Big Day!


Oct 12, 2004
There are 45 new members added today according to [H]ardFolding site!!!! :cool:
Keep spreading the news!

It's all about the front page pimpage...

Hopefully soon we will have a good thing starting for all these new folders :D
47 and counting, as of this post. the [H]orde will rise again. At this rate, Stanford may have to upgrade they're big rig, to keep up. We can only hope.

our little active needle thing has also climbed to 17.10% i wonder if we could ever hit 20....

they already have a ~30k ppd lead on us, it'll take alot to get back #1 during the summer months

Has anyone figured out a way to contact the new members to encourage them to join the addiction?
I have been watching each day that more people hit my forums for wanting to know more about F@h. I figure that some of those people might have decided to help this team, who knows.
:eek: Thatsa spicy err... alota new folders!!! Proof that spreading the word does indeed work!

gnewbury said:
Has anyone figured out a way to contact the new members to encourage them to join the addiction?

That was brought up at the last "Mentor Meeting".... Planned on talking about it at the next one, hashing out ideas,etc... but we haven't had that next meeting yet... real life stepped in for alot of us, and we just haven't set a date/time yet....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Real life? Some of you have them?

Where can I get one?

I just been busy coming up with new and fun things for the [H]orde... :p
- Fold [H]ard - - Or go [H]ome -
Yup... I've been buying a new car... (read: Don't want to spend money to keep fixing my '94 Tempo... rather buy something reliable... Like the '05 Altima I now own :D ).... less money to repairs = more money for boxen!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

22 new members so far today. I went to EOC to check team stats, and we currently have 3 more active users than OCAu. So I'm thinking, why in the heck are they still pulling away? Went to Stanford to look at team stats, and found the answer. OCAU active CPU's in the last 50 days- 8292, [H]ard CPU's last 50 days- 7341. 951 extra CPU's :eek: . Them is some serious borging fools.

The climate will soon cost us CPU's. I hope Santa has a lot of rigs to kick in for the [H]orde, cause the rest of the Northern Hemisphere's, gonna be getting toasty soon. E-Mailed a Links golf bud in New Zealand about joining the [H]orde, and he mentioned recently joining OCAu. So much for getting another one for us, down there.

The recruiting effort Steve has been putting on, will help, but geez, 951 extra CPU's :rolleyes: .

KodiakStar said:
Real life? Some of you have them?

Where can I get one?
Where can I get one?? -- this comes from a guy who flys from Washington, DC to California to meet an internet date ....... Where can I get one? ......... who is pulling who's leg here!
