BFG RMA process, follow along!

Did BFG by an chance leave a new mobo in the box? ;) Mine also just showed before noon. It came in a FedEx box filled with styrofoam nuts and the card in it's anti-static bag with the bubble bag over it just as they come from the factory. BTW, I was upgraded to the OCX version. Thanks BFG! I haven't had the change to install it yet but I'm sure it will work just fine.

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I sense a wee bit of irony. They promote the use of UPS through their corp incentive program when sending stuff in, yet they are shipping everything out via FedEx.
I sense a wee bit of irony. They promote the use of UPS through their corp incentive program when sending stuff in, yet they are shipping everything out via FedEx.

That should have been changed on the RMA form actually. We used to use UPS as our primary courier and had a program setup through them, but have since moved to FedEx. I'll take a look at that and make sure it gets corrected.
Is your card brand new or used:confused:
btw, what's your original card?

Did BFG by an chance leave a new mobo in the box? ;) Mine also just showed before noon. It came in a FedEx box filled with styrofoam nuts and the card in it's anti-static bag with the bubble bag over it just as they come from the factory. BTW, I was upgraded to the OCX version. Thanks BFG! I haven't had the change to install it yet but I'm sure it will work just fine.

Do I have to register the replacement card on BFG website to continue my lifetime warranty?
No, it should be done automatically. We also have a record of the RMA and the details off of the card so you won't have any issues going forward.
OCCT Perestroïka 3.0.1
Anyone heard of this program?
Same as 3dmark?
is it good?
OCCT is a completely different program. 3Dmark is for benchmarking, OCCT is for stress Testing. It is very good at it too.
Is your card brand new or used:confused:
btw, what's your original card?

As far as I can tell it's brand new. Honestly I don't even know what to look for even if it was refurbished and I have a sharp eye at determining was is used or new. As a matter of fact it looks better than the original. There are always some light manufacturing and handling scratches that are hard to avoid and that the plastic has a high sheen brings them out even more, but this replacement is flawless. Looks like the card was inspected as the yellow sticker was torn but wasn't resealed with another on top. My original was the etail OC2 version. This is the retail OCX version. I can tell this by the UPC sticker on the card.
My 8800GTX OC2 packed up and started randomly locking up recently, it would only function properly if I underclocked the memory. Sent it in for RMA via Purolator on April 7th to BFG's Kanawake depot in Quebec. It showed up at some place called Kanawake Kids on the 8th. So I rang up Purolator to ask what the deal was, apparently that's a holding depot!:confused:

So I phoned BFG on Wednesday the 15th to find out what was going on, and they hadn't sent anyone to the pickup spot yet! It didn't end up getting entered as received till the 20th! :mad:

I'll let you know when its on its way back as well as what I receive. I hope its decent for the 1 week layover in the kids clothing store. :(
If you get a GTS250, I think you will be pretty happy, based on my experience with one for the last week.
The place in Kahnwake, Quebec is called Mercier Support Centre. I don't know if this is only for BFG products or other manufacturers of electronics.
As far as I can tell it's brand new. Honestly I don't even know what to look for even if it was refurbished and I have a sharp eye at determining was is used or new. As a matter of fact it looks better than the original. There are always some light manufacturing and handling scratches that are hard to avoid and that the plastic has a high sheen brings them out even more, but this replacement is flawless. Looks like the card was inspected as the yellow sticker was torn but wasn't resealed with another on top. My original was the etail OC2 version. This is the retail OCX version. I can tell this by the UPC sticker on the card.

Mine is a used one for sure with many scratches around :(
Hope it works fine, will run a test tonight :rolleyes:
My 8800GTX OC2 packed up and started randomly locking up recently, it would only function properly if I underclocked the memory. Sent it in for RMA via Purolator on April 7th to BFG's Kanawake depot in Quebec. It showed up at some place called Kanawake Kids on the 8th. So I rang up Purolator to ask what the deal was, apparently that's a holding depot!:confused:

So I phoned BFG on Wednesday the 15th to find out what was going on, and they hadn't sent anyone to the pickup spot yet! It didn't end up getting entered as received till the 20th! :mad:

I'll let you know when its on its way back as well as what I receive. I hope its decent for the 1 week layover in the kids clothing store. :(

According to Canada Poste mine was delivered on the 15th at Mercier Support Centre in Kahnawake but was only listed as received by BFG on the 20th. The RMA has not yet shipped back from them. I hope they send it before the weekend or I’ll simply buy another one from a local store and sell the RMA.
According to Canada Poste mine was delivered on the 15th at Mercier Support Centre in Kahnawake but was only listed as received by BFG on the 20th. The RMA has not yet shipped back from them. I hope they send it before the weekend or I’ll simply buy another one from a local store and sell the RMA.

