Black Friday Brawl Breaks Out

I can't understand why people get so jacked up elsewhere over stupid toys. Here in Huntsville, the lines were long at most stores, but generally everyone was pretty civil and friendly. At least that was my experience @ Target, Staples, & Lowes. My only complaint was that shopping carts were allowed at all.
Did all my Black Friday shopping on Amazon, INSANE deals. Anyone that braved the malls for this is loony.
I honestly think the woman has caught the stupid. I cannot for the life of me figure out why in the hell she would even bother going to the mall. There are HUNDREDS of nail shops in my town. i dont get it.
This cr@p only seems to get worse. Personally my TIME is worth way more than any savings I would receive getting up at some ungodly hour and standing in huge lines. It's kind of like driving an extra 10miles each way to save 5 cents a gallon for gas. ;) or driving across town to a sale so you can get a pair of socks for %50 off.

Stay home and shop online.
This is nothing new.. i remember going with my mom back in the 80's to a toys r us in Albany sittin on the floor lookin at GI Joe's this nice stock clerk had just brought a full box out for me to browse through.. when all of a sudden there were screams and a ton of shouting comng from a couple isles over... They had just brought out a pallet of Cabbage patch kids... and like 40 women were fighting over mom comes tearing around the corner and here i am.. sittin with my hands balls deep in a box of GI Joes i didnt have... and my mom is like. grab what you can carry... we are leaving...LOL.. I made out like a bandit... no way id have gotten a bunch of new GI Joes if there hadnt been a riot in the store... and when we left.. there must have been about 10 Colonie police cars in the parking lot... it was great stuff...
This makes me ROFL, since our Toys R Us had the same shit happen at midnight too.

It was a giant bumble-fuck of people banging on the front door, to the point the manager was afraid to let them in. He calls PD, our east-side officers responded, a mini-riot erupted and a bunch of officers were put out in trouble since dispatch couldn't hear shit when they keyed up, except the roar of the crowd, complete with profanities.

Great stuff, wish I could've made the scene. Dozens of police cars tear-assing lights and sirens into the Toys R Us lot, to fend off the unruly mob...priceless.
That, my friends, is every reason for you to stay home and sleep in during Black Friday and let the sheeple amuse you later on in the news.
This makes me ROFL, since our Toys R Us had the same shit happen at midnight too.

It was a giant bumble-fuck of people banging on the front door, to the point the manager was afraid to let them in. He calls PD, our east-side officers responded, a mini-riot erupted and a bunch of officers were put out in trouble since dispatch couldn't hear shit when they keyed up, except the roar of the crowd, complete with profanities.

Great stuff, wish I could've made the scene. Dozens of police cars tear-assing lights and sirens into the Toys R Us lot, to fend off the unruly mob...priceless.
It might be priceless if you live in a city that isn't in the process of laying off between 25-50 officers due to budget cuts and major economic hardship. Such an incident only wastes your tax dollars further and allows real crime to happen while a bunch of idiots waste the PD's time.

IMO, the police depts. should issue each store that doesn't provide their own security measures a big-a#$ bill for any incident they need to be called out for, and put the people who caused it in the pokey to cool off until the sales are over.
Pffft, if Best Buy had i7 920s or X25Ms for $100 all you guys would be there beating the hell out of each other with tire irons and fire extinguishers.

That's what Tow trucks and well placed phone calls are for. ;)

My Black Friday experience was fine, like last year. I went to Best Buy at 3:30 AM, just before they handed out tickets for doorbusters. Best Buy has the best Black Friday system by far, BTW. 1-2 hours before opening they go down the line handing out tickets that permit customers to buy the doorbuster items they want after the store opens. At checkout, you hand your ticket to an employee who then retrieves your item from the back. Therefore there is no running or fighting over items. There is no use in storming the door as you can't buy doorbusters unless you have a ticket, which you can only get by standing in line two hours before opening.

I got the things I wanted. And yeah, I probably could have found equivalent deals online had I searched hard enough. But I actually enjoy the shopping experience; people in this area are surprisingly friendly. The lady in line behind me had a great sense of humor; it was her first time Black Friday shopping, and we talked and laughed and had a great conversation while passing the time.

Wal-Mart and Target weren't as well organized, from what I hear, but my family members who stood in line at those stores say they had a great time, too.

Yea..and I got the exact same deals on newegg, except I actually got to sleep on BF..unlike you and the rest of the idiots standing outside freezing your ass off to save ..oh wait You didn't save a thing HAHAHAAHAHAHA should of looked online Sucker! Also, don't try to BS us, No one enjoys "The experience" at 4 in the morning in the freezing cold. Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Once again, BF is for people not intelligent enough to shop online. My christmas shopping was done weeks ago. Between catching the odd sale at a B&M and online prices, I never fought a crowd, never dealt with limited quantity, never dealt with out of stock, never stood in the cold at 3am, never lost sleep..etc etc etc. All that and if I add up the totals of what I spent vs what I could of on BF, I might of overspent by a few dollars. I guess I am willing to sacrifice that 1 starbucks trip to not deal with all the above bs.

Happy holidays!
I approve of the above message, it's the epitome of how to have an enlightened Christmas shopping experience.

