BIOS settings K8N NEO 754 PLEASE!!!!


Sep 17, 2004
A64 3000+ CG, 512 Kingston: I cant get pass 235Mhz in mem 1/1, fine, but lowering mem to 5/6 i should get at least 250, but it wont post past 235!!! HT at 4X, tried 3X nothing,
dont know what to do... someone??? please...
Are you using SATA 1 and/or 2? I had the same problem with mine. Turns out SATA 1 and 2 aren't lcked, cauing hard drive corruption and whatnot. I too wasn't able to get past 235HTT. Then after I switch my drives from 1 and 2 to 3 and 4 it worked fine and I was able to get up to 240HTT. Unfortunately i have a rather poor batch of RAM and my Knigston HyperX won't go past 210 1:1, so I've got it running at 200HTT with a 6:5 divider. Also try flashing you baord to the latest beta bios (1.55 iirc) if you haven't already done so.