BF2142 @ Fry's for $39.99


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
Yes it's going to take over my system. No I don't care anymore, I must have my crack!


I'll give it a go. If it thoroughly hoses my rig or the ads drive me nuts, I'll return. I picked up WoW earlier this year and didn't care for it. All it took was a simple call to the publisher for a refund.
BF2142 comes with spyware.

Not trying to thread crap, just a warning to people that are planning to buy the game.
aznpxdd said:
BF2142 comes with spyware.

Not trying to thread crap, just a warning to people that are planning to buy the game.
Not exactly a true statement......research is your friend..:)
Research as much as you want. EA is enabling some form of IP and "other anonymous data" tracking with this game. I will NOT be buying the game. If they give it to me free, a la America's Army, then it would be [H]ot. Paying to let them capture ANY data about me and push ads on me = Not [H]ot.
Lol, we know that. What we don't really know's the extent to what it does. And the only way to find out's picking it up over lunch. I'll post back with impressions later this evening. If I see ads, I'll send those up too.

EDIT: The rumors are all over the place. Unless you've used the game or have new info w/ refs, please let it lie. Thanks!!
Jodiuh said:
Lol, we know that. What we don't really know's the extent to what it does. And the only way to find out's picking it up over lunch. I'll post back with impressions later this evening. If I see ads, I'll send those up too.

thanx! :) im gonna pick up during lunch :cool:

Hmm after reading more on the EA spyware stuff. im not sure if im still interested.. :eek:
I'll be interested to see what the ads look like, but as for me personally I've decided that I am making a stand on this one. I'm not paying for a game so that EA can then earn ad revenue on me. It's just a personal thing.

I know, I know... I'm a nut. I'm the same guy that won't allow a car dealer to stick their stupid decal on my brand new car. If they were willing to negotiate an advertisers fee that's one thing, but since they don't I won't take a car with the stupid decal.
New infos @ firingsquad

Electronic Arts sent over a press note with even more info on how the in-game ads in Battlefield 2142 are supposed to work:

The advertising program in Battlefield 2142 does not access any files which are not directly related to the game. It does not capture personal data such as cookies, account login detail, or surfing history.

BF 2142 delivers ads by region. The advertising system uses a player’s IP address to determine the region of the player, assisting to serve the appropriate ads by region and language. For instance, a player in Paris might be presented with ads in French. The information collected will not be repurposed for other uses.

Battlefield 2142 also tracks “impression data” related to in-game advertisements: location of a billboard in the game, brand advertised, duration of advertisement impression, etc. This information is used to help advertisers qualify the reach of a given advertisement.

If this info would have been on the insert sheet, our lives would have been much less stressed.
I have mine pre-ordered through frys and for $39.99 its a good price. I dont mind a little ads if the game is good nothing worse of looking at ads for a crappy game. ,
I do have to say that the splintercell game is one (ok its the only game worth a damn) of the best games for the x360, graphic/gameplay wise. It was not my style of game but i got into it kind of short though..
Rori said:
Research as much as you want. EA is enabling some form of IP and "other anonymous data" tracking with this game. [H]ot.

I did reasearch it.

Here's a Full Explanation from IGA.

October 17, 2006

Q&A: IGA's Townsend On BF2142 In-Game Ads

Q&A: IGA's Townsend On BF2142 In-Game Ads Talking to Gamasutra, IGA Worldwide CEO Justin Townsend has explained his company's work with EA on Battlefield 2142's in-game ads, following earlier controversy over a disclaimer shipped with the European version of the game.

The disclaimer had some users concerned over what they termed 'spyware' related to the dynamic in-game advertising supplied by IGA. But Townsend made it clear that IGA "does not capture any personally identifiable information" for those playing BF2142, going on to explain exactly what details the game's users are supplying when they play.

IGA's In-Game Ad Capture Specifics

Specifically, IGA's software uses the IP address for geotargeting of in-game ads (so that European ads are not shown to those in the U.S., for example). It also creates a unique user number that's generated locally, and is able to re-identify the gamer when he next appears online.

In addition, IGA's in-game ad solution does capture the time of day that the user started to play each gaming session - Townsend mentioned, as an example, that "if the brief says 'Males 18 to 34'", the ads may only be served between 6pm and 9pm on a weekday evening or similar, to replicate 'primetime' viewing.

The time that each ad impression takes place is also recorded by IGA, alongside what type of ad content it was (billboard, megaboard, or video stream), the duration (how long was the ad seen for), the size of the ad relative to the player, and the angle of deflection (what angle the ad is viewed at).

Anonymity, The Need For Ads

IGA's Townsend went on to explain exactly why identifying specific consumers is not part of his company's goal, explaining: "In the advertising sector, generally you have two very distinct forms of advertising - above the line and below the line."

The company's advertising is 'above the line', which is to say that it's communicating the brand image, much like TV, and it's not 'below the line' advertising like the Internet & direct mail which seeks to get into a dialogue or a transaction with the consumer. Thus, Townsend explained that there's no need to know who exactly customers are. He clarified: "For us, all we need to do is to make sure we are serving the right ads to the right IP."

