BFG 7800GTX problems


Jun 30, 2005
I just built my pc a few days ago, and it runs pretty good, but not as good as I expected. Also it has crashed multiple times when playing games, 3 times during BF2, 1 time during Painkiller, and once during CS:S. It usually seems to get pretty choppy and then it freezes. So i have to restart the pc to fix it.......... im guessing its a vid card problem since it gets laggy especially when in a big open area such as on Battlefied 2.

My Pc Specs:

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe
AMD 64 3700+ ( San Diego core )
1 gb pc3200 ddr400
460watt psu

Anyone have any suggestions as how to fix the problem?? To make my card run better and not freeze my pc...
One odd thing I read on another forum was that using the DVI closer s-video is better. The other runs much slower, don’t know if this is a bug, rare problem or the other DVI is intended for a 2nd display. Don’t have a 7800, so don’t know if this is a RTFM issue or not. Worth a shot if it's on the lower port.
Addy711 said:
One odd thing I read on another forum was that using the DVI closer s-video is better. The other runs much slower, don’t know if this is a bug, rare problem or the other DVI is intended for a 2nd display. Don’t have a 7800, so don’t know if this is a RTFM issue or not. Worth a shot if it's on the lower port.

I would have thought the DVI port closer to the S-Video port would be the "intended" secondary display port as the S-Video won't generally be used as anything other than a secondary display.
updated drivers, bios etc? i have a similiar setup bfg 7800gtx and while my FPS in Bf2 isn't always stellar in some servers it IS stable. anyway send it to me if u give up. :)

oh and get another gig of mem for bf2 or else.
Hmmm, if it seems to ALWAYS get choppy and then crash, maybe a heat issue?

Get SiSoft Sandra and check your temps maybe.
That is the exact system I am building wednesday, with 2gb ram and an antec tp 550w, i'll let u know how it goes.
I run the game at max settings at 70 to 100 FPS. I think you have other issues than your video card.
im starting to think its a memory issue.
the memory is some weird memory, dont remember the brand name, think its generic stuff. but i bought it a year ago when i was building my other pc, it was like 160$ for 2 x 512mb pc3200 ddr400 dual channel.... hmm.. i think i got ripped off cause i didnt know what i was buying.... and got generic shit.

im checking out SiSoft Sandra though.

btw, how do you see FPS in BF2?
if your machine is running at full load and then crashes you have bigger problems than software buddy. its mainly going to do with ventilation its getting way too fucking hot in your case.
fodder0 said:
btw, how do you see FPS in BF2?

bring down the console by pressing ~ or ^ (I can't rememer and I'm on my laptop now).

Then type:
renderer.drawfps 1

Seems a small bug in this console, so type it twice :rolleyes:
fodder0 said:
I just built my pc a few days ago, and it runs pretty good, but not as good as I expected. Also it has crashed multiple times when playing games, 3 times during BF2, 1 time during Painkiller, and once during CS:S. It usually seems to get pretty choppy and then it freezes. So i have to restart the pc to fix it.......... im guessing its a vid card problem since it gets laggy especially when in a big open area such as on Battlefied 2.

My Pc Specs:

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe
AMD 64 3700+ ( San Diego core )
1 gb pc3200 ddr400
460watt psu

Anyone have any suggestions as how to fix the problem?? To make my card run better and not freeze my pc...

sounds like heat
can you post a pic of your pc or tell us what case you have and how many fans im going to bet heat
Its an Addtronics CL6210

I have 5 fans in my pc
Asus Probe 2, says my CPU is 38 degrees, and my mobo is 40.

lastnight after playing BF2 for abit, my cpu was 46 degrees, and the mobo was 46 degrees.
I downloaded Sandra but it wouldnt show my Vid card sensor stuff.... how do I see how hot my video card is?
Double click the desktop, under display click. nvidia 7800 comes up with all the card choices; sli,color correction,etc and temperature. click on temp. theres a sensor there that will show you temps. I have a similar setup, my card runs about 68-70 centigrade full on. I dont play battlefield but all my other games run very smooth at high res with all the bells and whistles. I have 6 fans including two video cooling side panel fans.
I just played BF2 for 20 minutes and its at 57 degrees. (the video card)
The game was pretty choppy too.... when there were explosions and even just running around looking at the scenery and shit. Gah! this makes me so mad.... could it be a memory problem? Thats really the only thing I can think of unless my card overheats, i set it to notify me if it exceeds max temp. So hopefully ill find out later if its that when i play a game.
I see by you rrig specs that you only have 1gb ram - what video options are you using?

