Bitcoin Looking Much Better as it Breaks $11,000


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Bitcoin (BTC) is looking very good in terms of regaining some of its lost value if you take it in the scope of a 1-week view. Even the big picture looks promising as well as BTC is now back over its price from December of 2017. Surely though, BTC is not for those that do not like to gamble.
Loving it...I bought some Litecoin recently and they tanked, however now I'm about back at break even
So I'm a happy bunny


Bitcoin 1Y vs the typical "lifecycle of a bubble" graph.
Damn all those who deterred us in the recent crash...all coins have gained back to a very good percentage, a nice %50 in some cases from the crash. I certainly would have bought some if i wasn't such damn pussy and so damn poor. lol
Wonderful. Man I'm kicking myself for not buying a Strix 1080 when they were a paltry $600 back in December (they're $1200 now). I thought for sure this mining craze would have blown over by now and they'd be back down around $550.
And once again back to articles about bitcoin whenever something happens good or bad.
Well, not surprising, as someone made a $400 million purchase of them recently.
Well, not surprising, as someone made a $400 million purchase of them recently.
Drop in the bucket of overall marketcap and has nothing to do with current value or upward bounce from it's sale pricing last week.
If btc reaches 17k its probably going beyond 20k. if it drops below 10k good chance it may make a new low this year.
Once in a lifetime opportunity. You haters have been given ample opportunity get out of the debt system while your cash still have any value.


Bitcoin 1Y vs the typical "lifecycle of a bubble" graph.

The problem with your chart is that if you look at 1 year, we are at the return to mean portion of your bubble graph with a "stable" value at ~$10k and increasing slowly. If you look at 2 year or 3 year, we are in the "return to 'normal'" part of your bubble graph.
The problem with your chart is that if you look at 1 year, we are at the return to mean portion of your bubble graph with a "stable" value at ~$10k and increasing slowly. If you look at 2 year or 3 year, we are in the "return to 'normal'" part of your bubble graph.
First line starts at $5000 so the chart is already condensed. It looks pretty close to what is being shown. I would agree with the return to normal phase. If you don't look at the chart objectively you would think that it is coming out of despair phase. It probably will fall through the floor again.
And once again back to articles about bitcoin whenever something happens good or bad.
Since I don't follow this crap day to day (minute to minute), I appreciate the occasional post on what is going on. It's amusing to watch the gambling from time to time.
Since I don't follow this crap day to day (minute to minute), I appreciate the occasional post on what is going on. It's amusing to watch the gambling from time to time.
I don't mind the occasional post either, but it seemed for a while there was at least one post a day, which goes beyond "occasional"
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I don't mind the occasional post either, but it seemed for a while there was at least one post a day, which goes beyond "occasional"

If people would stop posting in the threads, the news wouldn’t get posted. But Crypto talk is like iOS bashing around here, people just can’t help but to jump in and comment.
Wonderful. Man I'm kicking myself for not buying a Strix 1080 when they were a paltry $600 back in December (they're $1200 now). I thought for sure this mining craze would have blown over by now and they'd be back down around $550.

Greed is a powerful thing

“If your conduct is determined solely by considerations of profit you will arouse great resentment.”
I regret not jumping on the bandwagon in 2009. One bitcoin was pocket change back then and I could have bought several hundreds. Fkuc!
If you don't look at the chart objectively you would think that it is coming out of despair phase.

If I don't look at my morning toast objectively I'd swear I see the outline of jesus. The chart is amusing but meaningless.

Bitcoin has been trending upward since 2009, with a considerable ice age in the earlier days that lasted a few years but ultimately you can draw a trendline between 2009 and 2018, and that line points upward. So the day to day fluctuations don't really matter except to the salty, age 50+ naysayers and nervous, late bandwagon coinbase noobs that think it means something. Most casual observers simply don't see or understand we're in the midst of a paradigm shift to the Internet of Money, and actually still in the early part of the adoption curve.

Many slow roll transitions simply aren't apparent or obvious until considered and observed in retrospect.
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I'd like a little price stability.

Still happy with my meager mining proceeds.
It's being artificially pumped by Tether again. If the regulators ever audit Tether this house of cards will collapse.
Hey - good luck and best wishes to all the miners out there. I wish I had started mining as a hobby (like I wanted to) back in ~2012, but coulda woulda shoulda... Now people are scalping video cards rabble rabble rabble. :)

For those in the game - I hope you make millions, and I hope you have fun even if you don't. Need some reason to tinker around with a computer - right?
You got jokes! Maybe some of us don't have money to gamble with and can't tell the future. This thing is the lottery and I win everyday by not playing.

This is for sure. Everytime i buy or hold a coin it plummets. Everytime i sell, it blows up. I basically can completely control the bitcoin market if i wanted -- for the worse of my own financial situation.
For those in the game - I hope you make millions, and I hope you have fun even if you don't. Need some reason to tinker around with a computer - right?

You are right about this.
The first computer I built was a month ago for a miner rig. I thought it would be practice for my next build.
This is for sure. Everytime i buy or hold a coin it plummets. Everytime i sell, it blows up. I basically can completely control the bitcoin market if i wanted -- for the worse of my own financial situation.

You really know how to buy high and sell low. Look on the bright side, you are avoiding taxes well.

Buying and selling frequently is a lot more difficult than researching crypto and believing it has a long term future.
Yeah, its a volatile asset to be sure. And past performance is always a predictor of the future right?
Either way, I'm okay. I need another card for gaming and I want decent mining proceeds.

So, win win I guess.