Blackmesa HL² by piloux


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 20, 2004
I did a search and couldnt find this info linked anywhere, but this is some very nice case modding I'd say.....on par with with Doom3 project currently underway.

Half Life 2 Blackmesa Case Mod

Sorry if this was already posted and I didnt see it.
Hehe "oh snap" That case has been around like (insert insult about your mother), but it is sweet! The second one is better IMO. The best hl2 case mod is this one It has REAL STEAM!!! Ok so its fake steam. Its the best hl2 casemod! Period.
·PitBuLL· said:
That steam is amazing. Mad points for originality. Thanks for the find apHytHiaTe.
Thanks for spelling my name right! Sorry for my stupid postage earlier ^
:D :D :D