BF2142 Demo DL - EA Preorder Only?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 143938
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Deleted member 143938

Can I download the demo if I preordered through Ebgames and such? Or is it for EA online preorders only?
Tylerdurdened said:
Can I download the demo if I preordered through Ebgames and such? Or is it for EA online preorders only?

EA Downloader pre-order only. It'll be made available through GameSpot and IGN tomorrow, then to the general public on Saturday.

Or... it's on torrent now.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
EA Downloader pre-order only. It'll be made available through GameSpot and IGN tomorrow, then to the general public on Saturday.

Or... it's on torrent now.
Alright thanks.. and trying to torrent it will take me all the way to next week heh.. it's real slow
Tylerdurdened said:
Alright thanks.. and trying to torrent it will take me all the way to next week heh.. it's real slow

Find a new torrent. Im getting 300kb/s from ;)
Well. Just got done playing it. Definately should have been an addon seeing as its the same damn game just with different weapons\vehicles. Titan mode is retarded. Same thing as capturng the flags\missle silos just after you do that you have to go on the enemy titan and destroy a few things. :(
why waste money on pre-order... torrent it!! :)

thier are only 59 servers on today.... I have to say the Game is Interesting.
Brucelee said:
why waste money on pre-order... torrent it!! :)

thier are only 59 servers on today.... I have to say the Game is Interesting.

Whats so interesting about it? Conquest is the same just new weapons and vehicles. Titan mode you capture the flags I mean missile silo's until the enemies points run out I mean enemy titan shield is down which is still the same thing except at the end everyone rushes the enemy titan to blow it up. Mod material :eek:
theoretically, battlefield 2142 could have been the best game of all time, but its irrelevant to those(such as someone) whose hatred towards EA clouds their ability to objectively try the game. no matter how good it is, these people will hate it, because these people let their EMOTIONS towards a COMPANY that makes video games dictate how they live their lives. its comedy!
Bo_Bice said:
theoretically, battlefield 2142 could have been the best game of all time, but its irrelevant to those(such as someone) whose hatred towards EA clouds their ability to objectively try the game. no matter how good it is, these people will hate it, because these people let their EMOTIONS towards a COMPANY that makes video games dictate how they live their lives. its comedy!

I do not hate EA. I am a big fan of 1942 and BF2. I tried 2142 tonight twice, and I think it sucks hardcore. Only good thing that I can say about it is that it sounds nice through an X-Fi.
Bo_Bice said:
theoretically, battlefield 2142 could have been the best game of all time, but its irrelevant to those(such as someone) whose hatred towards EA clouds their ability to objectively try the game. no matter how good it is, these people will hate it, because these people let their EMOTIONS towards a COMPANY that makes video games dictate how they live their lives. its comedy!

Where did I say I hated ea? Its the same game and deserves to be called an addon because it's a partial conversion.
Brucelee said:
why waste money on pre-order... torrent it!! :)

thier are only 59 servers on today.... I have to say the Game is Interesting.
How many exploits/glitches have you found so far?
nullzero said:
Bo_Bice I think your in minority on these boards with being a EA fan boy :rolleyes:.

lmao So now anyone who doesn't hate EA is a fan boy? Brilliant. I'm an EA fan boy, then. :rolleyes:

Let's see... I don't hate rabbits, so I'm a rabbit fan boy. I don't hate refrigerators, so I'm a fridge fan boy. Umm... what else... Oh, I don't hate you, so I'm a nullzero fan boy. All hail!
When EA first launched back in the day, I was 17 or 18 back then. I remember that the C-64 games, Amiga games, etc came in those little 45 record like sleeves? Pretty cool.

Anyways, I remember reading interviews with Trip Hawkins back then, the founder or one of the founders of EA .. who later went on to fund ( out of his own pocket ) the 3DO gaming system that ... ended up costing him millions.

But, I remember the story of EA and how it was founded and what they hoped to do. And remember quite well how EA was founded to be all about the programmer and being on his side and taking less money from them. Back then, all the games were coded by ONE Person or a small team of 2 or 3. Now of course that is nearly impossible ... but, it's funny now ..... EA seems to be all about the money and alot less about the studio / developers.
nullzero said:
Bo_Bice I think your in minority on these boards with being a EA fan boy :rolleyes:.

you're right. IF by EA fan boy, you mean an open-minded, objective pc gamer, that doesn't PMS over a game company like a chick.
Well I played the demo for a good 2-3 hours. I admit its somewhat entertaing but its buggy as hell. I mean you think BF2 is bad? I had so many connection drops and freeze ups that i couldent finish one whole round. My PCs in good shape and i have cable so this should not be happening. God damn it piss me off.
Freakin sweet! Dling 2142 demo as i type this. I cant wait to play it. The new game plays looks like fun :)
lol.. this is terrible.. I can't even play the game. Everytime I go to create a character name and clan tag, it says "disallowed text" and won't let me go any further. sigh..
I get disconnected nearly every round from the master server, very, very, very, very annoying.

How they can make a mod of BF2 with the existing up-to-date engine code and end up with a game buggier than the original BF2, I will never understand.

I am a big fan of BF2, even with its issues, but I can't support 2142. I'd rather buy SF again.
eastvillager said:
I get disconnected nearly every round from the master server, very, very, very, very annoying.

How they can make a mod of BF2 with the existing up-to-date engine code and end up with a game buggier than the original BF2, I will never understand.

I am a big fan of BF2, even with its issues, but I can't support 2142. I'd rather buy SF again.

D. E. M. O.

I'm not saying the retail will be any better but we gotta wait for the real thing, eh.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
D. E. M. O.

I'm not saying the retail will be any better but we gotta wait for the real thing, eh.

Demo? It is the same engine with different assets. The only new stuff is models, textures, maps, and a gamemode. The stuff under the hood, specifically networking? Same stuff.

It shouldn't have any more or less network/master server issues than an up to date install of bf2... yet it does.
eastvillager said:
Demo? It is the same engine with different assets. The only new stuff is models, textures, maps, and a gamemode. The stuff under the hood, specifically networking? Same stuff.

It shouldn't have any more or less network/master server issues than an up to date install of bf2... yet it does.

You don't remember the BF2 demo and then the retail release? Some had worse experiences with the retail while others had better.

All I'm saying is that the demo combined with the reviews of the retail will dictate my purchase decision. I think both will give a fuller picture of what to expect.
ok, got into the game.. it finally just randomly accepted my user name out of the blue after it had been saying "disallowed characters" forever. I played the game, and it is just like BF2. Same old shit. Terrible resolution support, buggy menu's, kept disconnecting from the server, disconnecting from ea master server, the fucking hovercrafts sink LOL, and tons of other stuff. All I have to say is gg EA, way to ruin another title. I uninstalled it. Very disappointed after all the hype. :(
Demo is terribly buggy, if the release version is anything like this...oh god...

On another note, 2142 finnaly has pixel shaders! :D
What upsets me the most about this is that BF2 has consistently performed worse and worse on my system with each patch on the same settings. BF2142 on the same settings runs completely smooth. Just to be sure I did an uninstall/reinstall/full patch/defrag and the issues with BF2 remain.

BF2142 is a good mod of BF2, but I will NOT be buying it. I hope Quake Wars is worth buying, otherwise Guild Wars: Nightfall will be the only game I'll be playing for a while.