You should get it this week. Mine was also received by them on the 15th and was shipped out on the 20th and today I got it.
As far as I can tell it's brand new. Honestly I don't even know what to look for even if it was refurbished and I have a sharp eye at determining was is used or new. As a matter of fact it looks better than the original. There are always some light manufacturing and handling scratches that are hard to avoid and that the plastic has a high sheen brings them out even more, but this replacement is flawless. Looks like the card was inspected as the yellow sticker was torn but wasn't resealed with another on top. My original was the etail OC2 version. This is the retail OCX version. I can tell this by the UPC sticker on the card.

So which model did you end up getting? 250/260/280? maxcore give the meat! :)
You should get it this week. Mine was also received by them on the 15th and was shipped out on the 20th and today I got it.

I've already purchased another GTX 285 since I really needed a replacement card ASAP. I'll have to decide if I run the two cards in SLI, or if I simply resell the one I receive from the RMA, but my PSU might (?) be underpowered for SLI.
With a 24" monitor you won't see a huge difference with 2 cards. Besides, if the card gets back soon enough you can simply return the card you bought, right?
I dont want to hi-jack the thread, but my EVGA 8800gtx is finally biting the dust. I know they have a lifetime warranty, does anyone know if they still have any of these cards in stock to replace it with?
With a 24" monitor you won't see a huge difference with 2 cards. Besides, if the card gets back soon enough you can simply return the card you bought, right?

I would not feel comfortable returning a brand new card that works perfectly even if it's theoretically possible. A friend of mine is building a new PC so I'll offer him the RMA'ed card at a price he can't refuse. :D
I dont want to hi-jack the thread, but my EVGA 8800gtx is finally biting the dust. I know they have a lifetime warranty, does anyone know if they still have any of these cards in stock to replace it with?
If they don't you get a newer card, I believe. Which would be a GTS250?

I would not feel comfortable returning a brand new card that works perfectly even if it's theoretically possible. A friend of mine is building a new PC so I'll offer him the RMA'ed card at a price he can't refuse. :D

I see. Always good to help out.
How bad are the scratches? Can you post a pic?

Photo can't show very well.
btw, I got a used 9800GTXOCE back, thanks BFG and many thanks to Jeff for your help to answer my questions;)
Hope the card works fine:(
Still no update from BFG about the RMA. At least my new EVGA works great. No strange issue with monitor sleep mode so far. Lets hope it stays that way! BTW, it's not a negative comment toward the service I received from BFG, far from it. I'm just really happy that my new card is working great.
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Do you know what do BFG RMA base on?
If I need to RMA my RMAed replacemnt card (which is better than the original),
What would BFG base on?
Will I get a card worse than my RMAed replacemnt card which is base on my original RMA card?

Coz my current replacement card is pretty nice but having problem with the fan.

Thanks much for your help.
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I’m sure that if your replacement card is defective, they’ll replace it for one that works properly.

Will you get a brand new card? I guess it depends on what they have in stock at the time.

You probably have better chances of getting a new card for newer models.

Best ask BFG support directly!
It always seems like I'm the only one who's had a less-than-pleasant RMA experience with BFG.

Last summer my card started artifacting, so I shoot an email over to BFG. It always took about a day or so to get a reply to my emails, but the employee that worked with me was very kind and made me feel appreciated as a customer. The was about the only nice thing about my experience.

An RMA was set up, and a form along with instructions were sent to me. I boxed up the card, padding included and all, slapped the label on the box, and shipped it off via UPS. The store clerk had no idea what the BFG Corporate Program was, so I had to pay for shipping charges myself. Okay, not a big deal, I went ahead and paid the fees and my card was on its way.

I get my "replacement" card a few weeks later. I popped it in and powered my system up and encountered the exact same problems as my old card: severe artifacts when plugged it via VGA, and a non-functional DVI mode. I examined my computer, checking to see if anything else could be causing the problem. Everything seemed to be in order, so I popped the card into another computer to test it out, and ran into the same problems. I had also tested the card on multiple computers before I sent an RMA request, to make sure the problem wasn't on my computer's end.

I took out the card an upon closer inspection, I found that what I thought was a "new" card was actually the exact same card I received before with a new sticker on the fan and a small one that said "OK" on the back. Even the old serial number was still on the card, which I found after I noticed that the serial number sticker looked a bit odd, and peeled off to see that they simply stuck a new sticker on top of the old one.

I sent in another email and reported my problem, and also provided them with my old RMA number in case they needed to check to see exactly what was wrong with the card. Back and forth again with emails, and I find myself getting redundant advice, such as to check my BIOS/voltages, update my drivers, try it on another system, etc., all of which I had already done previously. At that point, I wasn't willing to put up with any more questions or pay MORE shipping fees, and since it was a rather old card anyways (6800GS AGP), I decided to just let it go and forget about it, and proceeded to remove the heatsink from my card (because I had never seen a naked card before, and thought it'd be neat to check it out). It's been laying on my shelf ever since.

