Bill Gives President Emergency Control of Internet

fixed for dogma crushing accuracy ;)

The better part is what his solution turned out to be: massive federal spending and protectionist tariffs. :p
And it was many fold better than what the previous administration did before him, so it was a step in the right direction.
For some reason OUR government thinks, even though everyone else has tried and failed, that they'll suceed. Worse, the people believe them.
The White House says surgical wait times won't get longer under the new bill? BS. Data from all the countries that have this system show you'd better freaking hope your surgery isn't something you need to keep on living...

That's why my senator personally replied to mine with a well-thought out reply? Granted it took him a few weeks but he got it done. Of course my Senator is one I'd consider above-average (He's the one that had the balls to stand up in Congress and tell them they should be the first ones signing up for the new health bill... The others didn't like that suggestion too much).

Solution to this? Vote them out.
Don't believe the lie that voting for "independents" or anyone else is a waste of a vote. Because when 80% of the population has that same thought, they could've voted the good guy in. (Or the underdog republican or democrat, etc). The only way we can ever begin to repair what was once a nation based on Freedom and the People is to vote the idiots out that have destroyed the country and get some folks in that won't sell-out their votes to further their political career (Case in point the guy who switched parties from R to D because he thought he'd have a better chance at re-election :rolleyes:)

+10 been ranting this same thought for years, maybe ,just maybe some people are starting to wake up. Now we need to shake up a few more and use the internet for that. Send your thoughts to your friends and not just here on the forums.
+10 been ranting this same thought for years, maybe ,just maybe some people are starting to wake up. Now we need to shake up a few more and use the internet for that. Send your thoughts to your friends and not just here on the forums.

I've been thinking about starting up a new blogging project to wake people up...
Why on earth would the president ever need (legitimate) emergency control of the internet?

My guess is it's got something to do with botnets, but I'm just guessing.

Nevertheless, I think it's unnecessary, so long as the ISPs aren't part of the botnet. I think it's safe to say that Cox, Comcast, AT&T and Verizon would shut down their customers if they threatened national security (probably before that, since those customer would go over the cap ;))
I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.

You go Neo you go! -_-
That's like saying Stalin is better than Hitler.
Let's see...

- The annual increase in real (inflation-adjusted) federal spending declined from 4.0 percent during the Carter administration to 2.5 percent during the Reagan administration.

- Federal spending was 22.9 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal 1981, and declined to 22.1 percent of GDP by fiscal 1989.

- The top marginal tax rate on individual income was reduced from 70 percent to 28 percent.

- The corporate income tax rate was reduced from 48 percent to 34 percent.

- Individual tax brackets were indexed for inflation.

- Lower tax rates and a broader tax base for both individuals and business reduced the federal revenue share of GDP from 20.2 percent in fiscal 1981 to 19.2 percent in fiscal 1989.

- Real GDP per working-age adult, which had increased at only a 0.8 annual rate during the Carter administration, increased at a 1.8 percent rate during the Reagan administration.

- Output per hour in the business sector increased at a 1.4 percent rate during the Reagan presidency

- Productivity in the manufacturing sector increased at a 3.8 percent annual rate, a record for peacetime.

- The unemployment rate declined from 7.0 percent in 1980 to 5.4 percent in 1988.

- The inflation rate declined from 10.4 percent in 1980 to 4.2 percent in 1988.


Troll elsewhere.
Let's see...

- The annual increase in real (inflation-adjusted) federal spending declined from 4.0 percent during the Carter administration to 2.5 percent during the Reagan administration.

- Federal spending was 22.9 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal 1981, and declined to 22.1 percent of GDP by fiscal 1989.

- The top marginal tax rate on individual income was reduced from 70 percent to 28 percent.

- The corporate income tax rate was reduced from 48 percent to 34 percent.

- Individual tax brackets were indexed for inflation.

