Bioshock 2 DLC already on disc.. thoughts?

old news

MW2 had the same thing

this isn't the last we'll see of this kind of thing

just don't buy it, that sends a message

I don't agree with this in the least bit. I understand the need to make the game compatible, but it's very easy to load a different model for the people that don't have the DLC. If I buy a physical disc I should have access to everything on it. I expect someone will be sued over this kind of stuff, but not anytime soon.
I remember ID Software/Microsoft pulling the same thing on the Wolfenstein DLC for the first xbox. Had us wait weeks in between new multiplayer maps, and they were on the disk all along, at least they were free.

I know to make a statement, talking with your wallet is our only course of action, but unfortunately alot of these games are freaking cool so that's not really an option.
I remember ID Software/Microsoft pulling the same thing on the Wolfenstein DLC for the first xbox. Had us wait weeks in between new multiplayer maps, and they were on the disk all along, at least they were free.

I know to make a statement, talking with your wallet is our only course of action, but unfortunately alot of these games are freaking cool so that's not really an option.

Its always an option. If you're too weak willed to stick by your convictions you can't complain when you get walked on by companies.
And so the story goes about why I boycott DLC all together. It all fucking started with Guitar Hero downloadable tracks. Why build a complete game when people will simply pay more for the rest of it later?

I don't buy this 'game engine' excuse either. You could of released it as a compatibility patch for those who don't have it and avoided all of this bullshit.

5 years ago, this content would of been included in Bioshock 2. Fuck them all.
I don't buy this 'game engine' excuse either. You could of released it as a compatibility patch for those who don't have it and avoided all of this bullshit.

Yup, that's exactly how they just handled the new expansion pack for Dawn of War II. They patched the old game so it can still play online with the version that has the exspansion pack installed.
In UT2004 when someone had a character you didn't it just replaced it with the default guy. That's a stupid excuse.
"creating the DLC package the way we did allowed for us to not split the player base – so whether you purchase the new content or not, you can still play with your friends. "

I must be completely missing the part where creating the DLC package off-disc (and looking slightly less like douchebags, in this case) somehow inherently splits the player base and prevents you from playing with your friends. Unless that's the way they wanted it to be.
I must be completely missing the part where creating the DLC package off-disc (and looking slightly less like douchebags, in this case) somehow inherently splits the player base and prevents you from playing with your friends. Unless that's the way they wanted it to be.
Because it says that even if you don't own the DLC, you need the DLC files in order to play with someone who does owns the DLC, so the files are included on the disc. That's where I piped in with the patch concept so they wouldn't look like, what you said.
Because it says that even if you don't own the DLC, you need the DLC files in order to play with someone who does owns the DLC, so the files are included on the disc. That's where I piped in with the patch concept so they wouldn't look like, what you said.

Thats sort of the point. Everyone would be required to download it, people would have the option to pay for the unlock. Instead, they just look like assholes for charging post-purchase for a 0.1MB or less amount of data that shipped with the game.
We'll just place you in the "Pirate" column.
-game company

i don't care what the game companies say, I vote with my wallet.

I did buy Bioshock 2 cause I enjoyed the first one

it's in my steam

I however do not waste money on DLC

I think the only DLC i've ever bought was the Death Magnetic album on Guitar Hero
i don't care what the game companies say, I vote with my wallet.

Uh yeah my point was you can't vote with your wallet because they will never see something like lost potential sales as anything but sales lost to piracy. I bet the internal calculation is something like take sales number of highest selling game in the genre subtract our sales result is piracy rate.
Uh yeah my point was you can't vote with your wallet because they will never see something like lost potential sales as anything but sales lost to piracy. I bet the internal calculation is something like take sales number of highest selling game in the genre subtract our sales result is piracy rate.

I'm pretty sure these companies keep track of piracy rates on a title-by-title basis. They're not stupid (well, not entirely).
This is obscene.

The game industry really needs to be regulated to beat out bullshit like this. DLC already on the disc has absolutely no justification. None.
Yup, that's exactly how they just handled the new expansion pack for Dawn of War II. They patched the old game so it can still play online with the version that has the exspansion pack installed.

And gave Dawn of War II owners a bunch of the new content for free. Hooray for Relic and THQ.
Actually...I'm not sure I have a problem with this.

It's just a matter of convenience for the developers/publishers. Really what your argument should be is that either there is not enough content for the price or the price is too high for the amount of content you get.

There's no logical reason to complain that the DLC is already on the disc. If all they've done is taken away content from the main game to sell on as DLC then your argument should be that the original game is lacking in substance.
DLC should be content that adds value to the game that was not in the original. These type of companies are just nickle and diming people. Unethical.
DLC is ruining gaming and letting developers release games that lack content.

Thanks Xbox 360.

I guess we should also boycott Windows Vista and 7 because Ultimate is included on the disc, but you only paid for Basic....

You didn't pay for a disc; you paid for a game. You knew exactly what was in the game when you decided it was worth your money and you got it.. There is absolutely no difference between having extras on the disc, or having to download it separately.
I guess we should also boycott Windows Vista and 7 because Ultimate is included on the disc, but you only paid for Basic....

You didn't pay for a disc; you paid for a game. You knew exactly what was in the game when you decided it was worth your money and you got it.. There is absolutely no difference between having extras on the disc, or having to download it separately.

That's not even close to the same thing, try again.
Actually...I'm not sure I have a problem with this.

It's just a matter of convenience for the developers/publishers. Really what your argument should be is that either there is not enough content for the price or the price is too high for the amount of content you get.

