BFG 6800GT OC oc'ing/flashing question


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Ok, i have a couple questions actually
I can OC my card to 415/1.15 and ill get a score of 5750 in3dmark05
when i OC my card to 425/1.25 i get a score of 5200 in 3dmark05...

is this because of erroring or heat? if its because of erroring i am thinking about flashing...
as soon as the benchmark was done i went to the temperature monitor and it said 60C, which i dont think is bad..
i just would like to know things such as the following:

if i flash my card do i need better cooling? (i have the blue card with the 2 fan cooler)
will flashing my card send temps too high?
how much of a risk is there of damaging the card when flashing and what precautions should i take?

thanks guys
I have flashed my card many times. I finally settled on a modified BFG 6800 ULTRA bios with stock clocksof 400/1100.

There are 2 guides for flashing to 1.4V:


I recommend the SECOND guide for many reasons, but the most important is that flashing to a 6800Ultra is the only STABLE flash that I have had, and I am THRILLED with it. Some people recommend modifying the 6800GT bios to 1.4V, but this resulted in big time crashes on my computer. Instead I flash to 6800Ultra, which has looser memory timings and increased both my CORE and RAM OC by 15 MHz and 30 MHz DDR

To answer your questions:

1) Yes, you will need better cooling, I recommend the NV5 Silencer!

2) The temps will be fine with better cooling, slightly higher @ 1.4V, but fine.

3) The risks are significant, but not bad if you are careful. Follow the guides exactly and you will be fine!

Keep in mind a couple things:

1st -- your OC on that card is actually very good. Out of 3 different BFG 6800GT OCs that I've tested (all blue PCB, dual fans, w/ NV5!), none have gotten above 405MHz stable @ 1.3V.

2nd -- most (blue PCB) BFG 6800GT OC cards do not handle 1.4V very well at all with the GT bios/RAM timings. At first you will be excited as Coolbits will detect optimal settings at like 435 MHz, but then when you benchmark at 400MHz and your screen turns to garble and you have to reboot, you may have shat your pants. AGAIN STICK TO THE ULTRA BIOS!

So flash to a 6800 ULTRA which has looser memory timings which is necessary for stability at 1.4V.

So be careful, give it a shot if you think it is worth it, and get better cooling!

I (just now tonight) flashed back to a 6800 ULTRA (because I remembered I benchmarked stable with that bios) and I am now ROCK SOLID at 415 MHz and 1.08 GHz (up from 400/1.05)

I have the blue PCB 6800 GT, would flashing the the ultra do anything other than let me OC higher? Thing is, I get stuttering in games with my 6800 GT @ stock speeds ( 370/1000 ) really sucks.
I wouldn'y flash a NU to a GT/Ultra without doing a ton of research. But my guess is that there really isn't a good reason to do the flash.

First, the RAM on the NU is much slower, so you would have to underclock it majorly.

Second, you would not up the voltage on the core unless you flashed to an Ultra (6800 and 6800GT use 1.3v, 1.4v on Ultra), so you would have to underclock the RAM even more and probably the core as well.

Third, more voltage means more heat means a new cooler would be needed. Since many 6800NUs aren't compatible with the NV5 Silencer, I don't know how you would cool it.
UltimateMan said:
I (just now tonight) flashed back to a 6800 ULTRA (because I remembered I benchmarked stable with that bios) and I am now ROCK SOLID at 415 MHz and 1.08 GHz (up from 400/1.05)

Wait, so you flashed to the ultra bios, which should give you speeds of 400/1.1 and then underclocked the memory to 1.08?