Bitcoin Discussion Thread Part 2

Kardonxt, I'd be all over that setup if the rates were better. These prices suck right now.
I hear ya. I moved out and don't have a place to run these anymore plus need some cash fast or else i would just hang onto them. I'm sure I will need to part it out but wanted to try for an easy sale first. It pulls in a little over 1600mhash at 875 core.

Thanks for the bump tho!
Anyone have trouble connecting to deepbit and slush's pool?Looks like they're both down at the same time,strange.
Well as long as the price decrease is in line with my production increase as a result of the difficulty decrease, I'm peachy.

Who has had luck setting up the namecoin client in windows? I'm not having a bit of luck after creating the conf file.
Woke up to a overloaded breaker, going to have to pull out the extension cord and use the plug from a different room.
Outside of profit, there isn't any reason to be mining, a much smaller number of computers can keep the network secure. Folding on the other hand provides useful answers that help stop people from dying.
BTCguild down for anyone else? site shows low Ghash and guiminer says connection problems.
BTCGuild dark here 16:00 Pacific

edit/ back up...but I'm missing 30 Mh per card
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Wow this thread has died. All you guys quit mining?

I think we've all decided to turn a blind eye to the numbers for a while since they have plummeted... I've only got 2 of my rigs running at the moment, will have the other 2 up next week..

But its lookin like im gonna have to sell the farm so I can put that $$ towards down payment on a house.. I jumped into BTC hoping I could at least get it to cover 100$/mo for my college costs, but its barely even scraping in that after power costs :(

Have quite decided whether I wanna keep my rigs running or not.
winters around the corner, no reason not to run it if the gear is still under warranty.
winters around the corner, no reason not to run it if the gear is still under warranty.

That where im caught up tho.. While cost of mining will drop as I will not need to provide cooling, the value is still killing it.. But, Ive arranged for my 2nd stack to get up and running tomorrow if im lucky.

Since a friend of mine is running the rigs since his power is much cheaper is hard to physically maintain them.. My first casualty, an XFX 5850, still need to be replaced.. Would really like to trade it for another sapphire after I get it replaced. The XFX and Sapphire mix are not playing nice even tho they are all 5850's in that rig.

Simplecoin is killing me for BTC, so ive had to once again direct them back to Deepbit.
Im still mining TBX there tho.. Wish more pools did merged mining..
Whats a good market to trade Namecoin for BTC?
WoW I didn't even realize we got some new pools
What are those ?
Are they new currency ?
Can I just stick with BTC Simple Coing ?
Here is the Image what I am talking about
WoW I didn't even realize we got some new pools
What are those ?
Are they new currency ?
Can I just stick with BTC Simple Coing ?
Here is the Image what I am talking about

All of the BTC pools are now merged, so you get the benefit of mining NMC simultaneously.

As for the luck, our btc luck has increased some thanks to the new hashes of merged mining. I'd still love to see a string of back-to-back lucky rounds again.
Thinking about going for 6970/6950's to 5 series cards since the performance would be similar and I can sell the 6 series cards for quite a bit right now. Any idea's? would be in 2 rigs, 4 cards each, two 1200W psu's so I'm thinking 5850's for under $150?
with today's market swing i'm sure you could grab a couple for not much more...

And with that, all my inside rigs are shut down for now. I can't afford to mine and pay for the extra AC costs and still come out ahead. 2400G/h down to 800M/h now...
Man, gonna turn my rigs off until the difficulty goes way way down. I'm barely making anything after paying the power bill and the heat/noise are not worth it right now.
My rig is keeping the furnace off for now. I have considered trying to sell my 2 mining cards for BTC. I'm just not sure anyone would be in the market for hardware right now.
Cold front that just came through got me to turn my rigs on again last night. Will go off again once cold snap is over though. No reason to run AC and miners at the same time right now.
I have my windows open in my office and it is freezing, CPU is at 11C on air, GPUs are at 38-43C compared to mid-upper 60C!

I have my heat off right now. I may stick out the BTC depression, not sure yet.
It's back now (btc/nmc at least). There was no evidence of a hack, just one odd behavior. Nevertheless I started from scratch, built it more securely as well.

Good to see..
Any clarification as to what actually happened?