BF2 "Supply Lines" Servers


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2004
Howdy folks, just figured Id stop by and do a couple of things in this thread.

First off, as some of you already know, people found buired inside BF2 a new unreleased game type called "Supply Lines" Today, I found a server that was playing it. It was the greatest Battlefield game of my life. Let me explain further. First off, it was a 64 player server on a SMALL map playing Supply Lines. What makes it so awesome is supply lines. What this game mode does, is introduce linked spawns. What this means, is that each team must capture flags in a certain order. For example, your team must control the base closest to your main base before you can attack the next flag. Your team can only capture the next base. Gone are the days of having bases caputed that are far away from battle. It becomes a fight between 2 points and 2 points only. I played this on Gulf of Oman and Shongua Stalemate, and boy was it awesome. On Oman there were huge firefights between the two middle bases that would sometimes last a good 20 minutes before a base would finally be captured. It actually felt like real combat. It also seemed like everyone was acting like a team (we were all mostly in squads)

That fantastic game brings me to my next point. The problem was, after I quit the game, I couldnt find the server again. And thanks to EA and its no favorite system, I dont even remember what it was called. All I know, is that it was FUNtastic. Anyone know of any other servers that are playing this? I suggest everyone play this who has BF2.
You could try using All-Seeing Eye and sorting by game types. This reminds me of the old TFC dustbowl play style somewhat, I really want to try it.
The thing was, it wasnt listed as a different gametype. When I joined, the server info sayd something about a Supply Line Script.
I just played on a server like that. It was mad crazy with bodies flying all over the place. 64 people on a 16 people map is fun, but not something I want to do a lot.
aaawww my god!!!! We need instructions out the public on how to implement this mode!! :eek:
What if you lose the flag in the middle of the chain? You lose everything else after it?

Send a crack team the long way around the map and flank one of the links :)

If i had a decent connection i'd have this game by now. (600 ping huhuhu :( )
What if you lose the flag in the middle of the chain? You lose everything else after it?

you don't understand. it's like this:


team 1 is "X" and team 2 is "0" .

team 2 can ONLY capture the CLOSEST X...they can't skip to the next one. likewise for team one... they can ONLY get checkpoint "4"... they can't send a team 'around back' to get #6.

they did this in planetside... the bases were all connected by a web... so there was always a 'front line', except planetside had many more bases and towers to cap, so you couldn't be sure it would only be the one point of attack.

game's in the mail. i'm groing tired of WoW... i want to blow something up.
So all the engagements are only done on the front line? Whoa. 64 players (and vehicles) wreaking havok on a concentrated area, not many people has PC with that kind of horsepower :)

Does the line move at all? You've got 32 guns aiming for whoever tries to break cover, and 32 possible rockets aiming for any sitting ducks in a vehicle. I can just imagine the sky filling with rockets the moment a chopper comes in sight. :D
yes, the line moves... it can go from the above 3 & 3 to 4 & 2 to 5 & 1 etc... but there's always a clear line drawn where the 'line' is...
Forgotten Hope mod for BF1942 has this in couple maps. Works very well at focusing your teammates on one flag
Very much like UT2004's onslaught mode (limited to a chain instead of the more intricate structures), then. :)
Sounds like a good idea, so let's hope it makes it into some patch.
The Desert Combat mod for BF1942 had this as well on one map. It was called a push map, and was one of my favorites. This is an excellent concept since the game would actually be like real combat. I always hate it when on certain maps I go in circles capturing flags, then having to go around and recapture it after I left the flag to go capture another. Gets boring and repetitive.


EDIT: I bet this is one of the features of the game that never was implemented completely due to EAs infamous unrealistic deadline.
JO and many other games have this mode. It is called Advance And Secure or AAS. Can be very fun. Would be even better if the vehicles are limited.
bjork said:
yes, the line moves... it can go from the above 3 & 3 to 4 & 2 to 5 & 1 etc... but there's always a clear line drawn where the 'line' is...

Yeah, i understood that part, but with the line so well defined, there's really not much in the way of strategy, you can't attack from another angle, it's all head-on, shoot-everything-in-sight UnrealTournament style deathmatch. Capturing the flag is moot with players constantly respawning next to it.

In normal BF, as you capture more flags, you get weakpoints as your forces become spread thin. If they bring up enough troops to overwhelm your defenses, that just means they created a hole elsewhere (And hopefully your scouts can find it), the battleline moves all over the map this way.

With "Supply Lines", what kind strategy can you use to get 32 players to retreat from their primary respawn point and actually move the battleline? :confused:

It's a quick way to go up in a ranked server tho :)
Sly said:
Yeah, i understood that part, but with the line so well defined, there's really not much in the way of strategy, you can't attack from another angle, it's all head-on, shoot-everything-in-sight UnrealTournament style deathmatch. Capturing the flag is moot with players constantly respawning next to it.

What's funny is that UT2004 actually solved that problem. :)
(It lets you customise the connections between the points, so there's usually more than possible point of attack. This reintroduces the possbility of cutting off a node, but that's not exactly hard to handle.)
Sly, in UT the approches to those flags are very limited, there's no chance of someone coming from a direction you don't have covered. Battlefield flags tend to be quite porous with varied terrain so your defense really needs to encircle the flag. Subtract people spawning back to bring forward vehicles, guys pushing out for the next flag, and just plain lost noobs and lone wolfs and you only have to gray it from at most 10 guys ( who won't all be waiting at the flagpole for your grenade either) Makes for nice firefights. Sounds like a quick way to skill up a Medic :)
Sly said:
Yeah, i understood that part, but with the line so well defined, there's really not much in the way of strategy, you can't attack from another angle, it's all head-on, shoot-everything-in-sight UnrealTournament style deathmatch. Capturing the flag is moot with players constantly respawning next to it.

You can attack the points from many angles. If you have a good commander, and squads that coordinate and listen to the commander, you can attack from different sides simultaneously.

Can't wait to try it out.