BF2 Full Verison still doesnt have WideScreen support


Apr 14, 2002
I was hoping the full version of BF2 had widescreen support and it doesnt.
Pathetic. Simply pathetic. A DICE dev member told me when I asked, that that additional code was the reason he thinks it wasnt added. Which is a laughable answer at best.
Yeah, it blows, how hard is it to implement true widescreen support? Was that why HL2 was delayed? I hope not.
There's a pretty simple fix to this. Give me two minutes with your monitor and a roll of duct tape.
Ratboy said:
There's a pretty simple fix to this. Give me two minutes with your monitor and a roll of duct tape.
There's a fix for everything, give me two minutes with your monitor and a sledgehammer.
Neverwinter Nights had perfect widescreen support for any resolution, color depth, and refresh rate imaginable right out of the box. Do you realize how old NWN is?

There's no excuse for not including widescreen support.
Ahh more disapointing news :(

I'm guessing this won't be addressed in future patches either.
Rehevkor said:
There's no excuse for not including widescreen support.

Unless they consider that giving people with widescreen monitors a larger field of vision would be unbalancing to the gameplay.
Concillian said:
Unless they consider that giving people with widescreen monitors a larger field of vision would be unbalancing to the gameplay.

The difference is negligible. The player still has to turn just as far to fire at something they see on the edge of the screen, so I doubt it would have any impact on balance at all.
Rehevkor said:
The difference is negligible. The player still has to turn just as far to fire at something they see on the edge of the screen, so I doubt it would have any impact on balance at all.

I'm not necessarily arguing that this is a good reason why or the most compelling reason why, just that the guy said there was no excuse, and I presented an argument that could be used as a reason for not implementing true (unstretched) widescreen support.

A counterpoint to your point would be that the widescreen person could possibly actually see something that someone without a wide screen simply could not if the FOV were different between the two monitors. Regardless of how far he had to turn, he would have a signficant advantage over someone without a widescreen.

Is this THE reason they don't support widescreen? I have no idea.

Is it a possible reason you can't get true widescreen? It is...
but so is the potential reason that they were just too pressed for time to implement it, or too lazy.

Also, if the difference is negligible, as you say it is, than why is editing the files and getting widescreen working, but stretched, a concern? It seems like you are implying that one aspect of it is negligible while another aspect is very important, and that seems contradictory to me.
Concillian said:
I'm not necessarily arguing that this is a good reason why or the most compelling reason why, just that the guy said there was no excuse, and I presented an argument that could be used as a reason for not implementing true (unstretched) widescreen support.

A counterpoint to your point would be that the widescreen person could possibly actually see something that someone without a wide screen simply could not if the FOV were different between the two monitors. Regardless of how far he had to turn, he would have a signficant advantage over someone without a widescreen.

Is this THE reason they don't support widescreen? I have no idea.

Is it a possible reason you can't get true widescreen? It is...
but so is the potential reason that they were just too pressed for time to implement it, or too lazy.

Uh this is the same EA that didn't have 5:4 resolutions in BF:Vietnam (1280x1024)
[A]MD-Fan said:
Uh this is the same EA that didn't have 5:4 resolutions in BF:Vietnam (1280x1024)

And we still don't know the reason they didn't implement that. It doesn't change the speculation as to the reasoning.

Besides, I doubt EA had any decision in supporting non-4:3 aspect ratio resolutions. That seems like something that would have been left up to the developer (DICE).
Rehevkor said:
There's no excuse for not including widescreen support.

I'm guessing there are issues with the widescreen resolutions. Though I can force it to 1680x1050, I do occasionally see some strange glitches. In 4:3 mode, the graphics are perfect.I also have the same problem with BFV.

Rune75 said:

"All you gotta do is right click on your battlefield 2 icon on the desktop, click on properties. Now on the part where it says target, add +szx 1280 +szy 720. "

Worked with the Demo for me. BUT!!!!

It would quit to the desktop immediately. In order to get it to work, I have to hook up my 4:3 LCD and my 16:9 Samsung DLP TV. I start the game with the Samsung DLP disabled in windows. Then I hit "ALT+TAB" to get back to the desktop. I enable the cloned display on the Samsung DLP then jump right back into the game.

The developers at Dice are a bunch of narrow viewed lazy morons. I can't believe they went to the trouble to have the program check the resolution of the monitor and then only put a very limited number of supported resolutions.

What a pain in the ass. Don't forget to spam EA and Dice constantly to patch this stupid limitation.

PC games are going to fall behind Console games in their shortsightedness to adapt to current display technologies.

All you gotta do is right click on your battlefield 2 icon on the desktop, click on properties. Now on the part where it says target, add +szx 1280 +szy 1024

Pretty easy..I did it for my fine for me
i guess to some people, the stretching part is not the main problem, it's the FOV of the entire area. (think Widescreen and Fullscreen on DVD)
My 19" CRT has no problem displaying WS resolutions, so I don't think anyone could claim an unfair advantage/option. I don't remember seeing those resolutions before, so I guess it's from the new drivers.

DICE just dropped the ball on this one.
onyl about 5% of gammers that care about there resoultion use wide screen, it was probley cut because of a time it take to make it right vs. benifit? hopefully a patch will come out, untill then Ill use my 22" CRT at 1600x1200@85Hz, witch some other choad on this forum said sucks for a ctr...