- Lower tax rates and a broader tax base for both individuals and business reduced the federal revenue share of GDP from 20.2 percent in fiscal 1981 to 19.2 percent in fiscal 1989.

- Real GDP per working-age adult, which had increased at only a 0.8 annual rate during the Carter administration, increased at a 1.8 percent rate during the Reagan administration.

- Output per hour in the business sector increased at a 1.4 percent rate during the Reagan presidency

- Productivity in the manufacturing sector increased at a 3.8 percent annual rate, a record for peacetime.

- The unemployment rate declined from 7.0 percent in 1980 to 5.4 percent in 1988.

- The inflation rate declined from 10.4 percent in 1980 to 4.2 percent in 1988.


Troll elsewhere.

I need to clarify something here. It sounded to me like you were saying what Obama's doing is better than Bush. Now your talking about Reagan, so I think I misunderstood your post.
Sorry I have a one track mind and that's the argument I've come to expect. I apologize.
That's fine.. it was kind of an obscure quote I made from a side discussion of one of the many dozens of side discussions in the thread.
I'm sure you can find them. I forget which site it is, but some *.gov website has all the statistics comparing them.
fixed for dogma crushing accuracy ;)

The better part is what his solution turned out to be: massive federal spending and protectionist tariffs. :p

The solution was a comprimise since the demorcrates ran the legislative branch.
Only way to beat them was to get them drunk and let them spend..........better on defense aft:Der Carter denutted the military then on checks that supported non productive people that wanted to do bongs all day and let the government run thier lives lol
The solution was a comprimise since the demorcrates ran the legislative branch.
The president proposes the budget, and in this case, one with huge budget deficits. Nice try though.
We clothe, feed and house all our prisoners and provide access to the ICRC but they mutilate our captured soldiers before severing their heads.

You may not be aware of this but the ICRC has complained several times about prisoner treatment at Guantanamo

I personally do not recall any instances in which we removed the digits of the hands of any captured Taliban or Al Qaeda much less slit their throats.

I personally find it reprehensible to you compare our conduct with the conduct of the enemy.

Pardon me???
Are you actually suggesting the prisoner mistreatment is JUSTIFIABLE due to "guilt by association" or "sins of their fathers". AND please note I NEVER compared US transgressions to the heinous acts by Taliban or Al Qaeda. THEY do not take prisoners, they take HOSTAGES.
Your also taking a very narrow view of our 'enemies'. The US has, has had, and will have many more enemies than these current terrorists. Are ready to say to the Russians and Chinese "do as you please to our soldiers, just dont mutilate them"?
I'd prefer to take the higher ground and lead by example. I believe in "the Rule of Law", presumption of innocence, and the concept "Truth, Justice, and Liberty for All" which appearantly makes me a reprehensible idealist as opposed to a prevailant attitude put forth by fearmongers in the US, as suggested in Animal Farm "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
The president proposes the budget, and in this case, one with huge budget deficits. Nice try though.

Congress approves the budget. Period. The President might push an issue or propose the budget but Congress approves it.
I'm starting to get old record syndrome in my old age: Old boss, same as the new boss. Next thing you know people will start realizing egocentric megalomaniacs on both sides of the aisle (it really is just one big one side and that side is money) gravitate towards positions of power. Nahhh, when is oww my balls on again? Check the tivo, honey.
Enron was only one player...
Point is the government screwed the system up so bad that they had to let it go back to the private enterprises so they could fix it again.

The government deregulated it, then Enron and their traders manipulated the prices and created false shortages, IIRC.
My guess is it's got something to do with botnets, but I'm just guessing.

Nevertheless, I think it's unnecessary, so long as the ISPs aren't part of the botnet. I think it's safe to say that Cox, Comcast, AT&T and Verizon would shut down their customers if they threatened national security (probably before that, since those customer would go over the cap ;))

I personally think that the Democrats should nix this entire thing until they really learn how the internet works.. and when they do come back with another bill, get their message straight. On top of that, they really should consider proposing taking critical systems off of the general internet and creating a system specifically for infrastructure communications (although I'd be willing to bet since that costs money, Republicans would be vehemently against it).

