BF3 on The 360 is 'Standard Def' Without HDD Install

What the hell are you doing on HardOCP then? :p

You can be heavy into PC's and not game at all on them. And you can be a Hardcore gamer on both platforms as well why limit yourself. Ive spent more more on computers than i ever have with console but i still love my consoles Hell i still use every one i have. Remember not all the best games were born on pc , not by a long shot!
My rig cost $750.00 two years ago. No problem playing the demo. I'm not sure what you guys are talking about when referring to on the $2000 PCs and $700 upgrades. :confused:

Everyone has a different idea of what is playable on pc! Your rig is ok for most games at 1080P of course i always required my machines to do everything else while i'm gaming. $750 gets most things BUT the video card in what i consider a gaming rig. look at most of the sig's in this forum i'm not the only one. Let's face it the console haters are the majority hear and that's fine but lets not blame console's for all that is wrong in gaming. They are a small part but lazy dev's and gpu makers that play games with the dev's and crazy gpu prices are as much to blame.
You can be heavy into PC's and not game at all on them. And you can be a Hardcore gamer on both platforms as well why limit yourself. Ive spent more more on computers than i ever have with console but i still love my consoles Hell i still use every one i have. Remember not all the best games were born on pc , not by a long shot!

All of those options above are cool. But actually dissing on PC gaming like the guy did in the last page seems detrimental to the HardOCP spirit. :p
All of those options above are cool. But actually dissing on PC gaming like the guy did in the last page seems detrimental to the HardOCP spirit. :p

I'll agree with that. I just say game the way you like. And these game makers need to stop wasting our time and money! I want BF3 on pc but may play it on the 360 because of the stupid origin and web page login crap i hope they kill that. Hell i played rage on the 360 and kinda enjoyed it but the pc version is really depressing just want to kick carmack in the balls!
I know a lot of people that won't be buying it for their PC. In our current economy I think it's a bad time to release such a demanding game. Most of my friends would require a $500-700 upgrade just to be able to play at reasonable frame rates. Or they can just buy it for the PS3 or 360 and play just fine. Yeah, you won't get all the eye candy, but you won't go broke either. Who wants to play a game on your PC at reduced resolution and all settings on low?

Or they could turn the settings down?
Played fine on my old pc at 1920x1080, obviously not max settings but it still looked great to me.
Everyone has a different idea of what is playable on pc! Your rig is ok for most games at 1080P of course i always required my machines to do everything else while i'm gaming. $750 gets most things BUT the video card in what i consider a gaming rig. look at most of the sig's in this forum i'm not the only one. Let's face it the console haters are the majority hear and that's fine but lets not blame console's for all that is wrong in gaming. They are a small part but lazy dev's and gpu makers that play games with the dev's and crazy gpu prices are as much to blame.

The people i'm referring to are the ones that keep implying you need a $2,000.00 rig to match a console.
I dont get it...most console gamers are too cheap to buy a decent PC yet you are the ones that own $600 iPhones and pay $60 per game. /lameassgamerfail
I dont get it...most console gamers are too cheap to buy a decent PC yet you are the ones that own $600 iPhones and pay $60 per game. /lameassgamerfail

Consoles are purchased for convenience, not for cost justifications. [H] users tend to forget most people aren't as PC savvy as we are.
I dont get it...most console gamers are too cheap to buy a decent PC yet you are the ones that own $600 iPhones and pay $60 per game. /lameassgamerfail
perhaps you should reassess your assumptions :|
I am happy they took the time to make a HD visual pack, i have never known a game on any console to come with one, i have only experienced it on PC because of DA2 and Crysis 2 with their DX11/HD detail packs. Before those games i had never even known about them.

I am happy though because i want EVERYone that supports DICE/BF franchise to get the best experience from it possible. I love all BF3 players, console and PC. I played the 360 beta and it's graphics were horrible. Like...worst iv seen on 360 in a long time, and i was disappointed because i didn't want people to see that and think "wow...why the hype? BF3 looks like trash! pass!". So with a HD pack they will at least enjoy its beauty as much as their console can push out.

I want the game to sell amazingly well on all platforms, just cause im a PC gamer doesn't mean i want it to sell great on PC and average on consoles. I want BF3 to succeed in every way, on every platform.
I don't know why gaming PC's are called "gaming" PCs. It confuses people because they think that your spending $1000-2000 on a rig just to game when that totally isn't the case. You see console gamers, most people who spend 1k plus on a rig do it for these reasons.

-The best looking version of any game released multi-platform ( no brainer)
-The customization of games through mods ( if the game has the ability to be modded)
-The ability to jump into 40+ games without having to swap discs etc ( depends on HDD space)
-The ability to multi-task while gaming
-The ability to have access to thousands of personal movies and shows in just a few clicks
- Some may disagree, but I see having a high end monitor(LED, S-PVA etc.) at 1920x1080 or even 2048x1536 1-2 ft from your face is comparable to having a high end 55" LED LCD 7-8 ft away. Don't really see a loss of quality at the higher end of things.
- Video Editing, access to your 1000 of songs in your music library ( number of songs could vary) and I could go on and on...

The common misconception it seems is that people think we buy these "gaming" PC's just so we can gloat about having the best looking version or just play a game and shut down like you would do with a console( the play a game and then turn it off part). If that were the case, then yes, I'd agree with people when they say we are retards for doing that. These should be called "entertainment" PC's. Because if your spending $700-2000 on a "gaming" PC, your getting so much more than the ability to play games. That's why we spend what we spend.
It's like a common concept that PC gamers just have to play at the highest resolution and setting available. It's ignorant and makes me feel like I'm the only casual PC gamer here. Yeah, I prefer playing on 720p due to my current hardware but hey, at least it's a better graphical quality than the consoles.
It's like a common concept that PC gamers just have to play at the highest resolution and setting available. It's ignorant and makes me feel like I'm the only casual PC gamer here. Yeah, I prefer playing on 720p due to my current hardware but hey, at least it's a better graphical quality than the consoles.

