BIG urgent problem, A MUST LOOK! Please help!!

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Nov 21, 2004

Do you see an account called "administrator" ??

That is what is getting in my way, should i delete it? Most people with SP1 or higher have it, but its not "necessary"!

Cuz in bf2 it wont let me play cuz O/S Privleges are insufficnent!

I know this can be deleted, and all my friends dont have this annoying admin account, Now i heard its a part of windows for like sp1 and sp2, but i odnt want it, its getting in the way of BF2 and other stuff.. By the way I have 2 amdin aco!!!!s because of this, my "anthony" account is the admin and then i have an admin account called "administrator"..

PLEASE look at those pics below, picture proof.. Help me.
that just means the checkbox for having an administrator account created when you installed windows was checked and you supplied it with a password. Its a pretty standard option, I dont see any specific reason on why you should get rid of it.

I mean what is it taking up in file size a couple hundred k if it has not been in use. If you remember your password, you can always log in as the administrator and delete the file and log off.
THere is no point in deleteing it at all, and it isnt interfering with your privalages as your user is a part of the administrators group.

I'd probably check the premissions on your hard drive to ensure you didnt lock out the administrators account out of anything
no thats not it, i am the admin, but i mean, I WILL SERIOUSLY, reformat to get rid of this gay account, is there another way to delete it? Plus did i mention, this account can only be seen in safe mode, so when i go to user accounts, it doesnt show anyting, only my "anthony" account, so I CANT delete it... And this account is the MAIN, admin, therefore, bf2 cant be played on mine :( I need to get rid of this account, i never had it before... I had my windows xp for 2 years, and i never had that account..
DId you try diabling that account?

Also you can delete the account through the computer management I belive.
How can i disable it, and how can i remove it? I am looking up the registry entries, can you guys help me find the regedit entries?
it only shows up in safe mode cause its gay, if you want to log into the account while on your windows log on screen, hit ctl+alt+del twice, i know thats supposed to restart your computer but it doesnt, youll see a logon box, a la windows 2000, type in administrator under user name and log in, once your in go to control panel, hit administrative options, got to local secruities policies, under local policies, go to security options, then the first thing youll see on the right at the very top is administrator account status, change to disabled. Now its not a good thing to disable this because its a safe gauard incase you forget your password you can log into this account and remove the password of your original account, but if thats what you want go for it, o and by the way, yuove always had this account youve just never noticed it. Its a way to get onto peoples computers too without "Hacking", that admin account is the built in Win XP account for all things godly, it has every single right in XP and when you log on to it you can do anything yuo want, i.e. remove passwords from accounts, without actually having the original password.
swirly said:
its getting in the way of BF2 and other stuff..

I'd be interested in seeing if disabling the Admin account lets you install BF2, because I have never heard of this issue before. Every computer comes pre-installed with an Administrator account, and most Compaqs/HP's/eMachines/Gateways you buy nowadays come with Administrator accounts that have no passwords.

This means that if your right, and its a Windows issue, then most people shouldn't be able to install BF2.

But since I've never heard of this issue before, I believe the problem lays else where.
Murali said:
I'd be interested in seeing if disabling the Admin account lets you install BF2, because I have never heard of this issue before. Every computer comes pre-installed with an Administrator account, and most Compaqs/HP's/eMachines/Gateways you buy nowadays come with Administrator accounts that have no passwords.

This means that if your right, and its a Windows issue, then most people shouldn't be able to install BF2.

But since I've never heard of this issue before, I believe the problem lays else where.

Trust ME having an account called Admin isn't stopping a game from being installed. The reason it is hidden is to keep you from doing exactly what your doing right now trying to delete it. Before You screw something up double check the Access your account has and pay moer attention to where its trying to install the Software. Right now sir you are at the level of knowing enough to be dangerous, becareful and think a little more before doing something stupid.

Edit: Can you give us a link to the error you get when you Try to Install BF2. Also Try Making another Admin account (not called admin) and try installing it. You might be have admin access showing but your profile might be broken. Try changeing to power user and then back to admin.
I get this with CoD - i get kicked for 0 minutes for inadequate OS privileges since my admin status was taken away :mad:
Basically, if you're signed in on a limited XP account you can't play, so, try and sign in on the admin account and play
The problem is with Punkbuster, DO NOT delete your administrator account. It is however, a good idea to rename it.

Straight from the Punkbuster FAQ:

I keep getting kicked by PunkBuster for "Blocked O/S Privileges"?

Please temporarily disable other security type programs you have running such as anti-virus, process guard, SDProtector, etc. to find out which of them is blocking PB's access to resources on your computer. You either need to run PB without the blocking program(s) or play on non-PB servers. Also make sure you run the game under an Administrator or equivalent account under Windows. If you do have access an admin account, you can right click on the application you want to run and select "Run As". This will allow you to give admin access to that program and should allow you to play with a limited user.

I keep getting kicked by PunkBuster for "Insufficient O/S Privileges"?

Download and run this file from any location, it will check for adware that stops you from being able to play on PB servers. The VX2 adware edits your user rights when it infects your computer, and many programs do not repair this when they remove it.

