Bill Targets Pornography Viewing On Government Computers

If this was Obama proposing this, what do you think would be the response in this forum?

Yes, they would blame it on ALL Democrats.

I was actually aiming to stir the hornets nest since there are so many die hard Republicans in this forum but seems I am failing.

Good idea :rolleyes:

And BTW if you would have said Democrat agenda, I would have said the same thing, but replace Republicans with Democrats. I think blaming stuff like this on a certain political party is stupid.
Is the NSA excluded from reviewing sexting images in this bill?

Now as far as being stupid and blaming sides. Since money it taken from my pay check which i have worked hard for, by force with threat of imprisonment, I would prefer that they watch porn and jack off on their own time. Unless its the IRS, in which case if all they did was watch porn then that would be ok by me.
Why do we need a law to force commonsense? If you are on a work computer, you do not do things on it that you should not do. Why would anyone risk their job and career over something really stupid?
Really, they need a bill for this, for me it is one category selection in my UTM and BAM porn is blocked...
In the US we have a bill banning porn viewing, in Europe we have topless television news reporters.

Prude is as prude does.