BFG = full price for refurb cards

bonkrowave said:
You should check the vendor first. There is a vendor here in canada, aptly named Canada Computers. They are a bunch of scam artists. My buddy bought a 9600 XT brand new, brought it home, we took of the heatsink and stuck some artic silver under the heatsink.

So the card worked fine for a few days and then crapped out. So he returned it to the store. He returned to the store a week later, the store said they had returned his card and replaced it with a new one. Well wouldn't you know he gets it home, we unclip the heatsink, and low and behold its the same damn card with the arctic silver paste still under the heatsink. And the card still did not work.

What a friggen scam. That have a shrink wrapper in the back, where they re-seal stuff and sell it as new, and on top of this when you return something they take a 15% re-stocking fee *cough BS *cough, from your original purchase price.

Wait, you and your friend opened up a new card (thus voiding warranty) applied some AS 5, killed it and then expected the retailer to pay for your mistake?
MFZ said:
Wait, you and your friend opened up a new card (thus voiding warranty) applied some AS 5, killed it and then expected the retailer to pay for your mistake?

Hard to feel sorry for this unscrupulous fellow, isn't it? ;)
Rollo said:
Hard to feel sorry for this unscrupulous fellow, isn't it? ;)

Yeah. Don't want to break the reality of the guy who writes "Bad" on his board either, but, if he just writes it on the circuit board part, it's easily removable. If he scratches the board so it'll stick permanently, he voided his warranty, and if he writes it on the HSF combo or backplate, well those are cheap enough to replace.

Basically doing anything physical to the card is enough to void a manufacturer warranty. Most of them are nice enough to not care about the easily fixable, but still, do at your own risk.
MFZ said:
Wait, you and your friend opened up a new card (thus voiding warranty) applied some AS 5, killed it and then expected the retailer to pay for your mistake?

Way to jump to conclusions. The video card in question had a clip on heatsink / fan combo. There are little plastic pins you compress and the thing pops off. There is no scraping, or prying involved at all. Applying thermal paste between the heatsink and GPU is not going to ruin it. The card was later returned for the second time, and it was determind that the RAM was faulty, not the GPU, so it was not our mistake at all.

Perhaps putting the safety on the flame thrower may be in order ?

unscrupulous fellow :rolleyes:
I recieved the replacement card already- shipped next day air via UPS and if it's not a new card I'll eat my cat for dinner! Not a mark on it! It's as close to new as I could ever hope to get from a brand new boxed sale. AND a return shipping label too! Now that's what I call customer service! I'm a BFG man from now on!
Thanks again Mr. Malley.
bonkrowave said:
Way to jump to conclusions. The video card in question had a clip on heatsink / fan combo. There are little plastic pins you compress and the thing pops off. There is no scraping, or prying involved at all. Applying thermal paste between the heatsink and GPU is not going to ruin it. The card was later returned for the second time, and it was determind that the RAM was faulty, not the GPU, so it was not our mistake at all.

Perhaps putting the safety on the flame thrower may be in order ?

unscrupulous fellow :rolleyes:

Modifying a card in any way, including removing the stock T.I.M and HSF should void the warranty. Good thing it got replaced, though
BBA said:
I must be the only guy who combats getting recycled used parts for warrenty support.

When I have a bad part, I take a LARGE permanent marker and write 'BAD' right on the part, in plain sight.

It makes it a lot harder to send back to the next unsuspecting customer. Especially if it's a weird failure the average plug it in and turn it tester would likely miss.
the funny thing is i fix xboxes and ive had a few come like this. a qtip and isopropyl alcohol + 5 minutes later and u would never know it was ever there.
Yeah, I recieved a refurb.
Yeah, It works great.
Yeah, I will continue to increase my BFG hardware inventory!

I understand the issue with buying something new and expecting it to work properly and expecting to get it replaced with something else new if it doesn't. Happy to hear that it worked out for you.

