Bill to Tax Violent Video Games Introduced

Everyone in Congress needs to be fired and disbarred.

At least the Democrats. They have really shown their ridiculous asses during this first, and heaven help us last, Obamanation presidency.
1% of $1 is 1c, which is what I originally intended to type.

Reading comprehension goes a long way, stop taking the Internet so seriously.

Wait did you just make fun of him for being right in pointing out your really dumb mistake?

*slow clap* Bravo sir! Bravo.
From the actual article (which I'm hoping you actually read before posting):

"Fourkiller did not immediately respond for comment. He told KFOR Channel 4 in Oklahoma City that the games promote child obesity and bullying, and that they desensitize gamers. He mentioned Rockstar’s Bully game.

“Not everybody is going to react the same,” Fourkiller said. “But I believe after hours and hours of watching the screen, playing the video game, being that person and taking on that role, people get desensitized.”

The proceeds are earmarked for two youth-related obesity and bullying programs.

One is for the “purpose of promoting outdoor education initiatives and nature-oriented physical programs for school-age children.” The other, according to the measure’s text, is “for the purpose of supporting efforts to prevent bullying in the schools in this state.”'s where his logic falls quote, "I believe..." Really? YOU believe? Are your beliefs in ANY way supported by statistically-solid evidence which shows a CAUSAL relationship between the violent videogames and actual bullying and child obesity?

Congressman, do you have ANY evidence that disproves the possibilities that bullies may just prefer to play this type of software, or that already-obese children gravitate toward less-physical activities, such as videogaming? And...what's the percentage of violent-videogame players who AREN'T violent in the real world as opposed to those who are? Is the statistic significanlty greater as opposed to any other population of NON-GAMERS?

Hey...if they could prove that there IS a causal link, and that it leads to measurable increased community costs (law enforcement, prisons, already-established social programs) then, by all means, levy the tax.

My bet is that the congressman lost a lot of lunch money as a kid.
Oh...and by the way...the only two things proven so far, regarding videogaming, is that:

1. Increases hand-eye coordination.
2. Increases problem-solving skills.
Thats right, they put up Perry & Newt vs:
Any Kennedy after JFK.
Ohh and this guy.
It's a state bill so it will only apply in Okalahoma. That being said...

I find his name to be offensive and violent. I demand he be censored immediately for the sake of the children.

^LOL I noticed was his name and was like WTF?!
Wait did you just make fun of him for being right in pointing out your really dumb mistake?

*slow clap* Bravo sir! Bravo.

You really need one of these.

1% of $1 is 1c, which is what I originally intended to type.

Reading comprehension goes a long way, stop taking the Internet so seriously.

We'll take the internet however we damned well please, mister sister!

Umm to the people who think."Oh it's just 1% why bitch".. Social Security tax was only suppose to be 2%, it's now 13%... Our income tax started at a 1% rate also and hit a high of 94% during the FDR years, and was 70% during the Carter years.... In NY city a pack of cigarettes cost over $14 with almost $10 of the price being taxes to the city...

Again politicians go after Video Games because it's an easy target, if you are for the video game you are painted as a moron that only wants to kill people.. They will never go after Hollywood or TV because that is where they get the boatload of the political money from..

Last I looked reading books doesn't make people thin.. No activity is more sedentary than reading a book sitting on a couch...
Oh and all these taxes are suppose to go to fund children's health.. Riiiiiggghhhhtttttt!!!! Just like that billions states won in court from the Tobacco Industry in the 90's... Most of the money was put into general funds and became slush funds for politicians.. That was one reason why the amount was slashed by the Appeals courts...
It doesn't even make sense. A star wars game with zero real violence could be teen, but they would include that in the same category with gta or deadspace, etc . . .

That's a politician's response I suppose. If they can't control it, they can annoy everyone and tax it!
If they are truly worried about violence desensitizing people, maybe they should start looking at how we've been involved in wars almost nonstop for the last 60 years, or our drone program, which is a textbook definition of desensitization.

Of course those are real issues though and we wouldn't want to address those. Let's instead use "save the children" hysteria about videogames for a big cash grab!

Killing people in reality = ok
Killing people in videogames = tax that shit
Thats right, they put up Perry & Newt vs:
Any Kennedy after JFK.
Ohh and this guy.

I'll raise you:

Both Bush's, Reagan, Brewer, Nixon, Boner, Canter, Romney, Bachmann, Craig, Crist, Ensign, Keyes, O'Donnell, & Palin.
coming from a dude with the name "Fourkiller" ...... they should tax him 1% all the time (on top of state tax)
Don't like it? Move out of the country. Seriously though, you people will bitch about ANYTHING that's political.

This law is being imposed upon the people, that's us!

If you want a country where the people opinions are ignored, China should be in your future plans.
For clarity....

Must have some boring ass television and radio in Oklahoma......

for boring ass television and radio it is same here in Oklahoma as it is anywhere else, but I do not even remember seeing this guy on the ballot for election, but he will definitely be a guy I look for next time around and especially mark NO.
They see "COD makes $1billion" again and again and now they want a piece of that pie. That's all there is to it.
Damn Democrats want to protect and tell you how to live your lives.