Maybe I just got unlucky, but there's my two cents. Take it for what it's worth.
I guess it depends on whom you end up dealing with. I had a perfectly working GTX 260 and I had the bright idea to send it for a Step Up. I took a few days to work things out since they where never able to process my payment via credit card. I ended up sending a money order and Jeff was really helpful during the whole process. They even sent me the trade up card before receiving my payment.

The first RMA was fast and painless, even if the card was somewhat “lightly” packaged and ended up not working properly, but the second RMA is definitely not as smooth, mainly because it’s taking longer than the first one...

Since I did not want to wait for the RMA to be shipped back, I went and got a new card, and so far it’s working great. I always felt they had my best interest at heart, but getting two defective products in a row put me off somewhat.

I still think you can't go wrong with BFG, even if you might not have a spectacular experience every time. They will take care of you. At least, that is what Jeff did every time!
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Last BFG card I owned was a GF 6800 OC (not because I have an issue w/BFG, I've only had like two other cards since then), I actually had to RMA that card twice and it was completely painless... Well, other than the fact that I had to RMA it twice because the first replacement they sent was worse off than my original card (wouldn't even boot), my guess is someone goofed and put it in the wrong bin, heh.

My local UPS store had no issues using BFG's corporate account thing, which was surprising (anything shipping related is usually a huge PITA down here in Puerto Rico). BFG didn't even ask me back for the first (dead) replacement card they sent me, heh, told me to just chuck it or do w/e the heck I wanted with it, never had to bother sending it back. I've also heard of people that have received upgrades when the card that died on 'em was no longer available.

I'd definitely buy from BFG again, I was gonna get my GTX 260 from them actually but a deal XFX/Newegg had was too good to pass up ($160 after MIR + 2 games) and I've heard good things about XFX too.

P.S. The issue w/my original 6800 seemed to be the vram, I'd see artifacts after extended play sessions in a MMORPG ('specially after moving across several zones) and I'd eventually experience crashes. Seems to be a pretty common ailment of vid cards to this day..
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According to Jeff said 'That should have been changed on the RMA form actually. We used to use UPS as our primary courier and had a program setup through them, but have since moved to FedEx.'

Last BFG card I owned was a GF 6800 OC (not because I have an issue w/BFG, I've only had like two other cards since then), I actually had to RMA that card twice and it was completely painless... Well, other than the fact that I had to RMA it twice because the first replacement they sent was worse off than my original card (wouldn't even boot), my guess is someone goofed and put it in the wrong bin, heh.

My local UPS store had no issues using BFG's corporate account thing, which was surprising (anything shipping related is usually a huge PITA down here in Puerto Rico). BFG didn't even ask me back for the first (dead) replacement card they sent me, heh, told me to just chuck it or do w/e the heck I wanted with it, never had to bother sending it back. I've also heard of people that have received upgrades when the card that died on 'em was no longer available.

I'd definitely buy from BFG again, I was gonna get my GTX 260 from them actually but a deal XFX/Newegg had was too good to pass up ($160 after MIR + 2 games) and I've heard good things about XFX too.

P.S. The issue w/my original 6800 seemed to be the vram, I'd see artifacts after extended play sessions in a MMORPG ('specially after moving across several zones) and I'd eventually experience crashes. Seems to be a pretty common ailment of vid cards to this day..
SLiGuy, you are not alone in your experience. I previously posted about a bad experience, that was never really resolved. I am glad to hear others have mostly good experiences, but I don't purchase BFG products anymore because of the way I was treated.
According to Jeff said 'That should have been changed on the RMA form actually. We used to use UPS as our primary courier and had a program setup through them, but have since moved to FedEx.'

They were still using UPS at the time, read my post, I was RMA'ing a GF 6800... An AGP card w/128MB on-board IIRC, y'know, that was quite a while ago. :p
SLiGuy, you are not alone in your experience. I previously posted about a bad experience, that was never really resolved. I am glad to hear others have mostly good experiences, but I don't purchase BFG products anymore because of the way I was treated.
While I do feel your pain, I have to admit that it is a little comforting to find out that I am not the only one who's had a bad time.

I'm sure that on an overall scale, BFG is a great company, but I think I'll take my chances with EVGA or XFX next time I make a purchase.
RMA arrived! Replaced my 8800GTX OC2 with a GTX280 1GB. That good enough? Still have to wait till Thursday for them to send the adapter cables for the 8 pin PCIx power chord, don't want to go out and buy a new power supply when mines already a 700watt one.

Only other gripe is I couldn't believe that this was actually LONGER then the 8800GTX, ends up covering up 4 of my 6 SATA ports on my mobo. Worked around the issue using a 90 deg SATA plug.

Thoughts on this?