PLUS: KUDOS for Shzitt giving you a heads up on John Malley and his email address!

tasstrayer said:
Yeah, I recieved a refurb.
Yeah, It works great.
Yeah, I will continue to increase my BFG hardware inventory!

I understand the issue with buying something new and expecting it to work properly and expecting to get it replaced with something else new if it doesn't. Happy to hear that it worked out for you.

PLUS: KUDOS for Shzitt giving you a heads up on John Malley and his email address!


THANK YOU Shzitt! I forgot to tell you that- appreciate it man! I never thought I'd have a brand new card the very next day!
brainstormoc said:
I never thought of that- good call- maybe i will try to contact them about it. :) thanks for the thought. can't believe I didn't think of that. :D
is ur screenname says BRAINSTORM
brainstormoc said:
I do see your point. It's honestly just a little hard to take when I know I didn't damage the card. I can see it from the company's POV but cmon. Why do they charge significantly less for refurbished cards then? Because they are not new and subsequently seen as less valuable. I paid $300 for a card that should be equal to the value of that money, not the value of half that amount.
they charge significantly less for a used card cuz people like you bitch about not wanting a used card. oh yea, and sometimes they dont come with warranties.
BBA said:
I must be the only guy who combats getting recycled used parts for warrenty support.

When I have a bad part, I take a LARGE permanent marker and write 'BAD' right on the part, in plain sight.

It makes it a lot harder to send back to the next unsuspecting customer. Especially if it's a weird failure the average plug it in and turn it tester would likely miss.
warranty voiding? i wouldnt do that because they can easily say u voided terms of warranty.
Rollo said:
Why is that?

The card he gets could have failed after ten minutes and been repaired?

Someone like JMag could have bought it and said,"Nuts- my $400 6800GT doesn't run at $600 UE speeds- I'm sending this junk back! How dare they rip me off buy not giving me a UE when I paid for a GT!"
i totally agree. i can't tell you how many times i want to beat the shit out of people on this forum when i hear someone RMAing parts that overclock badly simply because they overclock badly. I will personally fight anyone who has done this if they are willing to fly here lol.
bonkrowave said:
Way to jump to conclusions. The video card in question had a clip on heatsink / fan combo. There are little plastic pins you compress and the thing pops off. There is no scraping, or prying involved at all. Applying thermal paste between the heatsink and GPU is not going to ruin it. The card was later returned for the second time, and it was determind that the RAM was faulty, not the GPU, so it was not our mistake at all.

Perhaps putting the safety on the flame thrower may be in order ?

unscrupulous fellow :rolleyes:
and came off by itself. u took off the heatsink, you voided the warranty, you fucked up. you have no right to rma it.
Had my BFG 6800 die on me... they let me RMA, 4 day turn I had a replacement, it has flaws in it, but they are immediately shipping me another 2day Air w/ return label inside. No questions asked, very polite and curteous guys on the phone. This is a great company to deal with. I undoubtedly will continue to buy their stuff. And, no the replacement wasn't brand new in appearance, but I did not send a 6 hour old one in to them either. I am happy to see that they care and take care of problems instead of forgetting about them.

Peanut Gallery out...
If its not to late to throw my 2 cents in..

If the card dies within the same day you bought it, I'd take it back to the vendor.

Kudos to you for doing what BFG required and doing the RMA tho.

However, He did spend full price for a shiney brand spanking new card. Its not asking to much to recieve a new retail package in return.

Now, if it had been a few weeks, or even a few months after he bought it, then the return of a refurbished card in good working and cosmetic condition is understandable and acceptable..

But getting a refurbed card in return for a card you JUST bought that, for all intensive purpases, was DOA, is unacceptable.

If a refurbished is what was desired, He wouldn't have payed the full retail price.
So let me get this striaght, if you buy a brand spanking new BFG card and it's DOA, when you RMA you will not receive another brand new card but a refurb one????
slamgoku said:
he should have rma'd it to the vendor. its his own fault for not doing that

He did what BFG requests on the packaging, You can't fault him for doing what he was SUPPOSED to do. He's an honest guy, a dying breed if I ever saw one