Bioshock on ATI Mobility Radeon X300 (Dell) not working? :(

Oct 3, 2004
I have a Dell Inspiron 6000 with an ATI Mobility Radeon X300 with 128 MB of memory. I know it isn't going to perform great with the game but I'm just trying to get the demo to run to check it out. Unfortunately, I can't see the mouse pointer in the menus.

Once I get into the game, the video in the plane plays fine but once I come up in the water everything is all messed up. I saw ATI released some driver update but it won't work on my PC...
In case anyone was also wondering, I found the DH Mobility Modder on It allows me to install the ATI released drivers on my Dell. Unfortunately, it didn't work... I'll have to look around some more.
Look I don't mean to be rude, but seriously, Duh! It's Bioshock. You can't expect new games to work well with low end last gen video cards.
ah crap, sorry I forgot it was an insider board. Here's the post:

Earlier today when I heard you needed a SM3 card to run Bioshock, I was mad. Here I had a video card that could run HL2, Stalker, and even upcoming Crysis, but not a game I had been looking forward to and had been getting good ratings everywhere.

So I started tinkering in the shader files of the Bioshock demo...

After an hour, I got it working on my card: and Ill tell you how

First, download this (which I made, and uploaded! dancing )

(If you install the above and it doesnt work, then try downloading and installing this, which offers more of my configuration files: )

Then, copy and paste all files to the C:\Program Files\2K Games\BioShock Demo\Builds\Release directory

Boot up Bioshock, and you should now see your cursor (you couldn't before)


1)It will take a LONG time to load things now at check points. Wait at least 8 minutes when you get a loading screen up
2)Some textures will look really crappy (or be an entirely different color than they should be)

Its a work in progress, so Ill see if I can fix these problems.


After (some visual errors):

(The link in this quote is the same as the second link the first quote, incase anyone is wondering).

Ive uploaded almost all my configuration so hopefully this will fix any underlying issues for people that couldn't get the first one to work. Make sure to replace every file in the C:\Program Files\2K Games\BioShock Demo\Builds\Release with the files in this archive.

You should know if it worked if your mouse cursor now shows up when you boot up the demo (it wouldn't show before)
Though I have no doubt this guy is talented I don't think he is so freaking smart than he did in 24 hours what the developers of the game could not do in three years.
It seems clear that if they wanted this game to work on older cards it could have, the only reason it doesn't is because someone influenced them. Not to point any fingers but Nvidia's brand is all over this game.
You can't expect a game like this to work on a card like that even if it did support the features required that thing was never meant to play games
Not to point any fingers but Nvidia's brand is all over this game.

But even Nvidia based machines are having Great difficulty running this game for even a few minutes. So there are Many other problems here than just ATI/Nvidia based issues. I can't get my system to run the game but for a few minutes, with no audio. I have a SM3.0 card and 2 gb ram etc. and it just sucks.
my .02 cents
Look I don't mean to be rude, but seriously, Duh! It's Bioshock. You can't expect new games to work well with low end last gen video cards.

I didn't expect perfection, just wanted to see what the game was like with the demo. Look at the original post, I was more than clear that I didn't expect perfection.
I thought you were joking.

That crappy video card has a hard time running stuff 2+ years old. Bioshock is perhaps one of the most graphically challenged games to date and you want to run it on a slow slow slow x300?

ap3rtis, thanks. I got it to load correctly using those files and instructions. Appreciate it.

Everyone coming in here saying it is an old, slow card... No crap. That's why I asked if it was possible to get it working enough to check out the demo. Jeez.
I wouldnt even bother unless you like looking at a slideshow, literally. I tried it on my 6800 NU, which is miles ahead of an x300, and it was almost like a slideshow. The minimum requirements state atleast a 128mb video card, but thats a big joke to be honest. The game not only runs horribly at the lowest settings, it also doesnt look that great either.

If anything the game should recommend atleast a 256mb card, say 7600GT and up. You cant run this game at the minimum requirements and enjoy it, trust me. But I imagine if they did that it wouldnt sell as well, since alot of people still use 6600's and 6800's.
I'd actually be quite disappointed if a game like Bioshock DID work on a ATI Mobility Radeon X300. The most this card should be able to do is view the JPEG's on the review sites.

If designers try to make their games compatible with clearly obsolete technology, they are not only limiting their games and also penalizing people who have modern graphic cards.
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