BFG 8800GTS 640MB OC2 or the 2900 XT


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2005
I'm looking to get a BFG 8800GTX 640MB OC2 and when compared to the 2900XT, some reviews says the ATI is faster and others say it can't keep up. I'm pairing this with a Pentium D 945 and playing games such as BF2142, GRAW (and GRAW 2 when it releases) and BF2. I don't want a GTX (won't fit comfortably in the case and I don't think it's worth the premium, also this will be an inbetween card until next yearish) so which one?
Man, this will get ugly....LOL I would go for the 2900 XT...and if you ask, yes I already bought and I will be getting rid of my 8800 GTS 640MB...:cool: All these people making claims about AA not working properly, but I've yet to see anything from AMD-ATi to confirm nor deny it.
I'm looking to get a BFG 8800GTX 640MB OC2 and when compared to the 2900XT, some reviews says the ATI is faster and others say it can't keep up. I'm pairing this with a Pentium D 945 and playing games such as BF2142, GRAW (and GRAW 2 when it releases) and BF2. I don't want a GTX (won't fit comfortably in the case and I don't think it's worth the premium, also this will be an inbetween card until next yearish) so which one?

8800 GTS 640 is the way to go. That model is surely more expensive than the standard GTS, but still the GTS 640 is a better card overall, not only due to the power and heat problems of the 2900 XT, but also because the GTS is usually faster and has more memory.
Man, this will get ugly....LOL I would go for the 2900 XT...and if you ask, yes I already bought and I will be getting rid of my 8800 GTS 640MB...:cool: All these people making claims about AA not working properly, but I've yet to see anything from AMD-ATi to confirm nor deny it.

As I'm sure you were expecting, someone would ask you this: You really did exchange your GTS 640 for a 2900 XT ?
As I'm sure you were expecting, someone would ask you this: You really did exchange your GTS 640 for a 2900 XT ?

Yes, it will be this weekend (since that's the only time I have to mess around with my PC hardware).
And since you are honest, I am positive you would report truthfully, your findings with the new card, even if it is slower than your GTS......? :)
Cheers for the replies guys. I'm leaning towards the 8800 due to power and heat, and overclockability. Nicepun, I'd love if you could report your findings in this thread between the 8800gts and the 2900xt, it would help me greatly :)
i went ahead and sold my x1950xt and bought a 8800gts 640 today. my XT was the 3rd ati card to give me problems this year, and i dont even OC em. the power requirments from ATI are just getting way to high for what the bring to the table. tho ive been a ati guy forever. havent had a nvidia since prob 6-7 years ago. the only thing i really did like about ati was the drivers, they are always getting better and from what ive seen nvidia lacks in that department.
Yes, it will be this weekend (since that's the only time I have to mess around with my PC hardware).

Given what I'm sure you read, in the majority of review/evaluation sites out there, why did you do that ?
Man, this will get ugly....LOL I would go for the 2900 XT...and if you ask, yes I already bought and I will be getting rid of my 8800 GTS 640MB...:cool: All these people making claims about AA not working properly, but I've yet to see anything from AMD-ATi to confirm nor deny it.

I second that. Why, with all the horrible reviews, did you do this?
I dont like the 2900xt because it consumes much more power and runs hotter. Shows that the card is not really efficient.
Man, this will get ugly....LOL I would go for the 2900 XT...and if you ask, yes I already bought and I will be getting rid of my 8800 GTS 640MB...:cool: All these people making claims about AA not working properly, but I've yet to see anything from AMD-ATi to confirm nor deny it.

Well they would never confirm it, because that's bad publicity, and they wouldn't deny it either, because that brings attention to it.

From what I've read it doesn't do as well, but thats preliminary, so I'm not going to make a judgement call on that.

But without solid review I wouldnt buy the card. And I have a 8800GTS 320mb, and it runs fantastic, so thats where my vote lies, because I have one, and I'm very happy with it.
I'm looking to get a BFG 8800GTX 640MB OC2 and when compared to the 2900XT, some reviews says the ATI is faster and others say it can't keep up. I'm pairing this with a Pentium D 945 and playing games such as BF2142, GRAW (and GRAW 2 when it releases) and BF2. I don't want a GTX (won't fit comfortably in the case and I don't think it's worth the premium, also this will be an inbetween card until next yearish) so which one?
You might want to look to upgrading that Pentium D (if your mobo supports C2D), because I think you might end up being bottlenecked by your CPU with either card.
You might want to look to upgrading that Pentium D (if your mobo supports C2D), because I think you might end up being bottlenecked by your CPU with either card.

Agreed you will need a better CPU if you want to see this card's full potential.
You can pick up and e4300 that will OC to 3Ghz for only $115.
You might want to look to upgrading that Pentium D (if your mobo supports C2D), because I think you might end up being bottlenecked by your CPU with either card.

^^^ What he said. My D holds my card back, though I will be replacing it soon.
It strikes me that there are too many 'maybes' with the 2900XT. As much as I like the underdog, I'd buy an 8800GTS 640 especially considering they are substantially cheaper. If they were the same price, I really don't know what I'd pick - I'd probably postpone the decision for a month or two to see if there are any big improvements on the 2900XT.
You might want to look to upgrading that Pentium D (if your mobo supports C2D), because I think you might end up being bottlenecked by your CPU with either card.

I picked up the D for £40 on ebay around a week ago, not bad for an upgrade from my P4 650, as my mobo won't support C2D. I'll be using my D for a few months until the new Yorkfield comes out, however since I'll mainly be playing the games I listed, if performance is fine then I'll wait around a year or so. You're right though, it will be a bottleneck!

I've decided I'll be getting the 8800GTS in 2 weeks, maybe we'll see a price drop by then but I doubt it!

@Nicepun: Did you get a chance to installing your 2900XT, or not yet? If so what was the result on the performance difference?
I think AMD/ATI has developed a good platform for future cards but this generation's form in the 2900xt is just a little too "raw" for me. The 8800 series has more mature drivers I would go with that.