You should be able to run everything high except set textures to MEDIUM since you only have 1gb ram. If that doesn't do it set dynamic shadows to low, anti aliasing to 2x (low) and filtering to low.

It is likley the textures slowing you down - check your HD activity led - if it is on solid when you encounter the chopiness that is the problem! I found I needed 2gb of ram to run with all settings HIGH and no slowdowns in BF2 with my 7800GTX.
I have everything up high except the textures on medium, and theres no AA.
Runs decent, except for when looking off at far places it gets some FPS lag, or when theres a helicopter or Plane shooting rockets, or sometimes even just looking at them.

I turned all the settings down to low, and it ran a little better, but still made my pc freeze when i was on the crane looking at the whole map, it starts to get really choppy then freezes. Gets choppy ewven just running around too sometimes, seeing heli's and planes.

ill try some more stuff tonight when i get back from bandcamp.
should i be running the stress test? ive been running it for over an hour.... everything seems to be going fine.
after reading that thread about BF2, its most likely got to be a RAM issue. Ill just get 2 gb's of ram. Using too much RAM would make a PC freeze correct?
fodder0 said:
I just played BF2 for 20 minutes and its at 57 degrees. (the video card)
The game was pretty choppy too.... when there were explosions and even just running around looking at the scenery and shit. Gah! this makes me so mad.... could it be a memory problem? Thats really the only thing I can think of unless my card overheats, i set it to notify me if it exceeds max temp. So hopefully ill find out later if its that when i play a game.

It sounds like a system RAM problem. Your probly gonna have to get some quality RAM. I have a similar system as you and I run the game at 1600 res all settings on high except dynamic shadows at medium, 2xMSAA, and 4xAF and have no problems.

What drivers are u running? Go to Guru3D and try the latest betas, 80.40
fodder0 said:
after reading that thread about BF2, its most likely got to be a RAM issue. Ill just get 2 gb's of ram. Using too much RAM would make a PC freeze correct?

NO it wont itll make it stutter abit but not freeze some thing else is wrong get your self rivatuner and check your temps wile running some thing like the rthdribl
i run the game at 1024 x 768 not 1600x1200. I'll buy some decent RAM though in the next week, in the meantime ill get those beta drivers.

Should I try that video card Latency tool?

edit: i dled that prog and im gonna run that too and check temps.
I have a similar system except I have 2 GBs of that XMS Corsair RAM that HardOCP recommended in their $1500 upgrade guide (and my processor is a 4000+ with San Diego). I have zero hitching BF2 and run it 1600x1200 maxed out. Since it's not a heat issue apparently, it seems like it has to be either bad RAM or the wrong kind of RAM.

I highly recommend that XMS Corsair RAM as it's given me zero problems so far. I'd link it but my stupid work internet connection is having problems with NewEgg right now. Nevermind, here it is:

Also, is this a new XP install since you got this stuff and you have all the latest drivers and updates?
Yea ill buy that corsair xms, i get paid friday and i should be selling my old pc.

edit: i have all the latest updates and whatnot, and it is a new XP PRO install.
how hot can the BFG 7800gtx get?

Im running that Real-time HDR IBL and its getting to like 79 degrees running fullll screen at like 70 fps.
whats the max temp for video card, or where you should be careful?

what video card fan do i need to cool it down then?

whats the max temp of 7800gtx? If so, what kind of fans should I get to cool it. I already have like 5 in my case.
fodder0 said:

whats the max temp of 7800gtx? If so, what kind of fans should I get to cool it. I already have like 5 in my case.

For stock clocks and even some overclocking the stock cooling on the 7800GTX should be fine for most systems. As long as you have adequare airflow in a normal case you should be ok. I think they get around 90C if I am not mistaken? I havne't checked mine.
I'm actually thinking a CPU heat problem. Was the heatsink installed correctly? Did you use custom thermal compound? If so, was it applied correctly? If you didn't you any thermal compound, then that is your problem. Two of my friends did not use any thermal compound. when they built their computers.
I seriously doubt you need more RAM. It was crashing in other games too, not just BF2. If it was just BF2, more RAM still wouldn't be your problem for the crashes anyways. But... It could be that you have a bad RAM module. Did you run any long loops of prime95?