BFG 6800GT 256 OC vs X800 Pro 256


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
sorry about creating a similar thread but i have a more specific question:

ok, i can get either of these cards for $400 and im just killing myself over wihch to get for xmas, i know this is similar to the other thread but i just needed to throw in some precision as to which 6800 i was looking at...

i was hearing alot of good shit about the 6800GT but apparently thats only for doom3..and im not sure how much better the BFG OC was than the regular 6800GT, so what are your thoughts, X800Pro or 6800GT OC.

my specs:
Athlon 64 3000+ @ 2.5Ghz (250x10)
1gb Corsair DDR400 (2x512)
X800 Pro at for $339, BFG 6800 GT OC at for $349, BFG 6800 OC for $249 at, and Sapphire X800XT for ~$450 at Allstarshop.

Those are the best options right now for high end cards. Many people report being able to unlock the pipelines and vertex shaders on the BFG 6800 OC; the 6800 GT OC seems to overclock well to Ultra speeds with or without a BIOS flash, the X800XT should hit PE speeds pretty easy.
nice, couldnt find the 6800 GT for 349 tho, but still, whats your personal opinion on a card...
Unmodded, my choice is the X800XT for $450. But that might be because I play CS:S and HL2 more than anything else.

If you're willing to mod but still want high-end, buying a 6800GT or X800 Pro VIVO might be a better option because you can unlock/overclock both to the Ultra or XT speeds.

If you don't require the absolute best performance but you do want playability, go with the 6800 OC. Much better than any other card between $200-$300, it can overclock and you may be able to unlock pipelines and vertex shaders via RivaTuner.