Bioware Founders Leave Bioware

Upon finally being released by EA's grip, the two cofounders could be heard exclaiming:

"Quick, we must abandon the sinking ship!"
Muzyka sure spends a hell of a lot of time shilling EA and Bioware in his good-bye. Dude, you're leaving you don't need to act like a PR shill anymore.

In contract Zuschek's good-bye feels really genuine and heartfelt. Feels much more like it was a hard decision that he struggled with.

Bioware was a large part of my teen years and thanks to these two and their teams I have a lot of great memories. It's too bad what they have allowed Bioware to come.
Change is good. These guys obviously needed a change of scenery and I'm glad they have the financial freedom to do so. Kudos to them!
It has begun....


Honestly though, whats up with Greg?
Did he just quit the games industry to become an alcoholic? I see the similarities.... but damn dude. Was it THAT bad?
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Honestly though, whats up with Greg?
Did he just quit the games industry to become an alcoholic? I see the similarities.... but damn dude. Was it THAT bad?

Hold on just a second. Having a passion for beer is enjoy it is NOT being an alcoholic. I know alcoholics and there is no passion or joy to be had from their drinking. It's like calling people who do wine tasting alcoholics, enjoying something doesn't mean you're addicted to it.
Oh, it was just a joke :)
But seriously, maybe he was driven to it. Who knows what working with EA can be like. ha!:) That said the man has tasty beverage passion, I would like to see him brew his own! Shame that they feel they must leave the industry though. Thats where I think they were "driven..."
Oh, it was just a joke :)
But seriously, maybe he was driven to it. Who knows what working with EA can be like. ha!:) That said the man has tasty beverage passion, I would like to see him brew his own! Shame that they feel they must leave the industry though. Thats where I think they were "driven..."

It's a pretty high stress industry and considering their positions and the huge failure of TOR I'm sure they have been under a lot of stress. It's too bad really. I had hoped they would go on to form a small indie company or work with indie devs. Zeschuk saying he lost his passion is pretty telling really.
Yeah I posted a thing about this a while ago but interesting update on things. EVERYONE - Gary Oldman is leaving bioware. In droves man. In all directions. Indie studios, big pubs or just giving up and retiring. EA destroyed Bioware inside and out. I can't find my old thread but a couple Devs did an interview explaining that EA just randomly shook up the whole studio. Had Dargon Age storyboard devs making map packs for the MP of mass effect 3 and other weirdness. Everyone who could afford it left or is leaving.
A little exciting to watch the mighty now fall, isn't it? I say this as a fan of many of BioWare's previous titles.

They made some really nice games.
Stock market shares don't mean everything in this world. Hope other Indie studios are watching this and taking notice because it can and will happen to them if they go the way of the corporate juggernaut. Even Blizzard doesn't look so rosy nowadays since they went "Wall Street", but they have plenty of cash to fall back onto.
Watching Bioware potentially implode isn't so much exciting as depressing, but I'm old enough that this isn't my 'first'. The Bioware I loved slowly faded away after BG2. I'm sure some of the people will carry on. That's really the important thing.

Companies come and go, but great designer/writers can go on and do cool stuff in the future. Look at people like Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer who basically disappeared from the map (from my POW at least) after Lucasgames, and now they're back with very cool projects.

I don't think game design and writing is the young man's game, and besides, The Doctors were never that hands on from what I understand.
So are they retiring due to "artistic differences" with EA? Sorry...I had to go there.
Yeah I posted a thing about this a while ago but interesting update on things. EVERYONE - Gary Oldman is leaving bioware. In droves man. In all directions. Indie studios, big pubs or just giving up and retiring. EA destroyed Bioware inside and out. I can't find my old thread but a couple Devs did an interview explaining that EA just randomly shook up the whole studio. Had Dargon Age storyboard devs making map packs for the MP of mass effect 3 and other weirdness. Everyone who could afford it left or is leaving.

Bioware seemed to kind of run out of ideas before EA even bought them. Then they just sat around turning out mediocre titles while being bankrolled. I'm sure they'd like to blame it on someone else, but they are also greatly to blame, probably more so.
Bioware seemed to kind of run out of ideas before EA even bought them. Then they just sat around turning out mediocre titles while being bankrolled. I'm sure they'd like to blame it on someone else, but they are also greatly to blame, probably more so.

Yep. Though there weren't exaclty hundreds of space opera based action RPG's out there.
I wonder if this was in the works for years now. Could have been some of the motivation for the EA acquisition. I bet they both had a nice payday.
bullfrog was so awesome. fuck you forever ea.

gg to leaving. please make another real game.
So in other words whatever contract they had with EA which forced them to stick around after the buyout has just expired.
To be fair to EA, Bioware wanted to sell out. The drop in quality, innovation, and relevance was a sacrifice on the Altar of Selling Out.
If I were them, I'd rather jump ship too than to watch Bioware make F2P games. :p
Don't tell me anyone posting about EA killing another studio SHOCKS anyone........seriously?

You would think by now that any independant studio out there would know when you join up with EA - you become their bitches and they will squeeze you till you are dry, them shit can the whole opperation.

Hopefully they will start another company and get back to what they did best......without the Mothershitship lording over them.
its pretty sad seeing this, but sometimes change is good. Greg and Ray have been with Bioware for so many great games (Jade Empire, Baldurs Gate, ME1, DE1) I wish them well in their future, and hope that this doesn't cause more of a downhill slide for the studio than the EA purchase.