Black Ice XtremeII Radiator vs X-Flow Black Ice Xtreme II?


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2006
Im looking at these two radiators (Black Ice XtremeII Radiator, X-Flow Black Ice Xtreme II) and they are both the same price on DangerDen and both seem to have the same description except the X-flow is "now optimized for low flow cooling system configurations."

Does that have any performance benefit at all? What exactly does that mean?

Links to both items:

BTW, If you happen to know of a better double radiator around the same price please let me know.

x-flow means single pass while the other is dual pass. dual pass are better, the cool better. or so that was i was told.
Not to steal threads here, but how does the Black Ice Xtreme II Rad compare to the Stealth GTS 240 Black Ice? I really like the size of the Stealth, since I'm trying to fit this in a SFF, but if it's a considerable performace decrese, I would reconsider.
funny you bring that up. I read a few reviews and people say to use high rpm fans on the extremes so im going to just go with the GTS 240. Size isn't really an issue for me as its being mounted on the back of my case but im sure its fine. Google around and if you find anything interesting please post.