BF4 PS4 Game Update Delayed

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you've been waiting around for the PS4 patch for Battlefield 4, I have bad news for you. Instead of posting the patch as promised, DICE says they need more time to test the update. :(

The PS4 game update that was originally meant to go live Dec 3 is undergoing some additional testing and will be rescheduled for a later date. We will get back with final details as soon as we have verification that the update is good to go.
I suppose that's better than releasing a known bomb (which it sounds like this patch is currently.)

Still, if anyone can disappoint, it's the EA folks........
Anyone know how BF4 performs on the new consoles? I remember BF3 was a bit of a joke on the previous ones, can the new one's keep up? Or is this still really a PC only game?
60fps @ 1080p

Looks beautiful, but it does crash occasionally... No fault of the ps4 but EA I imagine
Xbox 360 / Xbox One Single player = no issues. Multiplayer = server disconnects / lag / odd errors.

PS4: Single player = crashes / graphics glitches Multiplayer = crashes / freezing / graphics glitches / errors / server disconnects / lag. This patch has been promised since right after launch so it sucks that it has been delayed. If you haven't bought it for the PS4 yet, wait for the patch.

I have a roomful of teenagers 5 feet away from me constantly complaining. :D
Anyone know how BF4 performs on the new consoles? I remember BF3 was a bit of a joke on the previous ones, can the new one's keep up? Or is this still really a PC only game?

I don't own either new console, so take it for what it is (anecdotal)

My G/F's brother came over for Thanksgiving with his new PS4 and BF4 and it runs fantastic from what I saw. Pretty much played from Wednesday night until Thursday night with no real issues. Frame rates were butter smooth (compared to BF3 on PS3... which was lucky to get 30fps with AA turned off). It was almost COD like which is a little off-putting.

I did notice quite a significant amount of lag at times though. However, it was hooked up in the living room via Wifi where the signal is pretty weak to begin with... so not sure if it was the game or the connection at fault. All in all though, comparing the PC version completely maxed out to the PS4 version and you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between the two. I was really impressed.
Anyone know how BF4 performs on the new consoles? I remember BF3 was a bit of a joke on the previous ones, can the new one's keep up? Or is this still really a PC only game?

The video card is about the equivalent of a 7870 I believe. So it's not that bad of a card. Like last generations middle-of-the-road. I wish I could find it but there was a 'How will the PS4 perform' pre-launch article on another site where they picked a gpu with the closest number of teraflops, shaders/etc and equivalent memory bandwidth which ended up being the 7870.

From the looks of it, it seemed if you ran at high detail with 1-2x AA @1080p for a few games tested like Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, etc the console should been capable of doing 45 fps - 50 fps. If you moved the quality slider down a bit on a few options, I'm sure 60 fps would be achievable.

Sony's PR department has made some ... ahem..bullsh** claims though about the video card theoretically reaching 1.84 teraflops. Combine that with John Carmak making a statement I personally disagree with when you are using off-the-shelf PC hardware:

and Sony Fanatics seem to feel that you'd need a 3.6 teraflop video card to compete with a PS4 (7970/R9 280). Realistically though, I'd wager a single 7870 could keep up well.
Anyone know how BF4 performs on the new consoles? I remember BF3 was a bit of a joke on the previous ones, can the new one's keep up? Or is this still really a PC only game?

1600x900 60fps with full player counts.
Should probably mention the above spec is for PS4, Xbox One is 1280x720 60fps with SSAO instead of HBAO.
1600x900 60fps with full player counts.

Should probably mention the above spec is for PS4, Xbox One is 1280x720 60fps with SSAO instead of HBAO.

Am I the only one who looks at the resolution in order to achieve 60 fps on a 7870(ish) hardware and goes ... /sigh. Really, buying a R9 290 or 290x feels already like overkill less you are going for eyefinity/4k or something similarly difficult to drive. For a single monitor @ 1080p, 1600p or so, an R9 290 feels like all you'll need for console ports till the PS5/Xbox 'Two'.
Am I the only one who looks at the resolution in order to achieve 60 fps on a 7870(ish) hardware and goes ... /sigh. Really, buying a R9 290 or 290x feels already like overkill less you are going for eyefinity/4k or something similarly difficult to drive. For a single monitor @ 1080p, 1600p or so, an R9 290 feels like all you'll need for console ports till the PS5/Xbox 'Two'.

I don't think they are comparable to the 7870 due to their nature of being cramp with the CPU on a single chip, and limited cooling capacity. Surely the would have to operate at a lower power range.

But yeah it's disappointing that what's supposed to be a new gen still runs at 720p res.
Yea the sound cutting out, not zooming in the gun boats, not being able to aim down the gun sometimes, extreme server lag when a commander comes online is getting real annoying for me.

When I am able to join a 64 player conquest map it's a ton of fun though.
Still looks and plays horrible on the new consoles compared to my pc. I am amazed when people are looking at the new gen consoles going wow look at the graphics ! I am thinking in my head ya look at the graphics it sucks !