At least then, we wouldn't have to read paranoid articles about how the government is trying to take over everybody's internet connection, with a nice side effect of hackers not being able to use broadband connections to blast electrical stations and kill their communications.
I tried to think of hilarious titles the last "of ..." could be, while the page loaded.
I thought interwebs would be pretty hilarious...
Now I am confused/disturbed.
Private enterprise screw up: Pink slips.

Government screw up: PowerPoint to Congress on why they deserve more money.

Nice work if you can get it.

More like:

Private enterprise screw up: Huge Fucking Bonus while laying off some shmucks that had nothing to do with it.
Perhaps critical infrastructure should never even be hooked up to the internet in the first place. A private wholly seperate network sure, but being able to communicate with anything like that over a public/globally accessible network is just moronic.
There are some mitigating factors to the poor state of US health care. Canada does not have 20 million illegal immigrants that are being subsidized by regular citizens.

and nearly half of the so called 47 million are illegal aliens in the US as well. Want to see the utter toll they've taken on emergency rooms in California?
How many of you have actually emailed your senators about this???

I did so two months ago.

Dude. My 'Senators' are Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. A corrupt hack who now fancies herself governor of California and the other one is one of the dumbest people on earth. Truly.
LOL at all the people whining about this yet doing absolutely nothing about it other than post in this thread.

Reminds me of the movies, "Snakes On a Plane." EVERYONE on the internet was talking about it before it came out.....and it totally bombed at the box office, no one went to see it.


You know what. This is democracy in action. You may not like it, but I bet you still eat sausage and don't care how it's made. It's the same thing. What you are watching is societal sausage making on a national scale. It's ugly, it isn't pleasant, sometimes it tastes really good, but you try to get the most out of it that you can.
Democrats = Republicans. It's pretty obvious to see that. Both spend insane amounts of money, are chopping up the Constitution, cater to special interest groups, etc...

Can we just be clear here. House/Senate Democrats = House/Senate Republicans. They are all on the take and have their fingers in the political winds. It's amazing you don't see anyone of them on tape with repetitive stress injuries with their hands palm up and thrust out just stuck that way from glad handing and looking for a gimme.

Conservatives vs. Liberals/leftists is what is going on here with a smattering of libertarian and the odd anarchist.
That's like saying Stalin is better than Hitler.

EasyAce = astroturfing troll with fresh account

You clearly did not live through the Carter years as a teen or an adult.

Everyone here is about to get a taste, but Zero is more than Jimmy Carter II.

Tighten your belts, its going to be years before this is all sorted out if ever.
Its simply to shield the country from a threat that will most likely never come. I believe it will never be used either. It is just a distraction from the huge financial mess they are trying to clean up while in Washington. No party has a real solution, and only part of the dems are coming up with possible solutions (that will most likely not fix the problem anyway but I am glad they are trying). I watch the Senate/House sessions live while I am bored at work all day so I should know.

The global financial crisis is a problem that cannot be fixed with policy alone, although we can try to reduce the negative effects it has on the lower/middle class for the time being until it resolves itself nationally in one form or another.

I am an independent and I must say its amazing how people just insult legislation, yet probably never even reading any in its entirety their whole lives. I am not saying the current one talked about by the op is useful though, as I have never read anything about it other than a synopsis when it was first introduced. Some legislation is lengthy like the Patriot acts which felt like reading a few Stephen King novels.
Its simply to shield the country from a threat that will most likely never come.

No, its an accumulation of power.

The number of laws that have been broken by this administration is breathtaking yet half the people in this nation are not paying attention.
No, its an accumulation of power.

The number of laws that have been broken by this administration is breathtaking yet half the people in this nation are not paying attention.

