Bioshock system requirements over hyped?


Jun 7, 2001
Like any other red-blooded American, I downloaded and play the Bioshock demo. After reading the minimum system requirements, I was not expecting stellar performance on my aging A64 3000+, 6600GT, and 1GB of RAM which is pretty much the minimum.

Surprisingly, at medium quality, the game was smooth and when tried on high the game was even playable (abit not as smooth, but not too choppy).

Of course I'm planning to replace this system with a more modern cpu, 8600GTS, and at least 2gigs of RAM, however I'm wondering if any other people with older systems are able to get acceptable gameplay. I bought the game and am wondering if I should wait for my upgrade to fully enjoy the game and all its splendor?
It actually ran worse than I expected (Opty @ 2800, 2Gig BH-5, X1800GTO @ 709/756). I had to run it at 1440x900 and set post processing detail to low to get it somewhat playable. Still chugged into the teens in a lot of instances. I loved it though :) Unfortunately MOHA runs even worse so I'm feelin' the itch, just wish 8800GTS hit around $200 instead of climbing back up around $300 when R600 debuted. Since I'm also waiting on the Falcon X360 it's going to be a tough call.
I agree with the OP. I had origianlly ran the game on a 6600GT. I was actually suprised how well it ran. I have since upgraded to 8800GTX...
I wouldnt think your 6600gt could play it smooth at all after looking at this

I personally got around 30fps average with dips down below 20fps at 1024x768 maxed out with my 8600gt at 650/1750. My card is twice as powerful as 6600gt so Im not buying that you get decent framerates.

I am running the game on a MacBook Pro with a 256mb x1600 mobility chip. On 1024x768 it runs in the 20's on medium settings. It is actually smooth enough to play 90% of the time without noticing.

I turned up the clocks on the x1600 to stock but I am still surprised by how well it runs.
I play with the system in my sig at 800x600 and average about 25-30 fps in XP. I also have it loaded in Vista (I dual boot). I will try it out in Vista later and see how well it runs. My video card is really holding me back, so I am considering upgrading to a x1950Pro. I don't have much money right now so that will have to do. My monitor only goes up to 1280x1024, so that's all I need.