
Jul 7, 2005
Has anyone else tried this game? I really wish they made a pc version, it looks pretty good on xbox. It meets my requirements for a badass first person shooter.
Too bad the enemies in it are dumb as rocks. You think they could revamp the ai a bit.
MrSatan said:
Too bad the enemies in it are dumb as rocks. You think they could revamp the ai a bit.

Yeah, the AI is really sad. There's not enough direction in the game telling you what you're supposed to be doing. It's pretty much a weekend game. Rent it and then blast through it over the weekend.
i've seen the previews on tv for it and im not really a console gamer but it looks awesome as hell
in1ine5k/\t3r said:
i've seen the previews on tv for it and im not really a console gamer but it looks awesome as hell
Yeah, that's usually what advertisers are aiming for :D

Seriously though, forming opinions of a game from promotional material is a bad idea. The gaming industry churns out a lot of crap, and it always looks good in the trailer...
One of my mates has it (on xbox) and seemed to really enjoy it. The only thing he said he didn't like about it was that there was no quicksave option and the save points were to far apart.I watched him play it and it looked ok for an xbox game. I would have borrowed it to play myself, but I'm too busy playing Pro Evo 5 :D
TranquilRed said:
One of the shortest games ever, do not buy it. I beat it in 4:38.

That's not the norm for most people. You must have played it on Normal or Easy difficulty. Each mission, except for the first one, takes approx 45-50 minutes (assuming you play it straight through and never die). There are 8 missions including the first one. The game will take a LOT longer than that to get through, especially assuming you die or turn off the console.

I'm guessing you're going on what the game is telling you. That time is only for a successful run through the game. So, if you were to sit down in one sitting and play through the entire game without ever dying. The reality is, you'll die some and you wont play it all straight through. So, your actual time is quite a bit longer than that.
After so much hype I really haven't heard anything about it. That's kind of the opposite of what a good game should do.
I bought the game assuming it would work on the X360. To my findings I was wrong. I have learned a very valuable lession, always make sure old games are compatible with the X360. Although I was able to return the game and get instore credit after explaining my situation. Which was nice.