Its not breaking a law if its written into law... its making one. Law is also open to interpretation so to really say that and have meaning you need sources as breaking the law has to be specific. If you feel broken up about something lets hear it! :D

I am going to bed now but I will read it in the morning. :eek:
Its not breaking a law if its written into law... its making one. Law is also open to interpretation so to really say that and have meaning you need sources as breaking the law has to be specific. If you feel broken up about something lets hear it! :D

I am going to bed now but I will read it in the morning. :eek:

I'm not referring to this abortion, if you are unaware I suggest you start looking.

Will not take long.
I'm not referring to this abortion, if you are unaware I suggest you start looking.

Will not take long.

Now are you going to tell me 9/11 was an inside job? :p

Seriously though, I just hope you check your sources. I know I don't trust 90% of the crap found on the internet. I am not saying you do either, but watch out. The internet can make people crazy. ;)
Now are you going to tell me 9/11 was an inside job?

You mean by our government? Not a chance, like watching the keystone kops.

Can't even run a cash for clunkers program and you think that they could bring down the towers without someone inside spilling the beans?

Not a freaken chance in hell.
Dude. My 'Senators' are Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. A corrupt hack who now fancies herself governor of California and the other one is one of the dumbest people on earth. Truly.

Sounds like you and your neighbors need to vote better :D
The government deregulated it, then Enron and their traders manipulated the prices and created false shortages, IIRC.
No, the government is the one that manipulated the prices which CAUSED the energy crises. You screw with capitalism and you screw stuff up. Funny how California learned this the hard way but the federal government somehow thinks they're going to do better...

The California government capped the prices of energy. The costs of production went up. What's that mean? The companies don't have money to maintain existing infrastructure or bring more energy onto the grid (Expansion).
So here you have these companies that cannot charge what the demand is requiring. Yet the wonderful California government forces them to continue buying electricity at UNCAPPED prices. The energy companies are then buying electricity at a higher price than what they can actually sell it for. Now, anyone with half a brain can see that would end up badly.

So Enron capitalized on the situation. Yes, they made it worse, but the government was the source of the problem. Enron simply came along later, sold energy at lower-than-cap pricing, which since the energy companies had a cap on their energy, they sold to out-of-state sources since they could make more money. It was simply an after effect of the government's screwup.

The entire lesson was not to screw with supply and demand of capitalism.

More like:

Private enterprise screw up: Huge Fucking Bonus while laying off some shmucks that had nothing to do with it.
Let's see... They were contractually and legally allowed to receive their bonuses. So the House passed a bill with a 90% tax. Makes sense.
Or kindof like how the Attorney General threatened to reveal the names of those who received their legal bonuses if they took them. Make sense.
Or how the CEO of GM was required to be fired before receiving any government support, even though he didn't engage in any criminal activity. Makes sense.
Or how the banks around the country were threatened with increased audits if they didn't receive bailout funds. Makes sense.

Now, I'm not defending AIG or GM whatsoever. They still failed as businesses and should have been held accountable. But the government is vastly overstepping their bounds.

All this is: the government wanting more power. It's amazing how the "big government" folks don't see what's happening here. You think by giving the government MORE power it'll solve issues?

Our Founding Fathers saw the constitution as something to put restraints on the government with.
"Big government", or "Progressive" folks are turning the constitution into something the government restrains citizens with.

I am an independent and I must say its amazing how people just insult legislation, yet probably never even reading any in its entirety their whole lives.
You do? Sorry, but not even our congressmen read the legislation they pass. I'm trying to remember the times, but the congress session ended at 11PM after working on the bailout bill. The peeons then typed the bill up overnight. 7AM the next morning congress was back in session to VOTE on that bill. It was a 10,000 page bill.

You're going to sit there and criticize ME for not reading a bill? How on earth could you read 10,000 pages in 8 hours, putting aside the fact that the congressmen slept that night?