Bioshock 2 4-packs on Steam


Aug 14, 2005
$33.75 each with pre-order discount and free giftable copies of Bioshock 1.

I wish more games would do pre-order + 4-pack discounts. I don't buy many games day 1, but the discounts and playing through the game same time as 3 friends is nice.
nice, thanks for the headsup

i'm tempted to wait for reviews!

i'm worried about being disappointed after how great Bioshock was
Wait is there a reason to buy a 4 pack aside from the price? As in, is there some sort of multiplayer akin to L4D / Borderlands?
Yes, there will be multiplayer. From what I hear there will be game modes like deathmatch etc, I don't recall if there is co-op, I doubt that would jive with the story.
I might be in, shoot me a pm if somebody is getting together a buy-in. I really want to read a review first though.
Yes, there will be multiplayer. From what I hear there will be game modes like deathmatch etc, I don't recall if there is co-op, I doubt that would jive with the story.

No co-op, but the MP is supposed to act as some kind of prequel, taking place before the events of the first game.
is there gonna be a way to gift the orginal bioshock to a friend even if you dont own it on steam?

I have a retail copy of bioshock so no need for the steam version.
Wow that is an excellent deal. Steam you are the best. Just to clarify OP

Pre-Purchase BioShock 2 - Four Pack

Pre-purchase now save 10% and receive one copy of BioShock 2 for yourself, three copies to give to your friends and four copies of BioShock to give to your friends!
the game ships with GFWL and SecureROM

just a heads up . . . .

that includes Steam version
PM sent, although Mass Effect 2 is coming too :) ... I think I decided to hold up too for a bit.
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ididnt play the first, so i will wait on this, i love new multuplayer in games to try new stuff, but will wait for reviews!
Hey guys Im also looking to get in on a 4 pack. Im paypal ready and waiting!
Too bad its base price is expensive on steam here in Australia.
Too bad its base price is expensive on steam here in Australia.

yeah, it's $US 72 in Australia, $216 for the 4-pack.

definitely thinking of getting the 4-pack from the US, as it's less than 1/2 price.

it's also 1/2 the price from the UK, even New Zealand has it for less than half the price, it's quite stupefying.

as for GFWL, i think it's only there to help sell/market/release DLC in the future,
i can't see achievements and online play being worth the effort to tie BS2 to microsoft.
Microsoft could have tossed them money, since they have interest in getting more users using the junk.

Can an Australian have a North American gift him a cheaper copy?