BFG 6800NU w/ 6vp by default?


Limp Gawd
Jan 26, 2004
Hey guys I recently bought a BFG 6800NU at BestBuy (the kind with 2 fans and copper cooler). So i installed RivaTuner and noticed that by default, all 6 vertex units were enabled...

From everything I've heard on the 'net prior to this, all 6800's had 12 pipelines and 5 vertex units. Why would mine have 6? Anyone out there have a 6800 with 6 vertex units by default?


And BFG also overclocks the card by default. Maybe they just did this intentionally as a way to boost 'stocks' performance vs their competitors?

Gods know there have been NO reported cases of any 6800 nus NOT working with that 6th vertex unit, so maybe BFG just decided 'hell with it' and turned it on by default?
Back when I was playing around with RivaTuner on my 6800NU, I never really noticed a performance difference from enabling the 6th vp unit.