I bought 3 games for $20 on Steam today, KOTOR for Guitarrasdeamor on this forum, L4D for $7.49 for a friend who didn't have it, and Ghostbusters for $10 for myself

talk about deals!
I went to one store yesterday to get something for the house. It was around 11:00A, and they had what I had came for. Then I saw the line for the registers. It must have been about 60 people deep. I put it back on the shelf and left. There was no way I was going to get in that line for maybe 2 hours to save a few bucks. Although, everybody seemed pretty calm.
sounds crazy on BF - i would really like to witness what some of these people are like just for a laugh

we don't really have BF in canada (boxing day is probably the closest thing) but the last line i saw was when MW2 came out and there were about 150 people waiting in line. no mobs/brawls broke out - in fact, most people were standing around drinking a few beers or smoking a joint (but they had probably pre-ordered anyway)
Obviously, you have never been to New Haven. They got some really bad areas in Conn. Then again there are some parts of New York and Jersey I would never drive or walk into either. I'm a guy who grew up int he ritzy suburbs near NYC. I live near the 3rd largest mall in America the Palisades Center. its on wikipedia.

People get nuts going into debt on Black Friday. And they get into fights and trample over people. They freeze their buts off camping for hours in front of a store for a no name or an old tv model on sale. Its weird with online shopping being where the action and the deals really are. I buy all of my stuff through newegg and amazon. And I never go into debt to do it. I only spend extra money and in this economy I got none.
i heard several rumors about the Toys R Uses around my area... tazers, police, punched managers etc.

this store sounds exciting!
Probably a repost but:

Note the flier mentions both Thanksgiving and this Muslim holiday. Oddly that is evident in the photo posted on the KDVR site yet the text for this news item claims that "thanksgiving" is off limits.

Oh Fox. You are so adorable.

RABBLE! RABBLE! RABBLE! Socialism! Fascism! Communism! Moon landings Were faked! Where's the Birth certificate?!?!? 9/11 was an Inside job!
And yeah: shopping on "black friday" is for 'tards. Stayed home an played some MW2.
I don't even see the point in shopping on Black Friday. The stores don't even have the stuff I wanted. I stayed home, loaded up found the camera I wanted (not available in any store, Panasonic lz10) bought it for $99 and without waiting in line or freezing my butt off in the cold.

Times have changed, and the way Black Friday is done should also. All deals should be held online and not at the store. How is killing someone worth any toy you were going to save $15 on? enlighten me cause I think sleep deprived shoppers don't need to buy toys, they need to buy a can of common sense.
I don't even see the point in shopping on Black Friday. The stores don't even have the stuff I wanted. I stayed home, loaded up found the camera I wanted (not available in any store, Panasonic lz10) bought it for $99 and without waiting in line or freezing my butt off in the cold.

Times have changed, and the way Black Friday is done should also. All deals should be held online and not at the store. How is killing someone worth any toy you were going to save $15 on? enlighten me cause I think sleep deprived shoppers don't need to buy toys, they need to buy a can of common sense.

Well then the Black Friday business model wouldn't work. The idea is to get you to come to the store, discover the sale item you want is long gone, and buy a bunch of more expensive alternatives on your way out because you don't want to leave empty-handed after waiting so long. :p
Yea..and I got the exact same deals on newegg, except I actually got to sleep on BF..unlike you and the rest of the idiots standing outside freezing your ass off to save ..oh wait You didn't save a thing HAHAHAAHAHAHA should of looked online Sucker! Also, don't try to BS us, No one enjoys "The experience" at 4 in the morning in the freezing cold. Give me a break. :rolleyes:

not that I actually enjoy shopping, but some of the greatest times of my life are at 4 am, when walking the dog, or going for a run, or when I lost my virginity. I could easily stop and get into a conversation with people waiting outside stores. then again, I am up in Canada.
Probably a repost but:

Note the flier mentions both Thanksgiving and this Muslim holiday. Oddly that is evident in the photo posted on the KDVR site yet the text for this news item claims that "thanksgiving" is off limits.

Oh Fox. You are so adorable.

RABBLE! RABBLE! RABBLE! Socialism! Fascism! Communism! Moon landings Were faked! Where's the Birth certificate?!?!? 9/11 was an Inside job!

Are you talking about the local Fox station's article posted in the other front page news thread? If so, it says "Merry Christmas" is off limits, not thanksgiving.

Either you can't read very well or you're intentionally missing things to paint a local Fox affiliate as the big bad corporate media monster that will score you just enough leftie points to be the hippest guy at the local coffee shop. Buck fush, amirite? :rolleyes:
This is why I don't ever go to the black friday sales. Sure their might be a few things with nice prices. But it isn't worth the headache of trying to get the stuff.

Amen. It's like a cult movement in America, a part of the culture or something.
Also, don't try to BS us, No one enjoys "The experience" at 4 in the morning in the freezing cold. Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Happy holidays!

No BS, I could actually say I enjoy it. Don't really care much about shopping, and I'm definitely not out there for the deals, but some of us actually enjoy hanging out with friends/family at odd hours of the morning. I was out on black friday from 1:00-9:00 and the only thing I bought was a box of harry&david truffles to share with my gf.
I was visiting family though and the outlets they go to haven't been bad at all the past two years I've gone with them; they're busy, but nothing to the point of the shit I read about when I get home.

not that I actually enjoy shopping, but some of the greatest times of my life are at 4 am, when walking the dog, or going for a run, or when I lost my virginity. I could easily stop and get into a conversation with people waiting outside stores. then again, I am up in Canada.

+1 for this. A perfect list of early morning activities, sir. ;)