Click the "Find VX2.betterinternet info" button to make sure that you don't have this adware. If there are no files listed, go on to the last step. If you find the adware files, (it is usually 3 random named dll files) Select all the files found.

Press 'Delete These Files'. The program will delete all files but one that will be deleted on reboot. Allow program to reboot. Once Restarted:

* Press 'Guardian.reg'.
* Press 'User Agent'.
* Press 'Restore Policy'.

Clicking on "find vx2.BetterInternet info" again should show all fields blank.
If you have no adware files, just click on the "Restore Policy" Button

Every single computer with xp pro has an admin account that is hidden. its nothing new and it isnt a secret and I play and this has never caused me a problem. The admin account is there like others have said as a safe guard. Most people setup a user account just like you did with admin rights and are done forever, hell I'd bet that 90% of the people out there dont know and will never know/use it.
This thread would have been greatly improved had the thread starter taken the time to accurately describe his issue in proper english.
If this isn't a joke, it's one of the saddest threads I've seen in the last 5 years.

swirly said:
I know this can be deleted, and all my friends dont have this annoying admin account
Please tell your friends not to EVER go near a computer again.
swirly said:
I am the administrator, see....

Now, idk what this is, i have the game isntalled, i just get kicked.. w.e. . idfc anymore, i htink bf2 sucks anyways.

WOW.. where were we unclear ..

Did you read the first reponse .. any of the others?????????

yes you are "A" admin... you are using a USER account that has ADMINISTRATION rights

you can create more Admin accounts or limited users ones.. BUT when windows was first installed it created an "Admin" account that has been there for at least 2 years.
swirly said:
I had my windows xp for 2 years, and i never had that account..
It makes no difference if you every noticed it or not.. its always there and unless you know about it or go looking for it most people never notice it...if you'd followed any of the instructions or read any of the other posts you understand all this. its there because you always want a "back door" into the system.. so you use the ANTHONY account all day long and play and stuff and then one day that account goes tits up.. well what do you do?? Profiles corrupted , you cant log in etc etc .. well hit ctrl>alt> delete and SHHHH its a secret the old style win2k loging screen comes up and you log in as the admin and recreate the acct among other things.
hulksterjoe said:
you cant log in etc etc .. well hit ctrl>alt> delete and SHHHH its a secret the old style win2k loging screen comes up and you log in as the admin and recreate the acct among other things.
wow what the fuck, i said that like 8 or 9 posts ago, dude read the damn posts people leave you, the one with the quote from punkbuster is the best, so shut your mouth for a minute and read the goddamn posts that are left on your thread. Man, you must have some sort of ADD or something.......either that or your illiterate
Agromahdi123 said:
wow what the fuck, i said that like 8 or 9 posts ago, dude read the damn posts people leave you, the one with the quote from punkbuster is the best, so shut your mouth for a minute and read the goddamn posts that are left on your thread. Man, you must have some sort of ADD or something.......either that or your illiterate

ahhh its good to see others get upset with people. :D . His question has been answered a few times now.. I wonder if he knows about spyware, viruses etc.. should we tell him ;) :D or based on this thread I'd guess that they arent a problem untill your need to play BF.. did anyone else notice these 2 lines

The first big all critical post =I GOTTA PLAY MY GAME
swirly said:
Cuz in bf2 it wont let me play cuz O/S Privleges are insufficnent!

swirly said:
Now, idk what this is, i have the game isntalled, i just get kicked.. w.e. . idfc anymore, i htink bf2 sucks anyways.

can anyone else hear the whine.
hulksterjoe said:
ahhh its good to see others get upset with people. :D . His question has been answered a few times now.. I wonder if he knows about spyware, viruses etc.. should we tell him ;) :D or based on this thread I'd guess that they arent a problem untill your need to play BF.. did anyone else notice these 2 lines

The first big all critical post =I GOTTA PLAY MY GAME


can anyone else hear the whine.
ahhhh that post just made me happy again......."Since i cant play its GHEY now"....classic
Alright well enough of this BS, your question was answered, read the answers try them out, and if they dont work, then come back to complain, and we will be happy to help, but you have to ask politely, otherwise we will just get all pissed off again....
EricNS said:
20 bucks says he drops artillery on his teamates.
I got arty'd last night in the black hawk. No biggie, it happens right? Not this way, the arty was on it's way UP.

TKx5, sucks for that commander...
Phoenix86 said:
I got arty'd last night in the black hawk. No biggie, it happens right? Not this way, the arty was on it's way UP.

TKx5, sucks for that commander...
HAHAHAHAHA.......your shit out of luck if that happens to you
Agromahdi123 said:
but seriously swirly, did you solve your problem?
His problem that he needs to learn more about Windows? Highly doubtful.
He probably deleted that pesky registry which was causing a lot of the problem. Which is why he's unable to post a response here :).

His box is probably toasted.

Direwolf20 said:
He probably deleted that pesky registry which was causing a lot of the problem. Which is why he's unable to post a response here :).

His box is probably toasted.

Direwolf20 said:
He probably deleted that pesky registry which was causing a lot of the problem. Which is why he's unable to post a response here :).

His box is probably toasted.


reminds me of the guy who kept attacking himself with one of those hacker tools. (attacking the IP
funny hehe
funny haha

how about funny nono

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