Bioshock Infinite $7.49 on Steam!

I noticed X-Com Enemy Within (the expansion) is on sale for $7.50 too. I was going to wait til it dropped to $5 again, but I think this is low enough to draw a bite from me.
I want to get Bioshock, but I feel like there will be a GOTY version in the very near future. So I'll continue holding out. Thanks for sharing though because I noticed a lot of other games on sale for one day only.
I already have this but I hit up that Tomb Raider sale. The GOTY edition is only $9.99.
Definitely worth $8... Anything more than that is a stretch.... This game got NOTHING on BS1..
Definitely worth $8... Anything more than that is a stretch.... This game got NOTHING on BS1..

I don't agree it all, I think its the best one yet and it was an amazing game. I actually have to finish it, never got a chance to.
Good deal -- I think the game showed promise, but I couldn't get past a certain point because all the floating islands were making me sea-sick :(
Definitely worth $8... Anything more than that is a stretch.... This game got NOTHING on BS1..

Shoosh. BioShock infinite is a great game, paid close to full price at launch and worth every penny
Worst ending maybe ever to a video game. Such a cheesy ending..Seriously bullshit.
Beautiful game all around. I literally JUST played it through again and beat it 5 minutes ago. ~13 hours of gameplay for the cost of Jack and Coke??? No brainer
Beautiful game all around. I literally JUST played it through again and beat it 5 minutes ago. ~13 hours of gameplay for the cost of Jack and Coke??? No brainer

There's the third of 3 DLC's that made up the Season Pass coming out on the 25th as well.
This is a steal for both games. I paid around $30 for both and thought they were easily worth every penny.
I paid somewhere around $13.50 for it, IIRC, and I think I would have been satisfied having paid full retail. (Though, I never buy games at full retail)
looks like its $30 now?

anyway, does this take place before the first game?
I don't agree it all, I think its the best one yet and it was an amazing game. I actually have to finish it, never got a chance to.

Dumbing down gameplay and linear levels. That is better to you? 7$ is the max I would pay for this game. It's a huge DOWNGRADE from Bio1.. and 2...
Dumbing down gameplay and linear levels. That is better to you? 7$ is the max I would pay for this game. It's a huge DOWNGRADE from Bio1.. and 2...

Bioshock 1 and 2 were amazing, but you are not giving the entire franchise enough credit if you think infinite is only worth $7. Leads me to believe you either didn't understand it or you are just trolling.
The Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass package is great for the price. It sucks they aren't offering just the Season Pass discounted alone though.
The Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass package is great for the price. It sucks they aren't offering just the Season Pass discounted alone though.

Agreed. Though with the little time I have on my hands, getting through the main game should be enough for me. Also, was pleasantly surprised that my GTX-560 can run this game at 1600x1200 with almost all settings at ultra (shadows and AO at High).
I purchased it along with the season pass & and the extras. It came with some TF2 stuff & ingame extras. Considering that I do usually purchase GOTY games at $20 a pop, $25 dollars was well worth it for the extras.
Bioshock I and II tell a related story. So far as I can tell, the story in Bioshock Infinite is completely independent, though there are some thematic similarities to go along with the gameplay similarities. I don't think you'd be missing anything at all.
Bioshock I and II tell a related story. So far as I can tell, the story in Bioshock Infinite is completely independent, though there are some thematic similarities to go along with the gameplay similarities. I don't think you'd be missing anything at all.

There are some nods to the first game(s) in Infinite, but you're not missing a whole lot by not playing them in terms of Infinite's story.