BF2 stats not updating


Supreme [H]ardness
May 24, 2005
For those of you who might be wondering, BF2 stats haven't updated since June 13th, 14th or 15th for almost everyone. EA is "working on it" but as usual, they're painfully slow.

From an EA rep: "Some people will see stat updates. It's a similar situation to the previous occurance of this where stats will not be lost and some players might not have issues. In general, we know it's an ongoing problem, we're working with GameSpy to isolate and resolve it."

Just another day in the BF2 universe... lol
I know...I just found out last night. It figures, for whatever reason I was in the unusual mood to play alot of BF2 this weekend. I had alot of good rounds and I was hoping to get up to Master Sergeant...I guess that won't be happening yet :rolleyes:
Heh. Maybe it has something to do with that new beta map being implemented.
I was finally able to get Expert Assault, I hope that shows up :/
shit happens. Can't really hold it against them. I mean [H]ardforums is run by PC enthusiasts and they have had a bug they can't figure out for the past week. These things happen to everybody sooner or later.