Bill Gates needed to take a smelly dump, so he decided to do it at Sony's house...


Limp Gawd
Feb 10, 2003
He won't let up

Gates just can't get enough of this.

On Sony:

They were going to have the Cell be the video processor. But they didn’t know what they were doing. They said the Cell is the video processor. But they turned to Nvidia at the last minute, but Nvidia can’t do embedded DRAM. Go look at the bandwidth problems. Go ask the guys running … now. They took their year and burned it by not having a decent CPU strategy and then turning to Nvidia at the last minute. It’s a very unusual thing. Those processors are isolated from each other.
This has been said by many more people then just Bill Gates, and the thing is...its true. Sony miscalculated on how powerful the Cell would be. They wanted it to be like the Emotion Engine where it did everything, but it just wasn't up to snuff. That is why the RSX is basically a 7800 with very little changes.
This has been said by many more people then just Bill Gates, and the thing is...its true. Sony miscalculated on how powerful the Cell would be. They wanted it to be like the Emotion Engine where it did everything, but it just wasn't up to snuff. That is why the RSX is basically a 7800 with very little changes.

Yea I kinda agree with this post. Sony really made it out like the ps3 was going to be so far beyond the 360 and so far they haven't shown anything better.

Also with the bullshit sony has been playing saying how the ps3 is so cheap and how it is such a good deal. They also tried to downplay the lack of a rumble feature because they didn't want to pay for it. Gates isn't doing anything that they are not when it comes to talking shit.
Yea I kinda agree with this post. Sony really made it out like the ps3 was going to be so far beyond the 360 and so far they haven't shown anything better.

Also with the bullshit sony has been playing saying how the ps3 is so cheap and how it is such a good deal. They also tried to downplay the lack of a rumble feature because they didn't want to pay for it. Gates isn't doing anything that they are not when it comes to talking shit.

We should let blank responses show up in these threads, because its just the same replies over and over.
The simple fact of the matter is Microsoft came prepared this generation and Sony did not.
i dont think that the ps3 is so bad of a console its more that the xbox360 is so much better. right now the xbox360 dominates in terms of game selection, price, and online experience. the head start ms got was also a killer to the ps3. i think sony knew this and tried to make the ps3 better but the longer they held off going to market with it the worse position they were going to be in. sucks for sony but its not like they are going to go under anytime soon.
We should let blank responses show up in these threads, because its just the same replies over and over.

The same shit keeps comming up. The responce from Bill gates is just like the ones sony has been giving. Doesn't make either of them better then the other.
Sony really made it out like the ps2 was going to be so far beyond the Dreamcast and so far they haven't shown anything better.

Fixed that for ya.

Funny how history repeats itself... hopefully people have learned their lesson this time around, but I seriously doubt it.
On Xbox vs PS2

“We claim we’re better [in this generation]. It doesn’t matter. It’s just like pointing at the Xbox 1. We were 20 percent better. But it didn’t matter. We were a year late, didn’t have the best games. We had this bigger box. We did have online. We didn’t switch positions on that.”

Bill Gates for President. The guy is actually capable of learning from past mistakes, unlike the bonehead in office now.
Bill Gates for President. The guy is actually capable of learning from past mistakes, unlike the bonehead in office now.

But before he becomes a president, I wanna see a Jobs vs. Gates cage match. That'd be such good television.
i dont think that the ps3 is so bad of a console its more that the xbox360 is so much better. right now the xbox360 dominates in terms of game selection, price, and online experience. the head start ms got was also a killer to the ps3. i think sony knew this and tried to make the ps3 better but the longer they held off going to market with it the worse position they were going to be in. sucks for sony but its not like they are going to go under anytime soon.

Bill Gates for President. The guy is actually capable of learning from past mistakes, unlike the bonehead in office now.

QFT. Most people don't seem to realize that the world has passed war mongers by. Military might means nothing, when the driving force of humanity is the acquisition of wealth. Warfare only pacifies a populace, while business on the other hand can conquer countries, populations, but more importantly ideas.
Guys, hasn't it been shown time and time again that hardware doesn't matter? It's the games damnit! Wait one-two years. Whoever has the better games will win, point blank. Look how much the 360 sold this past holiday season with just Gears of War pushing it.

All this back and forth is useless until we see which games drive the public. Xbox 360 has a good lead and good library so far.
Guys, hasn't it been shown time and time again that hardware doesn't matter? It's the games damnit! Wait one-two years. Whoever has the better games will win, point blank. Look how much the 360 sold this past holiday season with just Gears of War pushing it.

All this back and forth is useless until we see which games drive the public. Xbox 360 has a good lead and good library so far.

