Bigwater replacement parts?


Aug 21, 2005
I have the Thermaltake Bigwater water cooling kit. I know it sucks about as muhc ass as it can possibly suck, but I was wondering what I should replace to get the most efficient cooling form it. I'm having some problems with overheating, and would like to replace a few things in the loop, just not sure what; I'm thinking the pump and the rad. Let me know, any info would be great, thanx
If you sell it off on Ebay you can probably get about what you paid for it less maybe 20%. Then you can build a decent rig and it will have only cost you a few bucks for the lesson in economics.
Top Nurse said:
If you sell it off on Ebay you can probably get about what you paid for it less maybe 20%. Then you can build a decent rig and it will have only cost you a few bucks for the lesson in economics.


What she said.
Even an Eheim 1046 would be a vast improvement! If you get an Eheim 1046 and put in an Aqua Computer impeller you will get a whole bunch more flow to boot.
Wouldn't the flow be limited by the 3/8" tubing the Bigwater system has? There might not be a difference at all using the 1046 versus the 1048. You may get the same flow with something even weaker than a 1046
My pump died on my bigwater so I am upgrading it now. Bought a Swiftech MCP350 to replace the dead one and bought 3/8 inch tubing still waiting on my new proc. will let you know when I upgrade.
yeah.. i just noticed my waterblock cracked due to i dont know what a dripped conductive coolant all over my radeon 9800 pro vid card..which shorted out and is now not only do i need to replace my liquid system..but also a 200 dollar video card

im not too happy about that considerin i wont have any money for ahwile

right now i have a rag tied around the part of the waterblock that cracked to keep it from dripping... it should work for now...hopefully

imma try to put it up on ebay and see what i can get for it... the pump and everything but the waterblock.that im ditchin...and anything else i can sell to get some extra cash... i need to get my vid card back and i need at the VERY least a new 3/8" tubing a good size to get?...i know someone posted a reply stating what the ideal parts are... jsut wondering if that would work well...
A 9800 Pro isn't worth even close to $200 on the market these days. But I won't discuss that now.

Your makeshift fix is not a good one, you should just leave the system off or risk another short from leaked coolant. And if left on long enough, evaporation will cause the eventual shutdown of the system due to overheating. Just stay away from acrylic blocks.
well i bought it for 175 about 5 months i could prob get it for less... i just need that card for a big 3d project im workin on... what would u recommend for a liqud cooling system?.. pump waterblock etc..
i need to replace mine anyway.. and i want something decent.. how will i know if a waterblock is arcrylic also?
Well, the block usually has acrylic in it's description or name when you purchase it. But you can also look at it's picture, if it's clear, it's acrylic. I don't mean to say all acrylic blocks are dangerous, but I don't think their design is structurally strong. Acrylic doesn't offer any kind of 'give' when stressed, which is why they often crack. And there's no telling when the acrylic will break. It can often be months after the system was installed. Acrylic would be fine if the ports weren't built through it.

I would recommend your standard dtek, dangerden, or swiftech kit to replace your Bigwater system. You'll find that swiftech is more widely available than the other two.
i need something that, if possible, works even better than bigwater though. will swiftek do this?
also, where would i find the water cooling kits you mentioned?.. i tried and and im kinda a newb at the internet hardcore computer any suggestions?
Thats way better than the Big Water could ever dream to be. Sorry to hear about the vid card. I bought 2 9800 pros 2 yrs ago and they were less than $150 each. Now you can get a 6600gt for less than that. Or a plain 6800 goes for $162
i know i just bought the 6800gt... its a 138 dollar one made my xfx.... but i figure itll run ok.. this rag is holding up.. i might need to add water to the reservoir over the next couple days.. but imma buy that kit rush thanx
I wouldn't recommend buying a refurb of that kit from newegg. You have no idea what parts it will come with.

The pictures shown are from the NEW version of this item. If you purchase this Refurbished product you will receive an OEM BAREBONE, meaning it is just the item itself. Accessory items are NOT INCLUDED with Refurbished products. Accessories are shown in the pictures so that customers will know what is missing from the item.

If they were to stretch that policy, they could technically just send you a pump :eek:

And you purchased a 6800GT for $138? A very slick deal if I do say so myself....
Well if you want to risk the hassle of doing an RMA request and paying for return shipping...

$147 for a 6800 is still a decent deal. But a far cry from a 6800GT for $138.

I would recommend gettng a new kit, guaranteed with all parts and unused. I'm not sure how a WC system is tested (if at all) when it's returned to newegg.
CoW]8(0) said:
Well, the block usually has acrylic in it's description or name when you purchase it. But you can also look at it's picture, if it's clear, it's acrylic. I don't mean to say all acrylic blocks are dangerous, but I don't think their design is structurally strong. Acrylic doesn't offer any kind of 'give' when stressed, which is why they often crack. And there's no telling when the acrylic will break. It can often be months after the system was installed. Acrylic would be fine if the ports weren't built through it.

It's not the acrylic material that is the problem, but the method that is used to install a fitting on the block. Stay away from acrylic blocks that use tapered threads (i.e. NPT). Get an acrylic block that uses BSPP fittings and you will never have a problem with cracking. :cool:
Any acrylic top or part for that matter can crack under stress regardless of what type of threads are used if the part is tightened to tight. It doesn't matter if they are NPT or the super wonderful perfact BSPP that nothing can happen to. Over tighten it, it will crack over time.
I remeber reading somewhere.. forgot where and forgot in what context, but they said that they test everything jsut to make sure it turns on and such..but im not sure about an extended test..the only problem is that im on a restricted budget and that kit is the only decent one i could find... unless any one else has any suggestions?...besides.. it says that all of the parts are there in the description... for a restriced budget i think its a decent deal
I know this changes things totally, but since you need a new vid card anyways........can you dump your cpu/mobo for $100, and use that towards a 3000+ venice and new mb, and then get whatever flavor of pcie vid card you want. Hold off on the wc for a bit, and this will be a huge jump from what you have currently.