Black screen when loading Ubuntu 11.04


Mar 26, 2007
So I partitioned the hdd in my laptop to dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. After the installation for ubuntu was complete, I went to load it and it displayed nothing but a black screen. The hdd is a Samsung 256GB SSD. Do I need to do something special? :confused: It ran fine over the liveCD
Did you load the community AMD drivers or the Official AMD drivers?

Are you able to get in via ssh or telnet? If you could swing that you could at least try getting some driver packages installed.

I had some strange issues getting my E350 working properly in 11.04 off the bat. After I fiddled with drivers I was able to get it going.

Are you seeing Grub when you boot the machine up?
I had serious issues with 11.04 with my laptop. (running AMD 5650). For some reason unity doesn't like to boot with it. Even after working it out where I could get it to boot, it was sluggish and ran VERY hot for some reason. I went with 11.10 and had no issues at all with it.
I'd try 10.04 personally. 11.xx has been troublesome from the start.
Did you load the community AMD drivers or the Official AMD drivers?

Are you able to get in via ssh or telnet? If you could swing that you could at least try getting some driver packages installed.

I had some strange issues getting my E350 working properly in 11.04 off the bat. After I fiddled with drivers I was able to get it going.

Are you seeing Grub when you boot the machine up?
Nope. I'm not able to see anything...
I had serious issues with 11.04 with my laptop. (running AMD 5650). For some reason unity doesn't like to boot with it. Even after working it out where I could get it to boot, it was sluggish and ran VERY hot for some reason. I went with 11.10 and had no issues at all with it.
That's the GPU I have as well.... guess I'll have to try a different version.
I'd try 10.04 personally. 11.xx has been troublesome from the start.
Okay I'll give it a shot. Thanks
Do you have any other video ports on the system? (dual head card, unused onboard video, etc..) If so, mayhaps the video is being output to the non-connected port?
Update: Im having to go with a Gnome 2 distro instead of 3/unity. I started to have issues with the graphics divers (tried both proprietary and non) and I just cant get the stability that I could with a gnome 2 distro. Im going to give Mint a shot.
I personally think Gnome3/Unity is garbage anyways. I much prefer Gnome2, or even something simple such as LXDE. That's all preference though :)
11.04 is garbage. Stay away.

10.04 will give you problems with new AMD cards, you'll need a commandline option on the bootCD if you haven't already figured it out.
I'd try 10.04 personally. 11.xx has been troublesome from the start.

Agreed. 10.10 was the last version of Ubuntu I used before ditching it. The 11.04 live image wouldn't even boot on my rig (system hangs and corrupted graphics).
Just to update. I didnt like mint very much. I just really dislike the GUI. I went with Ubuntu 10.10 and it's been great. The only issue I'm having is I can't get either set of drivers to work well with my hd5650. If I go with amd drivers, I can't switch between integrated and discrete graphics. With the open source, vgaswitcheroo works ok but struggles with even basic 3d games and runs very hot.