Nothing wrong playing a game with lower quality graphics, I did that for many years before being able to afford my GTX 295, and even so, Battlefield 3 only allow me to go as far as High settings, with some fancy effects turn off.

But graphics quality do add to the gaming experience or the level of immersion of the game. Otherwise, we could still be sticking to Duke Nukem 3D level of graphics. So being able to play at a game at maximum setting does help improve the overall gaming experience.

Of course, for my case, playing at a compromised setting is better than nothing :D But I'm looking forward to upgrading my graphic card next year, hopefully.
You console people are hilarius! My pc has had an 8800gt video card forever and it will play Bf3 better than a xbox 360. The hardware is 5 years old. People keep crying about having to upgrade a pc and saying you dont have to do that on a console. All you have to do is lower the graphics settings and resolution to what the xbox has. I remember when my son said he could not play games any more on his xbox. He said he needed to upgrade to new system, the xbox 360. ....
Which is about the same price as a new console....

The cheapest console is $200, and it only has 4gb of hard drive space, which isn't enough to store BF3, plus the PC will do more than just play games.
Xbox 360 users - How do you like that monthly bill to play online games? You pay Microsoft so you can play games made by other companies on their servers - Nice!
It boggles my mind that not all "modern" gaming consoles don't have something as simple as a hard drive. Bahahaha!

What is exactly modern? These "modern" consoles were released before most "demanding" games started coming to the market. Until they release the Xbox 720...ps4..Wii 2, whatever the next modern console game will be..then the engineering of the supporting client will come into consideration. Most consoles DO come with hard drives, just not the configuration to support higher resolution like a PC. believe me consoles would cost more than what the mediocre gamer will want to pay.. It all comes down to economics and what the consumer will pay...
Agreed and the xbox 360 has its place. My son has one but most of his gaming is still done on his pc. Granted we have more money in the pc. He has a 5850 video card. He says that games he has played on both the pc and the xbox 360 do not compare. The pc is way better. On games he plays only on the xbox 360 and he does not have a source of comparison for the pc, those games look fine on the xbox 360. I just get tired of the argument that console players have about always having to upgrade the pc. That is total BS! In most cases if you lower the resolution or the graphics settings the game will play fine. Even at that point the graphics quality is no lower than the xbox 360. Each product has its own audience. If you want the kids off the computer and a cheaper gaming alternative then the xbox 360 is the way to go. If you want better graphics and a keyboard and mouse for controls then the pc is the best way to go. Part of the reason I game on the pc is because I do racing sims. There are not serious racing sims on the xbox 360. There are a few that look good but none that are as realistic with regard to physics as rFactor or Grand Prix Legends. Based on that the pc is best for me. For someone else who games more casually the xbox 360 might be a better choice for them. They can play it on the tv and it costs less.
PC's are clearly superior to consoles....I dunno why people try and argue the point.

BUT...PC's come with having to sit at a desk and use a keyboard and mouse. I think that turns people off. Yes if you put enough time into it you can get a setup to play from the couch but this isn't very accomodating. They want a small, simple way of controlling the game.

If PC's move to controller you will see more and more "entertainment" PC's being used. Until then it is what it is. Yes you can use a controller on FPS for PC but not in multiplayer...clearly not a level playing field.

I am happy though because i want EVERYone that supports DICE/BF franchise to get the best experience from it possible. I love all BF3 players, console and PC. I played the 360 beta and it's graphics were horrible. Like...worst iv seen on 360 in a long time, and i was disappointed because i didn't want people to see that and think "wow...why the hype? BF3 looks like trash! pass!". So with a HD pack they will at least enjoy its beauty as much as their console can push out.

This is a great point, DICE has bent over backwards to accomodate all three platforms. If you are not happy with BF3 on the PC, PS3, or 360 then just quit gaming.
There is way more to it then just eye-candy. The controls are FUNDAMENTALLY different. If i was allowed to use a KB/mouse on Xbox/PS3 i would definitely buy more console games just for ease of use. (yes PS3 CAN use them, but most games wont. Even Valve didnt implement it for Portal 2, and that shit got Steamworks on PS3.)

Its like golf, sure you can get a game in with shitty Kmart clubs or you can spend some real money and get equipment that performs a hell of a lot better.

In golf ppl can play better with those shitty kmart clubs then the other guy with really nice clubs so that was a bad example
I know a lot of people that won't be buying it for their PC. In our current economy I think it's a bad time to release such a demanding game. Most of my friends would require a $500-700 upgrade just to be able to play at reasonable frame rates. Or they can just buy it for the PS3 or 360 and play just fine. Yeah, you won't get all the eye candy, but you won't go broke either. Who wants to play a game on your PC at reduced resolution and all settings on low?

the same people who play it on console because it will look about as good? :)
Much can be said about sony's service and microsoft (PSN vs XBL).

Hardly play PC games. This was when I had 98, pain in the butt having to install a game, patch this, and patch that. Oh Wait DirectX don't work, check this and check that. XP has definitely smooth a lot of things out. But I'm kind of done with that, I leave my PC for what it does best, no worries about graphics card getting out dated -- it can still play solitaire and get on the web.

Pop in a game into 360 or PS3, it found that there's a patch -- cool, fix it. Gaming in 2-3 minutes (new game in 5-10 if it needs to run a patch. PS3 is anonying with its installation so sometimes takes longer).

It's been pretty much like that on the PC for the last few years at least; install and play. I bitch when I put in a disc in my 360 and it wants to download something that it's WORSE then my PC is! :confused: