BF4 Coupons with R9 290X - Anyone Successfully Redeem?


Sep 5, 2008

It's looking like this promotion is not yet "switched on" by AMD - because I've only heard of people having problems redeeming the promo codes at AMD's site (

Also, I don't think a ton of people have the cards yet - the big deluge will be on it's not a hugely reported issue.

If you've successfully redeemed your code - let us know. Feel free to chime in if you're having problems, as well. I submitted a support ticket hours ago - no response, of course.
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can't redeem mine. submitted a service ticket with AMD but i figure we just need to wait it out until they flip the 'on' switch like you said.
i'll just wait it out til the game is launched or we hear anything about AMD saying that they fixed it.
Yeah, mine didnt work early today, they better power this thing on by monday.
I paid for next day air shipping, my cards got shipped on thursday and still no cards... Fedex Hooray. I could of driven to SOCAL and back. Wanted to be fully tested before Monday night and bf4, I plan on giving my two copies bundled with the game to my friend and his wife.
Same issue here, getting invalid UID error. No response from support either. Hope this issue is resolved by launch, because then what else was the point of the BF4 edition?
I'm trying to activate one of their never settle cards and same thing but different error. Doesn't go through. Seems like they should be keeping a better eye on this stuff.
A company like AMD should NEVER ... NEVER have problems like this. As far as I'm concerned, they are coming awful close to me referring to this around others as well as clients and customers if this subject comes up as a big scam. This is partly because it took them 7 weeks if not longer to email me my Bioshock Infinite key, which .. SURPRISE! ..... happened right when the codes starting showing up for $10 online

Let's hope it gets sorted before or right at the Launch of BF4

BAM! thanks for the heads up guys.

"ONLY 4.8MB/sec?" Pffft:p...What ISP are you using and rated is your "rated" Speed Tier? I love Steam/Origin..I pay for 50/5, and can usually pull 6~8MB/sec with Steam/Origin/uTorrent..
comcast ('xfinity' yo) 20 Mbps down i think. it's plenty for me. lots of gaming and marginal porn downloads.
All pre-order editions of BF4 include China Rising, so I'm guessing yes.
All pre-order editions of BF4 include China Rising, so I'm guessing yes.

Well my 290X doesn't get here until tomorrow so curious as to whether it will matter if the key is added post launch.
No, no China Rising with it. Didn't come with mine. I was buying Premium no matter.
Yeah, mine didn't say anything about it being anything other than vanilla BF4 when I redeemed it. It'd be nice if we do/did get China Rising for free, but with our luck...