Regarding today's online controversy, Townsend noted that "you are always going have that hardcore vocal minority" who don't want in-game ads. But he suggested that if those same people "knew the kind of painful transition that most publishers are going through right now", they might approve of in-game ads as an important financial support function for next-gen titles.

He particularly commented: "If gamers still want to have a high amount of good quality titles year in and year out, there needs to be alternate revenue streams" for next-gen gaming - IGA clearly sees in-game advertising as a notable example of this.

IGA's In-Game Ad Capture Specifics

Finally, when asked about the suitability of the in-game ad creative for Battlefield 2142, which is somewhat of a futuristic title, Townsend explained that the company is "actually getting brands to do specific creative for games" to enable those brands to blend in better in the game.

Addressing BF2142 itself, Townsend, who noted that he is a fan of the series and is currently playing Battlefield 2, explained that "it's near future", in the sense that "...there are no laser beams being shot around." Thus, "because it's predominantly set in urban environemnts", a lot of the creative for the ads in the game "is generic, or will be adapted to suit the near-future element."
Boycott EA!!!

BF2142 is NOT a game, it's a MOD that was retailed as a WHOLE NEW GAME.

BF2 is much better, less buggy and more balanced.

At least try the demo before you burn your money away
don't thread crap. -_-''

for a hot deal, 40 dollars for a newly released game..

not a bad deal,

Thanks OP!
Good deal but not hot enough imo. Still sticking by my word and not buying another EA game until they get their shit together. I remember all the problems I had with BF2...
Semi [H]ot

I will not be purchasing it, though, for reasons that everyone knows of.
hmm... will buy if it goes on sale this weekend. So far, the cheapes online is $44 on :(
I won't be buying this game, and every purchase is another vote that installing spyware through games is ok to do.
Picked mine up at Fry's today... FYI don't do presell at Fry's they're retarded and unprepared. I grabbed it over my lunch break and spent 30 minutes in the store opposed to 5 because the idiots couldn't figure out how to credit me the $10 presell coupon.
Rori said:
I know, I know... I'm a nut. I'm the same guy that won't allow a car dealer to stick their stupid decal on my brand new car. If they were willing to negotiate an advertisers fee that's one thing, but since they don't I won't take a car with the stupid decal.

A-freakin-men! I'm the same way. I also have the same feelings about wearing shirts with company logos on them, or even more, wearing a t-shirt with an ad on it. ie, my sister has a t-shirt she likes to wear...all it has is a giant "Reeses Peanut Butter Cups" logo. If that were me, I'd want to be paid before wearing that... :confused:

Anyway, semi-[H]ot, but not interested. The ad thing seems a little better than initial rumors made it seem, but not enough for me to change my mind on getting the game. Doesn't help that I'm not interested in the first place...but even if I was, I'd still pass on it. Yes, because of the ad thing.
Well I had a pleasant buying experience, but am now greeted with Punkbuster problems. Not sure if this would be the M$ patch or what.

The intro movie pretty much rocked and the first level I got to see, Minsk (sp?)...YUM! It starts out with a small path that can only be taken one way...directly into a big enemy fortress complete with a guard tower and dual dugouts for infantry cover. :eek:
I;m not threadcrapping. bf2142 is not a retail game, it's a mod. can't argue that.

I went to circuit city today since i had a gift card, and i guess it didnt come in today, didnt see it anywhere. So I came home craving it and ordered it off EA's lame program. But cant wait to freaken play it!!!

40$ is a lot better than their 50$ hehe
Jodiuh said:
Punkbuster problems.

This fixed my issue. Also I never had to uninstall the Windows update and so far no ads...tho I'm kinda looking forward to them in a weird sort of way. :eek:

I spent the past hour getting my 2nd rank and amassing an impressive .39 K/D ratio. :p What can I say, I want active camo. :D
I will not be buying spyware for my computer. I can get that for free anytime.
Jovian said:
I will not be buying spyware for my computer. I can get that for free anytime.

Then you have no reason to waste time here, right?

I spent 5 hours checking out the new maps and they're definitely better designed. DICE's learning and it shows. There's one particular level where you basically meet head on with teh enemy immediately. It's a crazy firefight w/ infantry and vehicles.
Good deal for a new game. I loved BF2, but I'm apprehensive about this game because of the spyware crap.

I totally agree with Rori. I dont like car dealers advertising on my car either.

"Disco Stu doesn't advertise"
I've yet to notice an ad. Maybe it's not running yet or I could just be blind. Anyways it seems to run a lot better than BF2 as well so mod or not they seem to have done something.
i guess it's better than paying $15 a month to play..... they should put Ads in wow and cut it to like 1.99 lol
n19htmare said:
i guess it's better than paying $15 a month to play..... they should put Ads in wow and cut it to like 1.99 lol
Gnomish Billboards pimping out the expansion pack, I can just see it now! :eek:

For anyone who is actually going to buy the game, $39.99 is a pretty good price, compared to most prices I have seen.