Case in point...Wii
Whether it's a bunch of marketing BS or not, I like Bill Gates' attitude much better than that from Sony and that makes an effect. While MS seems to be the guy saying "We know we didn't do so well last time, but we focused, learned from our mistakes and we hope you like our improvements this time." Sony presented more of an attitude along the lines of "OH MY GOD !!!! Do you know who we are? We are SONY !!! Our PS2 was so F****** successful, damn stop complaining already look at what we are giving you, you should be grateful. GOD, bug off already." If MS is the guy sitting in the corner of the classroom studying hard trying to raise his C-average to straight-As, then Sony is the all-star that somehow messed up this semester but sits there frustrated being angry but not really doing anything.
Whether it's a bunch of marketing BS or not, I like Bill Gates' attitude much better than that from Sony and that makes an effect. While MS seems to be the guy saying "We know we didn't do so well last time, but we focused, learned from our mistakes and we hope you like our improvements this time." Sony presented more of an attitude along the lines of "OH MY GOD !!!! Do you know who we are? We are SONY !!! Our PS2 was so F****** successful, damn stop complaining already look at what we are giving you, you should be grateful. GOD, bug off already." If MS is the guy sitting in the corner of the classroom studying hard trying to raise his C-average to straight-As, then Sony is the all-star that somehow messed up this semester but sits there frustrated being angry but not really doing anything.

qft. love the analogy:D
isnt this more or less a dead "argument" i dont see how it matters what competitors say about each other? they are always gonna be bashing each other bcs they are all !!!!!!s bcs they HAVE to be. i wonder what would happen if Gates' kid got a PS3?!?!
I said it once, I'll say it again.

Sony should have skipped two years. Released in the middle of the 360 product cycle. Would have been smarter. They would have had two years of technology upgrades, and the system would have sold better. People would have had time to plump up their wallet and probably would have ended up buying both.

By delaying a year they screwed the pooch, by delaying two years and really making the system standout they could have hit the jackpot.
But before he becomes a president, I wanna see a Jobs vs. Gates cage match. That'd be such good television.

lol, call me crazy but for some reason the image of jobs and gates fighting popped into my head, with an announcer screaming "He's got him in the iLock, He's got him in the iLock!".

I think I need to take my medicine :(.
Wow, with the storm of BS from the "360 getting HDMI, bigger hard drive" post, surprised nobody posted this blurb:

On a Bigger Hard Drive and IPTV
"In an IPTV environment, there is no reason to put anything down on a hard disk because you created a broadband infrastructure that has enough capacity to stream individual video streams to everybody on the network. We don't need to change [Xbox 360] at all to do the IPTV thing."
Lol, only Sony can take MS off the hotseat and actually have people singing the praises of the benevolent MS.
I said it once, I'll say it again.

Sony should have skipped two years. Released in the middle of the 360 product cycle. Would have been smarter. They would have had two years of technology upgrades, and the system would have sold better. People would have had time to plump up their wallet and probably would have ended up buying both.

By delaying a year they screwed the pooch, by delaying two years and really making the system standout they could have hit the jackpot.

That is very very VERY true. If they had delayed it another year but release with major hit titles like FF and MGS perfectly developed and nicely polished, even if the system still cost the same price I probably will give them my money. But things are different now because they DIDN'T wait, and their system has no good games and isn't selling well, that ignites a chain effect that MIGHT very well make developers that were to release exclusive titles jump ship and if they do jump ship like they are already starting to do, then I see even less reason for buying PS3 in the future, I'm not that desperate to play the next FF. BAD strategy on Sony's part, I blame arrogance, they really believed that if they stick their logo on a pile of turd people would still buy it. Sorry Sony, consumers aren't THAT stupid.
Right now Sony is like a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. Maybe they will grow a new leg though.
This has been said by many more people then just Bill Gates, and the thing is...its true. Sony miscalculated on how powerful the Cell would be. They wanted it to be like the Emotion Engine where it did everything, but it just wasn't up to snuff. That is why the RSX is basically a 7600 with very little changes.

Fixed that for ya. RSX has about HALF the bandwidth of a 7800. A 7800 uses a 256bit memory interface, RSX only uses 128. Numbers of shaders haven't been published, but you can bet your ass that if it were more than 360's GPU, you'd have seen it plastered all over the box.

Either way, Gates is right, Sony blew it. As recently as 2004 they were talking about using Cell to process graphics. Somehow they didn't realize that decompressing HD video isn't *quite* the same as processing 3D graphics in addition to all the other tasks necessary for a proper game.

You can rest assured that if Cell were powerful enough to do the entire enchilada sans the expensive nVidia chip, it most certainly would be alone in PS3 today.
I dont know what people are going on about in thinking the Xbox has won the console war, the PS3 has just come out, it may have a weaker gpu but the cpu is indeed more powerful, it may have 1 core and 8 SPU's, but for intensive calculations the SPU takes alot of wieght of the main core and would (in theory) allow more things to be happening at one time compared to the 360.

Both consoles atm are rip offs, to get the 360 to have the same standard as the ps3, such as a HD drive HDMI and bluetooth it ends up costing £120 more.

Double GPU memory never adds up to anything much, so that means nothing.

Saying this is silly, this site seems to be full of alot of MS/nintendo !!!!!!s and waste guys anyways.
I dont know what people are going on about in thinking the Xbox has won the console war, the PS3 has just come out, it may have a weaker gpu but the cpu is indeed more powerful, it may have 1 core and 8 SPU's, but for intensive calculations the SPU takes alot of wieght of the main core and would (in theory) allow more things to be happening at one time compared to the 360.

Both consoles atm are rip offs, to get the 360 to have the same standard as the ps3, such as a HD drive HDMI and bluetooth it ends up costing £120 more.

Double GPU memory never adds up to anything much, so that means nothing.

Saying this is silly, this site seems to be full of alot of MS/nintendo !!!!!!s and waste guys anyways.

Presumably, the issues are that despite the extra year it is roughly the same in power as the 360, more expensive for a bluray drive that many people don't care for, has worse online service, and unless you're a huge JRPG fan, worse exclusives. Oh, and although they sold more in launch than the 360, the PS3 is sitting around on shelves all over the US, which wasn't expected.