There's no logical reason to complain that the DLC is already on the disc. If all they've done is taken away content from the main game to sell on as DLC then your argument should be that the original game is lacking in substance.

The whole thought and feel of DLC was that after the game was released, here is a bit more new stuff for only $10.

Now what it has changed to is "Here is a game, we took $10 worth of it and are locking it till later on and you can pay $10 more to get it. By the way, the game still costs full price to buy it."
The whole thought and feel of DLC was that after the game was released, here is a bit more new stuff for only $10.

Now what it has changed to is "Here is a game, we took $10 worth of it and are locking it till later on and you can pay $10 more to get it. By the way, the game still costs full price to buy it."

Exactly, so your argument logically is that the game is worth $10 less, how that $10 is distributed has no influence on the actual original value of the game, it's just people are knee jerking an emotional response and not thinking it through.
Uh yeah my point was you can't vote with your wallet because they will never see something like lost potential sales as anything but sales lost to piracy. I bet the internal calculation is something like take sales number of highest selling game in the genre subtract our sales result is piracy rate.

of course I can vote with my wallet, by not giving them my money, I'm sending a message.

I don't care if 17325071230572107502 other people buy the DLC, it's not going to change my mind or what I do. One wallet is equal to one vote, I exercise mine.

If you don't feel that by keeping your money that you don't have a vote, that's a cool story and all bro, but I know damn well I'm voting.
More importantly the money saved by voting with your wallet can go to other games you like, to not only punish bad behaviour but encoruage good behaviour, that's almost as important.

I only have a fixed amount of disposible income like most of you it's not enough to buy everything I want, I have to deny some studios my money, I'm damn sure not going to splurge that on MW2 because I resist temptation after the shitty way they treated PC gamers with dedicated servers, that money can go to development studios who care about the PC like BC2 where they made efforts to allow us to use custom FOV which is typically missing from console ports or multiplatform titles.
There's no logical reason to complain that the DLC is already on the disc.
It isn't downloadable content if it's already on the disc. In that case, it's just content. Content that's there, waiting to be utilized, but not until you cough up the coin. In a sense, your potential enjoyment of that content -- which you already have, mind you -- is being held hostage by the publishers.

But then again, who am I kidding? This is BioShock 2 we're talking about here, and one cannot use "enjoyment" and "BioShock 2" in the same sentence without chuckling a bit. If BS2 were a decent game, this might possibly be upsetting in some way.
I also got the disk, which the cost covers. So I guess I paid for that too.

Yup, but the license you purchased (which the license key represents) only covers the use of the original game.

Just like Windows; you purchase a license for Professional but the disc that comes with it has Ultimate included on it. You need an upgraded license for the right to access the rest of the content on the disc.

Sounds like you all would have been happier if they had released the game for $59.99 instead of $49.99, and included the DLC...
Exactly, so your argument logically is that the game is worth $10 less, how that $10 is distributed has no influence on the actual original value of the game, it's just people are knee jerking an emotional response and not thinking it through.

I am not saying you are wrong, I am just trying to explain the original intention was:
"Hey game community, we appreciate you as customers and want to give you a great deal on some extra content for the game you supported us with by buying"

and has now changed to...
"How can we milk out more money from gamers... yea, let's do away with dedicated servers so they will have to buy our map packs/ booster packs/ DLC to get any new content and can't use their own fan based mods and maps."

DLC style stuff used to be free, but understandably it takes money and resources to make that content and people like EA/DICE charge reasonable amounts for it and you actually get new stuff as in the example of the two booster packs for BF2 and the Northern Strike Booster Pack for 2142. They even had the community beta test it and pass back ideas and feedback and implemented it in the final product. That's the way to do it. Not cut the original product back so you can sell it again later.
Yup, but the license you purchased (which the license key represents) only covers the use of the original game.

Just like Windows; you purchase a license for Professional but the disc that comes with it has Ultimate included on it. You need an upgraded license for the right to access the rest of the content on the disc.

Sounds like you all would have been happier if they had released the game for $59.99 instead of $49.99, and included the DLC...

That is neat and all, but obviously the DLC was ready at release, 2K just wanted to charge for something that could have easily been part of the original game.

The problem with your Windows analogy is that there is inherently a better value selling an OS at $104.99 than selling a game at $49.99-59.99. Games these days end up costing up to $80 when all the DLC adds up, I have a hard time stomaching that when games like Morrowing offered 100+ hours of content costing only $39.99 for the GOTY + 2 expansions.
That is neat and all, but obviously the DLC was ready at release, 2K just wanted to charge for something that could have easily been part of the original game.

That's neat and all, but obviously Windows 7 Ultimate was ready at release, Microsoft just wanted to charge for something that could have easily been part of Windows 7 Professional.

Works both ways, and I don't see anyone boycotting Windows 7 over it.
If you support DLC like this, vote with your wallet and buy it, if you don't, then vote with your wallet and don't buy it

and all those "Windows" analogies are flawed

would you still support this kind of DLC on the disc concept if you played a game and go to the last level and when you were approaching the final boss, you see a screen that says DLC not found and you're asked to buy the DLC to fight the final boss?

That's neat and all, but obviously Windows 7 Ultimate was ready at release, Microsoft just wanted to charge for something that could have easily been part of Windows 7 Professional.

Works both ways, and I don't see anyone boycotting Windows 7 over it.

Then buy the DLC and get over the fact that I think the way 2K is handling this is shady.

With Windows, Microsoft also releases free service packs with tons of bug fixes and new content. This would be more like MS charging for the service packs/IE.

To be truthful, many people DID boycott win7 due to the lack of content released with Ultimate. Moot.