BF2 Stuttering


Dec 2, 2004
I have the system in sig, not overclocked and I have the latest drivers and I still get Stuttering in BF2. The game runs great on my ATI 9700 Pro rig and my roomates 9800 Pro rigs with 2.8 and equivalent cpu's. I am running 1600x1200 with all settings at high and after about 2 hrs of gaming it starts to stutter. I would say it is my settings but it takes awhile for it to happen. I am not pleased wtih this. The newer drivers (i have tried the latest 3) have made it better but it is still not perfect. I don't like rebooting every few hours.

Any suggestions or anyone else have this problem.
it might be your x2, i had the same problem. open the game, then get the task manager up. go 2 the bf2 process, right click on it, and set affinity 2 one core instead of 2. worked for me, hope this helps :D
If you get stuttering after 2 hours of gameplay then it is your X2 -- I had the same problem where the stuttering would start around an hour or so then get increasingly worse over time.

Setting the affinity is a fix but I went ahead and installed the X2 drivers and the Windows dual core hotfix. Doing so fixed all the stuttering problems and BF2 plays smooth as silk now.
I upgraded to a X2 and had problems in many different games, editing boot.ini solved em.
="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect /usepmtimer