BF2 Server Filter Fix


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
Just thought I'd share a fix I found for when your servers show zero and won't update again. Supposably you can only put a total of 5 filters on. Sure enough, I took off my map filters (unclicked all so they would show all), and got it down to 5. Clicked the update servers button and Bam! All the servers came back.

Might save others some headache.
I'm gonna have to try that... I've noticed my filter doesn't work when I try to update it. Thanks!
I'm at work. So I hope this an easy answer to a dumb question, but can't I filter on the type of game I want? I still slip once in awhile, forget what i'm doing and launch BF2 regular map when I'm playing special forces. I really wish they integrated them better. Kind of nuts it basically unloads the game and loads the regular one like a completely different program. I use a widescreen hack as well, so when I make this mistake, it is more than a small nuisance. After an unload of SF and a reload of regular BF2, I then have to quit even if I'm willing to play a regular BF2 match... or else my resolution is farked.
I don't think you can filter which game you play. You'll have to just sort the maps when you're done updating the servers.
Hey numb... not trying to start flameage here but... For a dude who can't stand BF2 so much, why are you always posting in so many BF2 threads? Don't you want to like... not be involved in BF2 discussions if you hate the game so much? Just asking 'cause I'n confuzed... :D
ive noticed if u mess up and refresh the servers a feww times, they all disappear, and nothing would get them back short of exiting the game then restarting and goin to server browser and then the servers show back up...

my buddy found a fix sorta, goto ur favorites, then connect to any game, and as soon as it starts to load hit ESC and itll drop back to server browser and then it will show servers again..

kooky game...ah well i still dig it :) but im gettin sucked into CoD2 a bit more and more each day