there is this aix mod that is really neat.

There are 2big files you will have to download; "CORE CLIENT" and "CORE MAPS" the Core Mod is 761mb, Core Maps is 1.28gb, Core maps adds 30 new mod maps.

about this aix mod. new weponds, vehicles ect....One of the neat feature is the bots on the offline version of the multiplayer.

I went back to bf2 and it brings back memories...
i still play Bf2 a few times a week. The Bf series and the Civ series are the only 2 that still have me playing all the time.

Now if only someone could remake X-Com correctly............
I sold mine in 05 or 06, it was like a month after the first booster pack came out. I picked it up again the other day for $10, been playing forgotten hope 2 and a little Eve of destruction 2(when there are people on a server). I even remembered my old account so I have the unlocks if I decide to actually play the vanilla game. Glad to hear they are still patching this game 4 years after release.
you can get POE2 , AIX , Project Reality mods.

POE2 is worth it, AIX is fun to mess around in especially just you and some friends against a a full list of bots , PR i havnt played in a year or so , but poeple seem to really like it since the last update.
I agree, AIX 2 is a really cool mod and usually has a few servers running it. PoE 2 is also a great mod and Tactical Gamer has a server running on Tuesdays and Fridays with usually 40-50 people.
I try to play PR but the 90 second spawn time just kills it for me and the people that created the mod are just really stuck on themselves, heaven help you if you ask a question in their forums.
The new patches for BF2 and 2142 are scheduled for beta testing at the end of April which based on past experience with Dice and Battlefield patches means the patches should be released around Xmas.

There will be a new map called OPERATION BLUE PEARL in the upcoming patches and its the same map in BF2 and 2142. It has that the foggy look of Songhua Stalemate but is laid out like Karkand.

I personally have gone back to Vanilla BF2 since 2142 has been getting old again for me. Look forward to seeing you on the Battlefield
I am running Bf2 and 2142 on Vista 64 and the voip works fine. But I did have to make sure I had the microphone selected in the Vista audio control panel along with the onboard sound card driver. Then I cranked the Vista mic boost as high is it would go. Then I set BF2 and 2142 voip settings to 100% and it worked. Don't worry about the Mic Boost option in Battlefield it seems that Vista overrides the game settings probably because the way the audio portion of Vista is coded now. It will work your just going to have to tinker with it.

Supposedly the new patch coming for both games is going to bring Vista support what that means who knows but we will find out.
I wish they had servers without unlocks. I got sick of both teams using the same weapons.

I also hate the fact that people would just dive onto the ground when they wanted to shoot at you.
I hear you, but unfortunately ranks and unlocks are here to stay. I remember the days of Desert Combat when people played to win and have fun now its all about ranks,unlocks.

The people diving for the ground (Dolphin Diving) is really bad now in BF2 so beware of that and if you play the PoE mod the guys on PoE Tactical Gamer server are really big on diving for the dirt in a fire if you bunny hop that could get you kicked. But you can Dolphin Dive all you want. I guess I am old fashioned...STAND AND FIGHT....but in the end it does not matter because I usually have 6-8 friends on teamspeak with me and one of us get's the guy that dolphin dives...strength in numbers :)
for the record, dolphin diving isnt just going straight to the ground during a fire fight, its the act of first jumping in the air and going prone while still in the air then landing on the ground prone......

They made a patch that was supposed to fix that but i still see it happening
Can anybody comment on whether or not they changed the damage on the miniguns in the Blackhawk? I just came back after a 2 year hiatus and couldn't kill anything with the miniguns on the Blackhawk when back then Blackhawk/minigun raping was a very effective weapon.
Can anybody comment on whether or not they changed the damage on the miniguns in the Blackhawk? I just came back after a 2 year hiatus and couldn't kill anything with the miniguns on the Blackhawk when back then Blackhawk/minigun raping was a very effective weapon.

Yes, they were nerf'd sometime ago. Gone are the days of loading up a blackhawk with a couple engi's and float around Mashtur killing everybody.
Damn. I figured as much. I tried doing the Blackhawk rape in Mashtuur a couple times and couldn't rack a single kill. Awww. How gay.

On a side note, I could not get that project reality mod working. It wouldn't even get past the install phase. I got it extracted to a separate folder then couldn't get it to install. Meh, i'm having fun with vanilla for the time being.