BFG 6800GT In Stock!!

Just ordered one, we will see how this goes. Thanks for the link.

EDIT- Somehow my status is now on backorder. Their instock indicator must be slow, I ended up canceling the card.

HOT DAMN! If I had not gotten in on the PNY pre-order @ for $330, this would so be ordered.

These things are hard to find @ MSRP, and with free 2-day fed-ex?!
Man.. if I wasn't moving at the end of the month, I would so buy one of these (Especially since finding the VIVO version of the X800pro is turning out to be so hard -- all out of stock).
It's even the OC version which is nice (but raises the price ~50 bucks).

Good Find though.

Thanks i might order one of these over the pros cept i gotta buy a psu at the same time as i buy this card :rolleyes:
Just ordered one. Can't wait to get it. I bought a 5700LE from NewEgg about 2 weeks ago to put in this new system until I could get a 6800. 2 weeks with the 5700LE has been too long :D The DVI output doesn't even work on it. NewEgg doesn't know it yet, but they are gonna give me an RMA for this POS.

God you guys are so lucky i mean at least you have cards that will let you play games, i have a FKIN 9200SE WOW I CANT WAIT TO UPGRADEEEEEEE, i have 440 bucks right now and i have to save up more so i can buy psu + video card + ram
Hmm.. Chumbo. Silly name. :D

Here's the Reseller Rating info, so you don't have to look it up:

Six Month Rating - 7.14
Lifetime Rating - 7.50

Most recent review (today):

Reseller Ratings - xwei said:
Bought a 5700U video card, come defected with an opened white box, full of dust. Returned for a replacement, come in opened white box again, works but usually crash when play with 3D application, and get very hot easily. Tired to contact them again as they only accept replacement but no refund. Plan to contact manufactuer late. Would never buy anything from them again.

A bit worrying, but the website seems nice. Good luck with the cards, guys. :)
dont know where u got those ratings from, pricegrabber had almost a 5 listed, better than newegg's
Backordered and they didn't even try to tell me! I new it couldn't be for real and I thought I was one of the first ones to order one. I just called up and canceled it.

Did anyone else get to purchase it yet from chumbo?

Aw that's freaking pathetic. It was marked in stock when my order went through but today my order status is backordered? I canceled my $330 x800 Pro for this because after waiting 3 weeks for THAT on backorder I wanted to actually use a new vid card.
chrislg, make sure to write them a review at priceGrabber explaining the situation as I just did.

Chumbo says that the card was oversold over the weekend with their computer system not updating as items were ordered. I was told a new shipment would be coming in Thursday. I know of no other places I can get a card like that now anyway so I just may wait it out, call on Thursday and see if they are shipping my precious to me :)
I ordered from and got put on backordered also. So I tried and already have a tracking number! It is alittle more though $419.00 + 14 or something for shipping but to have it in a couple days its worth it (at least for me). The guy I talked to said they still had around 100 still in stock. :cool:
Well, luckily I have my PS2 and the Mega Man collection to get me through the next few days. My Radeon 9700 Pro died a month ago and my replacement did not work either so it really does suck to wait, but the extra 25 dollars saved can be used to drown my sorrows in liquor ;) j/k
Its not their fault guys i mean their lucky to even have had any in stock, but youll get them in no time once their stock gets filled again :p
They appear to have got new stock today (Wednesday) since I got an email confirming my order shipped. Tomorrow I should have a 6800 gt. Yay, thanks for the post. -Dan
I just missed round 2 by about 10 seconds. I was sitting there debating, since it was in stock and I cant find a x800 anywhere, then decided to go for it, hit refresh, and back out of stock.. :(
Karmakaze said:
I just missed round 2 by about 10 seconds. I was sitting there debating, since it was in stock and I cant find a x800 anywhere, then decided to go for it, hit refresh, and back out of stock.. :(

That happened to me a little over a week ago. Sux.