Damn Republicans want you to believe in survival of the fittest.

All the good people stay in private sector and we have nut cases who run for office. This is why so many people continue to feel the country in going down the shithole. It's not who we elect. It's we have no choice but to elect the best of the worst.
1% of $1 is 1c, which is what I originally intended to type.

Reading comprehension goes a long way, stop taking the Internet so seriously.

i don't understand what you're getting at, first you rage at other people for raging and now you're telling people not to take what you say seriously? well congrats, they aren't :D

but what i think you fail to realize is that stuff like this can start a dangerous precedent. a 1% tax is minor, but what's next? 2? 5? 10? do game developers start censoring their own games to avoid the tax? and so on and so on...

i think what people are bitching about isn't just the initial tax, but what the tax could lead to down the road.
I think that Picard pic on page one sums up my feelings quite well. I literally said "what the fuck" when I read the title...:p
Don't like it? Move out of the country. Seriously though, you people will bitch about ANYTHING that's political.

How about anyone who votes for Democrats has to live under all the laws/taxes Democrats pass, and Republicans can live under the laws/taxes Republicans pass?

In a way this was how this country was founded. The federal government was given very limited power, and the the majority of the power (within the limits of the constitution) was given to the states. The idea was that you could move if you didn't like what a state was doing.
but what i think you fail to realize is that stuff like this can start a dangerous precedent. a 1% tax is minor, but what's next? 2? 5? 10? do game developers start censoring their own games to avoid the tax? and so on and so on...


The federal income tax originally only applied to a very small number of very rich people.
Only 1% paid any income tax (this was in 1913) at a rate of around 1%.

The ATM tax was originally enacted to target 155 high-income households, it now affects millions of middle-income families each year.

Need I go on?
It was one politician proposing a bill and you people started having a shit fit. 90% of us buy our games online, tax free. OH LAWD, %1!!!!!! WHAT EVER AM I GOING TO DO WITH THAT 1 cent per $10 that I spent?!!?:rolleyes:

Do you live in OK? Nope, didn't think so.

Do you like bitch incessantly about moot topics? Check.

perhaps spend it on a maths tutor. well at least this confirms that you're part of the moronic majority of americans.
the house of reps is made up of dumbfucks who do not specialize in the shit they vote on.
Don't like it? Move out of the country. Seriously though, you people will bitch about ANYTHING that's political.

By your logic, your bitching on a message board about people bitching on a message board means you should move off the entire planet. If you're firm in your convictions then you should lead by example. How about starting with the [H]ardOCP message board? It would be a start at least.
1. this would cause an unfair disadvantage to any company that makes the types of games this tax would affect, you can not tax some games and not others. If it is about more tax money they need to tax them all if it is politically motivated then it cant happen.

2. This will never pass, its not really even worth discussing.

Politicians put in bills they know will not pass all the time, its how they pretend to be for something with out actually having to do it. They are not as dumb as people think, they know some of this is nonsense and hope the media will make a big deal out of it and they can walk away the champion without having made anything happen.

This guy has mad eit clear he is a force against violent video games for his voters and now he can walk away without having done any real damage,
Something I learned in serving 23 years in the military, not all speech is free. It may not cost you financially, but there are other ingenious ways of making you pay for your "Free" speech. As long as they keep these proposed taxes on the state level, and it is not in my state, it's an easy fix. MOVE! They can raise taxes all they want but if the tax base is dwindling, they have lost in the long run. I do hope that if there is anyone here from Oklahoma that you write your representative in a professional manner and let him know your position. It's easy to vent in a forum/chatroom but to take the time to write an intelligent letter to your representation using proper grammar and spelling requires a little forethought and will make a real difference that far too many will not take the time to do. On-line petitions are starting to get attention as well. We all saw what happened with SOPA.
Don't like it? Move out of the country. Seriously though, you people will bitch about ANYTHING that's political.

I guess that's such a bad thing... :rolleyes:

Having that right, is what makes us Americans.

If we were in a country where you couldn't, how much would that suck?

Sounds like you're more irritated than anything else.
It's easy to vent in a forum/chatroom but to take the time to write an intelligent letter to your representation using proper grammar and spelling requires a little forethought and will make a real difference that far too many will not take the time to do. On-line petitions are starting to get attention as well. We all saw what happened with SOPA.

Venting in the forum is optional, but writing your congresspeople is mandatory.

You don't write them, then you've really got no excuse for wasting your effort here for the cathartic release bitching and moaning gives you.

Besides...did you ever thing that "the powers that be" WANT us distracted and fighting amongst ourselves so they can get away with their bullshit??

I regularly write my representatives, and constantly review online petitions, and sign the worthwhile ones.

Andd I vote too. Again...if you don't take complete control of what little it seems that you CAN do, then you've made your choice to be controlled by the masses who do...and thusly, again, no right to bitch.

If you're all proud to be American (for the Americans on this board), then why not do SOMETHING to make other Americans proud of YOU?
Everyone in Congress needs to be fired and disbarred.
I also think that D.C. should get a thorough house (pun! :p ) cleaning from top to bottom every time a new President is elected. Only those that have proven themselves worthy should be allowed to stay, and then only IF the people elect to allow them that PRIVILEGE.