Bit of BB 9800 news

Looks like the BB 9800 was outed a little early.

Does this change anything for anyone? Is blackberry pretty much done, and the mobile scene is now switching over to the likes of android and iPhone, as another report indicated?

I have 2 managers and 2 supervisors wanting this phone on launch day...

What it means, is current Crackberry addicts will stay addicted for another round, Students will have another cool device to look at (Students love blackberrys for some strange reason. ) and I'll have something else to play with at work.
I think Ill get it. I have to have a BB for work. Ive been using the Bold 9700 since the week after launch and it works but I miss the touchscreen I always had with my HTCs.
It seems on the surface to be a good contender for bb.
It seems on the surface to be a good contender for bb.

Contender for what? The screen resolution on this thing is terrible for a newly launched phone. Since it is AT&T exclusive for now, it will be compared with the iPhone 4 side by side and look terrible. BB will not be able to stay in business if their plan is to keep making phones for people already using Blackberries that need to keep using Blackberries. They need to keep up with the iPhone and Droid, and this phone is not going to compete.
If this came to Verizon, I would consider grabbing it if the multimedia and apps are good. One thing I love with Android is the Google integration and all the apps. RIM needs to find a way to stay competitve in that area. BlackBerry/RIM won't be disappearing anytime soon though thats for sure. Corporations love BB and they will always have a place in the business market.

Although, as cool as this phone is wtf is with that small ass resolution. Really? 480x320?
BB OS 6 better be something special.

I have a Bold 9700 through work and it's a piece of crap. Have to reboot it at least twice a week because it starts to get laggy so e-mails hit the BB 5+ minutes after they hit my Inbox. It loses connection to the network while in the subway and sometimes doesn't reconnect so the phone sits there and searches for the network all weekend killing the battery. Has a hard time opening documents and PDF files at times as well.

Hopefully OS 6 fixes some of those issues.
Contender for what? The screen resolution on this thing is terrible for a newly launched phone. Since it is AT&T exclusive for now, it will be compared with the iPhone 4 side by side and look terrible. BB will not be able to stay in business if their plan is to keep making phones for people already using Blackberries that need to keep using Blackberries. They need to keep up with the iPhone and Droid, and this phone is not going to compete.

We'll have to see. Most BB users are going on pure specifications. They are going for function. 1ghz processors and high rez screens aren't going to win over everyone.
We'll have to see. Most BB users are going on pure specifications. They are going for function. 1ghz processors and high rez screens aren't going to win over everyone.

Look at BB's market share slide and the number of current BB owners planning to defect to a different platform when their contract runs out. Fancy features may not win everyone over, however it is winning the majority over. I feel BB has had some of the best functionality for core functions (making calls, text, email...), however that is not getting them far enough when people are so easily dazzled with faster and larger screened phone.
What I want to know is how long until Verizon has a similar BB OS6 device, my users are chomping at the bit to go Android etc but to be honest I would rather sell them on BB a little while longer until the email and exchange support on Android and iOS fully matures.
One of our execs returned his. He'd rather keep using his bb pearl than use this thing.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Have a few people at work beta testing this phone for government use. Noone likes it.